

【作者】 石小丽

【导师】 钟尔杰;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算数学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 卫星导航定位技术作为世界上最先进的导航与定位系统,随着其在全球的普及,日益显示了卫星导航的巨大优越性和其在经济、军事领域的重大作用。在导航战中,GPS实时准确地为地面、空中、海上部队和导航发射、制导提供了导航定位数据。因此研究GPS导航定位技术已成为当务之急。本文主要针对GPS载波相位测量定位解算算法,做了较为深入的理论分析,提出了相应的算法,并进行了计算机仿真分析。论文首先详细阐述了GPS系统的概况,然后介绍了GPS定位方式和整周模糊度与周跳的相关研究以及国内外的研究现状。其次研究了GPS绝对定位解算算法,分别讨论了利用伪码测量的绝对定位和载波相位测量的绝对定位,提出了一种新的基于QR分解的递推解算算法,并结合递推最小二乘法进行了仿真分析。再次研究了载波相位测量的整周模糊度解算理论,介绍几种典型的OTF方法,并分析了各种方法的优缺点,针对单点绝对定位问题对模糊度搜索方法进行了改进,给出了实际算例的仿真验证;最后介绍了目前处理周跳的一些有效方法,并对其进行了算例仿真,提出了一种基于奇偶矢量法的周跳探测与修复的算法,并通过实际算例仿真进行验证,取得了较理想的结果。论文的最后概括了本文的研究意义、研究目的和工作内容,并指出下一步的研究内容。

【Abstract】 As the most advanced navigation and positioning system in the world nowadays,GPS is used widely especially on martial aspects,satellite positioning technology is becoming a hot spot.In the war of navigation,usage of GPS has become essential for precise command control and the precision of attacks and armed force deployment and influence the means and effects of the war at its every phase.So research on the technology of the GPS positioning has become the urgent task.In this thesis, the problems in resolving position of GPS carrier phase measurement are studied and the improving algorithm is proposed and simulated. There are two purposes of my paper:one is searching for how to increase the accuracy of the pseudorange and the speed of solutions;the other is detect and compensate the cycle slip of GPS carrier in the period of navigation process.Firstly, the principle of GPS positioning, Integer Ambiguity and cycle slip is introduced concisely. And then new methods for increasing the accuracy of the pseudorange and the speed of solutions are presented. They are using recursive emendatory Gram-Schmidt method or recursive Householder transformation to solve which based on QR-factorization. Thirdly, introduce kinds of OTF methods. Fourthly, new methods for enhancing detection capability are presented. Firstly, using Kalman filter in the model of the 3rd order polynomial to pretreat the carrier phase, and then a parity vector test method is used to detect cycle slips. Finally, some conclusions are obtained, some new ideals are provided.
