

【作者】 倪鸥

【导师】 徐红兵;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 信息时代条件下,企业面临着一个复杂多变、竞争激烈的生存环境,加剧了企业决策的难度和风险。如何快速高效的利用企业经营中的大量动态数据辅助管理人员做出决策已成为企业生存的关键。数据库、网络等信息技术的发展为构建企业管理信息系统提供了技术条件,但是,当前的企业信息管理系统中主要仍按传统模式的数据逻辑组织数据,只是利用数据库技术对数据进行更多的分类操作,即除了表面上采用了数据库这一先进的计算机技术,本质上并未改变企业信息描述、处理和存储的模式。这使得所建立的管理信息系统存在信息单一、过度汇总、集成度低、实时性差等固有缺点。为了克服传统模式下描述企业数据和建立管理信息系统的缺陷,本文从理论和实践两个方面研究了新兴的REA(Resource-Event-Agent)模型在企业管理信息系统设计中的应用。本文首先讨论了信息时代条件下企业业务及对信息需求的特点,分析了基于传统模式的企业管理信息系统不能满足当今企业业务需求的深层原因。然后通过阐述企业信息系统设计模式从事项模型、数据库模式到REA模型的发展过程提出了REA模型发展的必要性和必然性。详细介绍和分析了REA模型的核心思想、基本内容、建模方法和步骤,以及实际应用中的扩展。针对网上书店这一典型的信息化企业,运用REA模型详细分析了其业务流程并设计了系统架构、概念模型及数据模型,阐明了REA模型在实际应用的方法和框架。最后通过对国产主流企业管理信息系统软件与REA模型的对比分析,揭示了国产企业管理信息系统软件设计思想上的优点和不足,进一步论证了REA模型的有效性和实用性,并提出了企业管理信息系统将来发展的方向。

【Abstract】 Under the conditions of the information age, enterprises are facing with a complicated, dynamic and competitive environment, which exacerbates the difficulty and risk of their decision-making. Utilizing an efficient information system to handle the huge amount of dynamic information becomes the key to survive. Database, computer networks and other information technologies provide the basic conditions to build enterprise information systems. Besides, there’s an important thing we must deal with before utilizing these technologies. That is how to understand and describe the economic activities of nowadays companies with a logic model.This thesis focuses on introducing the REA (Resource-Event-Agent) model and its application in MIS developing. It began with discussing the feature of complexity and variety of enterprises’activities in the information age, and then compared three modeling methodologies, which are events approach, entity-relationship model approach and REA, and concluded the relationship among them. After a full introduction of the content of REA, business process models and data storing structures of a typical online bookstore company were built by using the REA model concept, which demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of REA approach. The last part of the thesis is a comparison between the REA model and a popular accounting MIS software in China’s market, again, we figured out the advantages of REA by comparison and discussed how to improve MIS software design by utilizing the idea of REA model.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】169