

【作者】 邓普德

【导师】 段钢; 罗明辉;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 项目管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近几十年来,随着计算机在社会生产和生活各个领域中的应用深度和广度的发展,软件所扮演的角色越来越突出。成功的软件项目给我们带来了巨大的效益,但是在软件项目和软件产品中也暴露出一些问题。随着问题的进一步突出,出现了所谓的“软件危机”,于是人们提出了“软件工程”的概念来解决“软件危机”。尽管人们在软件工程7条原理的指导下,对软件项目进行工程化的管理,取得了一定的成效,但是令人遗憾的是没有解决本质上的问题,于是人们意识到软件危机的实质问题是缺乏管理软件过程的能力。能力成熟度模型集成CMMI:Capability Maturity Model Integration)是在能力成熟度模型(CMM:Capability Maturity Model)基础上的发展和完善,是当今软件过程领域的重要成果。CMMI融合了全面质量管理的思想,为软件企业的过程改进提供了标准。美国卡耐基梅隆大学软件工程学院(SEI)的CMMI等级评估可以为不同类型软件企业引入此标准,卓有成效开展软件过程工作,提升软件质量水平。本论文介绍了软件能力成熟度模型集成产生的历史背景,CMMI的主要构成部件,阶段式法及过程能力成熟度的评价方法。论文采用帕雷托图和因果分析法对SF公司软件开发产品质量问题进行分析,找到了引起SF公司软件开发产品质量问题的三个关键因素,并在第四章对涉及到这三个关键因素的需求开发、需求管理、系统设计、设计实现、项目监督和控制五个CMMI关键过程进行了探讨,提出了一套基于CMMI的SF公司软件过程改进的标准过程。本文所构建的关键过程管理框架模型虽然具有很强的针对性,但模型中的很多思想来源于实践而又高于实践,因此,对我国中小型软件企业的质量管理实践有着实际的指导作用和参考价值。

【Abstract】 In recent decades, as computers are applied in all spheres of social production and life, the software plays an increasingly prominent role. The successful project has given us the great economic benefits, but some problems were exposed in software projects and products. With the further exposure of problems, a so-called“software crisis”arises. Therefore, the“software engineering”concept is proposed to solve the“software crisis”. With the guidance of seven principles of software engineering, the project management of software engineering has made progress. However, it is pity that the essential problems have not been solved. Then it is realized that the lack of the project management capacity throughout the software project process is the fundamental problem.Capability Maturity Model Integrated (thereinafter referred to as CMMI) is developed and perfected on the basis of Capability Maturity Model (thereinafter referred to as CMM), which is the important achievement in the software area. CMMI has integrated the comprehensive quality management ideas, providing the standard for the software process improvement of enterprise. CMMI rating appraisal of American Camegic Mellon University Software Engineering Institute (thereinafter referred to as SEI) can be used to introduce the standard for different types of software enterprises, in order to effectively carry out the software work and upgrade the level of software quality.The Paper introduces historical background and major parts of CMMI, stepwise approach and the appraisal method of software process capability maturity. The paper adopts the Paleto and the causal analysis theory to analyses the product quality problem and find out three key factors in the software development of SF Company. In Chapter Four, five CMMI key processes of "demand developing", "demand management", "system design", "design realization", "project monitoring”and“project control" have been discussed related to these three key factors. A set of standard processes of SF company software process betterment based on CMMI is proposed accordingly.Although the model of key process management framework discussed in the paper is pertinent, lots of thoughts in the model are summarized from the practice and even better than the practice. So it is very useful and can be referred during the quality management of small and medium level software companies in China.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
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