

【作者】 邓智勇

【导师】 邵培基; 陈光宇; 袁鸿彪;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 项目管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 瓶颈无处不在,项目也不例外。作者从事的电力铁塔项目经常遇到诸多瓶颈因素。技术和资源的瓶颈与冲突的影响,即约束,会导致众多项目延期。项目管理者为了赶工期常常以牺牲产品质量为代价。传统的项目进度管理虽然各项任务均包含大量的安全时间,但众多项目依然延期,主要是由于学生综合症和帕肯森定律的影响。针对上述问题,本文对传统项目进度管理方法进行评述,并与约束理论和关键链方法进行对比分析。关键链法考虑到工序间的技术约束条件和资源约束条件,采用项目缓冲、输送缓冲和资源缓冲机制来降低项目的不确定因素对项目计划执行的影响。最后,通过铁塔项目的实例分析说明,以约束理论与关键链为代表的方法强调以系统的观点对项目进度进行管理,可以有效地减少不确定因素对项目进度的影响,从而大大地缩短项目工期并能有力保障项目质量。

【Abstract】 Bottle-neck exists anywhere, especially in projects. We always undertake many steel tower projects which include many kinds of bottle-neck factors. Due to the impacts of conflicts and these factors of technology and resources, which are called constraints, many projects are postponed. If managers want to finish the project in time, they have to lower quality standards. In traditional project scheduling management, although all tasks of the project have much safety time, but most projects still delay because of the impact of student syndrome and Parkinson’s Law.Accounting for these problems, we review traditional methods for scheduling management with theory of constraints and critical chain method in contrast. The critical chain method considers both technology constraints and resource constraints among processes. The method lowers uncertainty effect on project plan with time buffers, known as the project buffer, the feeding buffers, and the resource buffer. It is illustrated by an example of real tower that the representative methods, theory of constraints and critical chain, emphasize system viewpoint, which can reduce the impact caused by some uncertain factor, and then reduce project time limit greatly and assure project quality effectively.

  • 【分类号】F224;F407.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】398