

【作者】 胡炜

【导师】 李毅超;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着USB技术和闪存技术的飞速发展,一种结合这两种新技术的产品——U盘应运而生。它采用闪存存储介质(Flash Memory)和通用串行总线(USB)接口,可用于存储任何数据文件和在电脑间方便地交换文件,U盘的存储容量大,存储速度快,为软盘的20多倍,工作时不需要物理驱动器,也不需要外接电源,可热插拔,轻巧精致,携带使用简单方便。同时在Windows Me/2000/XP, Mac OS 9. x/Mac OS X/Linux2.4x等操作系统中已经预置了U盘驱动。然而随着U盘的应用越来越广泛,由此带来的资料泄密时有发生。由此本文提出指纹识别的安全U盘以及配套windows平台软件的研发。其中U盘要求,使用前进行指纹识别认证,只有通过了指纹认证才能看到真正U盘的数据,否则是无法操作U盘的。同时在对U盘进行读写操作时,U盘内部要对数据进行AES-128加解密操作以进一步保证数据的安全。配套windows平台软件主要提供用户完成操作的良好人机界面以及通知U盘进入指纹识别状态。这样最大程度的保障了资料的安全性。根据设计要求,本系统采用OKI公司的ML69Q6203为主控芯片,该芯片集成USB2.0控制器和512k的片内存储空间;采用AuthenTec的AES2510作为指纹识别模块,该指纹模块是基于Trueprint技术的新一代擦刮式指纹传感器,能够深入真皮层进行指纹识别,可探测到放在上面的是真的手指还是假的或死的手指。闪存芯片采用三星公司的K9F5608U0A芯片,该芯片具有32Mb容量,读写速度块,数据保存时间长,使用寿命长的优点。本文在深入研究USB2.0协议,USB大容量存储协议特别是其中的BULK ONLY传输协议和UFI协议的基础上,完成了整个系统的开发,基本达到设计要求,同时重点讨论了其中U盘固件程序的具体实现。解决了如何使U盘在连入系统后,识别为一个只读光驱和一个磁盘分区的问题,以及如何在没通过指纹识别的情况下,不允许系统对磁盘分区的访问等问题。限于时间和精力,本课题还有需要进一步优化的地方,如windows配套应用程序拓展功能的开发,U盘数据传输性能的进一步优化。

【Abstract】 With the rapidly developing of USB technology and flash memory technology, a kind of product named usb flash disk comes out, which is based on the two technologies. It can storage any data file and transport them between computers. It has mass storage capability, fast write/read speed and need no extern power supply during work, hot-plugging, legerity, easy to use. Some operation system such as Windows Me/2000/XP, Mac OS 9.x/Mac OS X/Linux2.4x etc. already have driver for it. So it can be used in these operation systems without installing new drivers.With usb flash disk is used more and more widely,it also cause security problem. So we develop a new security usb flash disk system and windows program for it. Every time we use this usb flash disk, we have to verify our finger print first. Only when we pass the verification, the security usb flash disk can be used. And when we read/write on the disk, the firmware will decrypt/encrypt the data using AES-128 arithmetic. The windows program provides user a good HMI and notifies firmware for finger print verification. During these operations, the security of usb flash disk can be guaranteed.According the purpose of design, our system uses OKI-ML69Q6203 as main control chipset. This chipset is based on ARM946E, integrates a USB2.0 chipset, has a 512k flash in it; use AuthenTec’s AES2510 as finger verification chipset. This chipset is base on the“Trueprint”technology and can direct scan finger’s corium layer. So it can sense the finger putting on it is true or fake. Our flash chipset uses Samsung’s K9F5608U0A. It has 32 Mb capacities, fast write/read speed, long life for using. This article deeply research USB2.0 protocol, USB MASS STORAGE protocol especially BULK ONLY transport protocol and UFI protocol and introduce how to develop such finger print usb flash disk. It discuss how to make a usb flash disk to be considered as a cd-rom and a disk by operation system and prevent usb flash disk from operating by systerm without passing finger print verification.Be limited by time and energy, the design no finish perfectly and some parts of it need mort thorough research, such as, adding more function of windows program, increasing data transport speed of usb flash disk etc.

【关键词】 USB指纹识别AES闪存
【Key words】 USBFinger SensorAESFlash