

Research in the Present Conditions and Development of Provincial Education Colleges

【作者】 苗青

【导师】 周川;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为解决基础教育师资数量不足、质量不高的实际问题,我国在发展独立的师范院校的同时,又独立设置了兼具师范性和成人性的省、市级的教育学院,形成了师范学院和教育学院并存的格局,成为中国特殊历史时期的产物。改革开放以来,随着高等教育体制的改革,教师教育新体系的建立,特别是教师培养与培训从相分离向一体化的转变,给省级教育学院带来了新的挑战。省级教育学院的生存与发展受到了前所未有的冲击,严重的困境和生存危机迫使省级教育学院谋求突破方向。本研究以教师教育理论和终身教育理论为指导,主要运用文献和调查的方法,研究我国省级教育学院的现状和面临的挑战,总结当前省级教育学院在发展模式上的一些新尝试,探讨省级教育学院在当前和今后一段时期内的发展方向和途径。在理论上,本研究拟通过描述省级教育学院的现状、分析其原因、总结新经验,以审视与验证教师教育一体化和终身教育的相关理论。在实践上,本研究拟根据对教育学院现状的认识,针对其实际情况,结合国情、地域经济发展状况,总结教育学院发展模式的新经验,寻求符合终身教育思想和教师教育发展趋势的省级教育学院发展方向和途径,为省级教育学院的发展提出有参考价值的建议。

【Abstract】 To solve the practical problems of insufficiency of teachers in elementary education and poor education quality, provincial and city education colleges in the nature of both teacher-training and adult have been established while independent normal colleges and universities are developing simultaneously. As a result, normal colleges coexist with education colleges. This is the product of the specific historical period in China. Provincial education co(?)leges are confronted with a new challenge since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world and with the reform in the higher educational structure, the institution of a new system of education for teachers and in particular the transformation from the separation between the cultivation of teachers and teacher training into their integration. Provincial education colleges come under stronger attack than ever in their existence and development. Great difficulties and the crisis of existence force provincial education colleges to try to find a way out.This paper deals with the present conditions of provincial education colleges and challenge facing them, sums up the new tries which education colleges make at their development models and inqures into their development orientation and the way forward at present and in a period to come with the theory of education for teachers and lifelong education as a guide and by the use of literature and methods for investigation. In theory, this paper attempts to give a description of the present conditions of provicial education colleges, carrie out analysis of the causes and make a summary of new experiences so as to examine closely and verify the theory about the integration of the education for teachers and lifelong education. In practice, this paper intends to summsrize the new experience of education colleges’ development models, expore their provincial education colleges’ development orientation and path in conformity of the thought in lifelong education and development tendency in education for teachers and advance suggestions as to the development of provincial education colleges for their refernce in the light of the understanding of their the present conditions, their actual situation, the reality in our country and the development conditions of regional economy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】G659.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】138