

【作者】 王沛栋

【导师】 邓淑华;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,社会公众积极参与公共管理事务和活动已变得越来越重要,它已经成为公共管理的基本原则和方法。公民行政参与正在成为新时代全球性的公共管理改革的发展趋势,行政参与成为学术界研究的崭新课题。公民逐渐参与公共行政,参与到管理国家和社会的公共事物中去,并逐渐发展成公民与政府合作的治理关系模式已经成为一种潮流,中国也避不开这个历史潮流。全球行政民主化浪潮以及构建社会主义和谐社会日益强烈地对我国政府管理提出了新的挑战,我国政府现在己经不可能通过自己的行动与力量来解决所有问题了。在这种情况下,公民行政参与的必要性与重要性日益凸显出来。公民行政参与是行政民主的集中体现,而公民行政参与的有效、有序实现依赖于政府与社会的共同努力。本文以政府新治理的核心就是需要行政参与为逻辑起点,选取政府与社会互动为视角,从应用研究层面探讨我国公民行政参与的路径,力图能够对我国公共事务管理中公民参与机制建设起到抛砖引玉的作用。需要说明的是本文并不是一般意义上政治参与的研究,即代议制民主模式下公民参与的研究,而是公民直接式参与的研究,即行政参与的研究。本文主要分为五个部分:第一部分导论涵盖了提出问题、研究价值、国内外研究现状、研究思路方法与相关概念分析等问题。第二部分简要梳理了公民行政参与的相关理论基础。第三部分阐述了我国公民行政参与的重大意义,指出了我国公民行政参与的可行性,说明了当前的参与现状及存在的问题,并分析了制约因素。第四部分引入了国内外公民行政参与实例,分析了其成功之处并指出了从中给予我们的一些启示。第五部分是文章的重点章节,分别从政府与社会的视角——“政府创造条件,社会培育主体,政府社会互动,实践行政参与”对我国公民行政参与路径的提出了一些设想。最后一部分是结束语,对本文进行了简要总结。

【Abstract】 At present, it becomes more and more important for the public to take part in the management and activities of public business. This becomes the basic principle and method of public management. Citizen’s participation in administration is becoming the developing trend of the reform of the global public management in the new era. And also, it becomes the brand new task, which is being studied in the academe. Little by little, citizens take part in public administration and in the management of country and social public business, which develops into a relation mode of the management by the cooperation between citizens and government. This is a trend, which China cannot avoid. The global administration democratization and the construction of harmonious society made a challenge to our country’s government management. It is impossible for our country to solve all the problems by themselves. In this case, the necessity and importance of citizen’s participation in administration are increasingly emerging. Citizens’administrative management is the embodiment of administrative democracy, while the effective orderly realization of citizens’administrative participation depends on the mutual effort of government and society. From the angle of interaction between the government and the public and on the bases of new government management theories—administrative participation, this dissertation puts emphasis on the ways of public administrative participation in the hope of providing help for the concerned decision-maker. Here I have to point out that this article is not on the research of general political participation—the public participation under the mode of representative democracy but on the research of direct administrative participation of the public.This article has five parts. Chapter One is preface which raises questions on value research, status quo of research home and abroad, research methods and so on. Chapter Two introduces simple the basis of the concerned theories of public administrative participation. Chapter Three reviews the development of public administration participation in our country since the reform and opening up, expatiates the great importance of citizens’administrative participation, and explains the status quo of the present participation and the existing problems. Chapter Four introduces the successful cases of citizens’administrative participation, analyses their valuable parts and gives us some enlightenments. Chapter Five is a very important chapter which, on the visual angle of government and society—“government creates conditions, society cultivates main bodies, government and society interact, administrative participation should be put into practice”, raises some suppositions on our country’s public administrative participation. The last chapter is conclusion.

【关键词】 政府社会行政参与路径
【Key words】 governmentsocietyadministrative participationways