

【作者】 杨永胜

【导师】 井润田;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国大禹建设集团公司是国务院国资委监管的大型国有企业。集团拥有全资子公司17家,控股子公司9家,参股公司3家。集团主业为建筑工程,相关工程技术研究、勘察、设计、服务与专用设备制造,水电投资建设与经营,房地产开发经营。依托4大主业,集团形成6个业务板块:水电施工建设、非水电施工建设、电力投资与经营、设备制造与租赁、房地产开发、海外投资与建设。截止2006年底,集团注册资本金40亿元,营业收入409亿元,资产总额418.84亿元,净资产69.15亿元,利润总额9.01亿元,净利润6.28亿元,劳动生产率32.01万元,员工总数12.67万人。在50多年的奋斗历程中,中国大禹建设集团公司为中国的基础设施建设特别是水利水电工程建设事业做出了重大贡献,承担了国内70%的大中型水电站和水利枢纽工程的建设任务。中国大禹建设集团公司也成为中国企业“走出去”的排头兵。在中央企业加快建立现代企业制度、加快推进重组整合、完善产权管理体系建设进程中,要保证中国大禹建设集团公司进入中央企业重组后的80-100家行列,最终打造为国家重点培植的具有较强国际竞争力的30-50家中央企业。本文采用SWOT分析法,通过分析评价中国大禹建设集团公司的企业现状、内部资源的优势和劣势、发展环境的机会和威胁,选取国内相关企业同中国大禹建设集团公司进行对标,研究提出了中国大禹建设集团公司的战略选择、战略定位、战略目标和企业未来3-5年发展规划以及实现的5项保障措施,提出了中国大禹建设集团公司在中央企业布局与结构调整中的地位及相应的重组设想。

【Abstract】 China Dayu Construction Corporation (hereinafter called“China Dayu”) is large-scale state-own enterprise under the supervision and control of State Administration of State Property of the State Council. It manages 17 wholly owned subsidiaries, 9 shareholding companies, 3 joint stock companies. Its main business covers engineering construction, research, reconnaissance, design, consultancy service and special equipment manufacturing, investment, construction and operation of hydropower projects, development and operation of real estates. As the backbone of its four primary business sectors, the group has established 6 business divisions, i.e., hydropower construction, non-hydropower projects, power investment and operation, equipment manufacturing and leasing, development of real estates, investment and construction of overseas projects. Until the end of the year 2006, China Dayu has registered capital of 4billion Chinese Yuan, business revenue of 40.9billion Chinese Yuan, total assets of 41.88billion Chinese Yuan, net assets of 6.915billion Chinese Yuan, gross profit of 901million Chinese Yuan, net profit of 628million Chinese Yuan, annual labor productivity of 320,1000 Chinese Yuan, with its all employees of 126,700.Since its establishment in 1950s, China Dayu has made great contributions to the construction of infrastructural facilities in China, especially the development of hydropower projects, and undertaken the construction of more than 70% of large and medium scale hydropower and water conversancy projects in China. China Dayu is also the pioneer in carrying out the policy of“Going Out”strategy.With the development of accelerating establishment of modern enterprise system, reorganization and merging, improving the establishment of property rights of state-owned enterprises, China Dayu’s targets is to enter the range of 80-100 large0-scale reorganized and merged central government enterprises, and be finally forged one of 30-50 greatly competitive international central-government owned enterprises with great support from Chinese government.The SWOT Analysis method is applied in this article. This article analyzes current situation, advantages and shortcoming of internal resources, opportunity and challenge of development environments, and select some relevant domestic enterprises to compare with China Dayu, study and raises the strategic selection, strategic positioning, strategic target, development planning within the following 3-5years and 5safeguards, further proposes the position and corresponding reorganization conception of China Dayu in the process of the layout and structural adjustment of central government owned enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F426.92
  • 【下载频次】137