

The Research and Analysis of Psychological Consulting Situation in Suzhou Higher Vocational Colleges

【作者】 程善兰

【导师】 黄辛隐;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来,苏州高职院校已纷纷开展心理咨询活动,心理咨询是对学生进行心理健康教育的重要举措。本研究从心理学角度出发,根据以往研究和资料的积累,将我国高校心理咨询的观点和模式作为参照,结合高职院校的特点,编写访谈纲要,对苏州市六所高职院校在校学生就学校心理咨询工作现状进行了质的研究。研究发现苏州高职院校学生对心理咨询工作认知度偏低,意识形态上存在一定的偏差,严重影响到学校心理健康教育的深入推广。此外,高职院校在开展心理咨询工作时难免步入误区,如过分夸大网络心理咨询的效用而淡化传统心理咨询的作用;定位失衡,重视障碍心理咨询,轻视发展性心理咨询;心理咨询广度的有限与深度的局限影响了其信度和效率等。同时,苏州高职院校尚未形成有效的心理咨询工作理论与方法、缺乏相应的学科骨干和学科团队。本研究着重分析了目前苏州高职院校心理咨询工作开展现状:工作起步虽晚,发展迅速,但就目前而言形式大过内容;各院校心理咨询工作体制单一化,均是党政机关工作模式,且已经不能满足进一步发展的需要,探索新型工作体制成为今后努力的方向;师资力量较为薄弱,与国际标准相差甚远,期待优化、完善。本文根据研究中发现的一些问题提出了有针对性的建议与对策,并通过对整个研究过程的反思,阐述了本研究存在的不足之处以及需要进一步探索的方向。

【Abstract】 As a key step for mental health education in higher vocational system, all kinds of psychological consulting activities have been carried out in Suzhou higher vocational colleges in recent years. Referring to different views and models of psychological consultation, The thesis is laid on the qualitative research which is based on previous materials and research, and the thesis is combined with main features of different colleges in Suzhou psychologically. The author makes interviewing outlines for the research and find out that college students know little about the psychological consultation which affects mental health education seriously and that lead to the spreading of psychological consultation in colleges. And the school management have mistakes in understanding the psychological consultation which as they said the key point is on the effects of consultation by network not by traditional ways exaggeratedly, and on imbalance in definition and an impediment in consultation not on developing ways, and they said that the limitation of depth and spreading of psychological consultation affect its reliability and effectiveness. In the same way, higher vocational colleges in Suzhou have not set up effective theories and methods of psychological consultation and is short of backbones and teams in that discipline.The thesis emphasizes the psychological research in Suzhou colleges which carried out late but develops fast. The main problem is that the research work now is based on formalism and the model is based on Party and government organizations. With the shortage of psychological experts in colleges, it can’t make the needs of further development nationally and internationally.The research of the thesis is to find out some problems and make up some suggestions and methods to give the direction for further research of the topic in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】G715.5;G448
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】306