

The Philosophy Research on Judicial Fairness

【作者】 吴敦

【导师】 李兰芬;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 公平正义是社会和谐的基本条件,也是社会主义和谐社会的重要特征。党的十六届六中全会《决定》把保障社会公平正义摆在构建社会主义和谐社会的突出位置。公平正义是人类社会发展所追求的理想和价值目标,也是社会和谐的基本要素。没有公平正义就没有和谐社会,而司法公正则是体现和谐社会公平正义的重要标志。司法作为社会正义的最后一道防线,从产生起就作为定纷止争的手段,用以解决社会矛盾,实现社会的公平与正义。公正,是人类所追求的崇高价值,而公正的价值对于司法犹如生命与灵魂,可以说,司法公正是社会主义和谐社会和现代法制的重要标志。随着社会的发展,法作为分配正义的重要方式,越来越被人们所倚重。人类要求司法公正,因为司法公正真正能够给予民众切实的安全感,使其对于经由正当途径获取的财富产生合理的期待;对于依法享有的人格尊严和人身自由的保障充满信心。这样,人们可以在法律范围内自由行为,全社会公正的观念便得以形成和强化。因此,司法公正是法治国家的重要标志。司法公正的哲学研究的现实意义,在于法律所蕴含的利益与正义、自由与秩序、公平与效率等法律价值和哲学价值追求,充分体现在司法制度之中,从而实现司法公正的社会目标。笔者将对中西方法律界和思想界有关司法的公平正义价值诉求进行解析,寻求矛盾之中的和谐,探索和谐社会背景下的司法公正的路径,并寻求实现社会公平正义的衡平机制。公平正义总是历史的,相对的,本文对司法公正的哲学探讨,仅限于社会主义和谐社会背景的公平正义为视角,不同时代、社会背景下的司法公正的内涵和外延是不一致的,随着经济和社会的发展,司法公正的内涵和外延也必然随之变化,有待于继续探讨。

【Abstract】 Social fairness and justice are the basic conditions and important feature for a harmonious society. social fairness and justice were placed in a prominent position to building a harmonious socialist society in 16 sessions of six CCP plenary conferences. Fairness and justice is the ideals and goal of development of human society ,it is also the basic elements of a harmonious society.Jurisdiction is the last line of defense of social justice, when it comes into existence, it treated as the method to pacify disputes, to eliminate contradiction and to realize social fairness and justice. fairness is the lofty pursuit of humanity, and the value of fairness is the life and soul of jurisdiction .We can say that judicial fairness and justice is the important feature of Socialism society and modern legal institutions. With the development of society, legislation is the important manner to distribute justice, which is to be more and more valued. Humanity need judicial fairness and justice, because they can really bring the sense of security to the general public, which causes the rational hope to get wealth with legal method and they will be confident to their statutory personal freedom and personality dignity. People can freely act in the scope of legislation and social fairness and justice come into being and strengthen, hence judicial fairness and justice is the import symbol of a country under the rule of law.Without justice, there is no harmonious society, Judicial justice is a important Symbol to reflect fairness and justice of a harmonious society . the realistic significance of the philosophy research on judicial fairness is the pursuit to benefits and justice ,freedom and order ,fairness and efficiency of law ,which fully reflected in the judicial system ,to achieve social justice goals .I will analyze the merit about judicial fairness and justice of Chinese and western law and cerebration stratum to seek the harmony in the contradictions, the way to judicial fairness in a harmonious society and a mechanisms of balance to achieve social fairness and justice. Fairness and justice is always historical and comparative ,the philosophy discussion on judicial fairness and justice in this thesis is limited in the fairness and justice in the socialism society .The intention and extension of fairness and justice is not identical in different times and society ., they will accompany the development of society, which need to be further discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】D926
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】187