

【作者】 侯远明

【导师】 宋福强;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 微生物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza, AM)对植物具有广泛的侵染性,世界上大约80%以上的有花植物以及蕨类和苔藓植物都具有丛枝菌根。在大部分植物中丛枝菌根都被证明能够促进植物对矿物质元素的吸收和利用,改善植物营养状况,增强植物的抗逆性,提高植物的产量和质量,加快移栽苗成活速度等方面具有积极的促进作用。目前,关于共生体识别信号研究是国际上研究植物-微生物共生现象的热点关于共生体初始识别信号研究主要集中在根瘤菌与宿主植物之间的相互识别,而对菌根共生体的相互识别信号还只是推断,并且宿主植物都是以草本豆科植物为试材。本试验通过对木本豆科植物紫穗槐接种AM真菌,并同时采用类黄酮物质刺激接种了AM真菌的紫穗槐等苗木培养,定期观察侵染率的情况及各种生长量的变化,得出AM真菌对于木本豆科植物紫穗槐的生长有明显的促进作用,侵染率达到90%左右;接种了AM真菌的紫穗槐茎高﹑根长和鲜重比未接种紫穗槐的平均高出2cm﹑2cm和0.1g;类黄酮物质对接种AM真菌的紫穗槐样品也有着相同的促进作用。不同浓度的类黄酮物质对接种AM真菌的紫穗槐而且,随着类黄酮浓度的增加,促进作用也越加的明显,茎高﹑根长和鲜重都增加了4cm﹑4cm和0.1g;表明类黄酮物质在AM真菌侵染木本豆科植物紫穗槐的过程中具有信号物质的功能。本试验采用mRNA差异显示技术分离紫穗槐与AM真菌接种木本豆科植物紫穗槐两组对照间的特异基因片段,利用分子生物学方法检测与相关信号物质有关的基因,通过试验分离出了3条特异性条带。

【Abstract】 There are extensive infectivity between arbuscular mycorrhiza and plants, which including 80% of flowering plants, fern and bryophyte in the world. It had been demonstrated that arbuscular mycorrhiza can promote the absorption and exploitation of plant to mineral element, improve the nutritional status of plants, strengthen the antireversion force of plants, increase the yield and quality of plants, accelerate the survival rate of transplants. At present, the identification signals on the symbiosis of the international research study on the plant - the hot microbial symbiosis on the symbiotic identification signals of the initial study focused on Rhizobium and the interaction between the host plant identification, and the mycorrhizal symbiosis of mutual recognition Signal is only infer that the host and leguminous plants are herbaceous plants were used.In this paper, , Amorpha fruticosa was plant with flavonoid and AMF, the infection rate and variance of yield was observed regularly. The results showed that the AMF could conspicuous promote the growth of Amorpha fruticosa,Infection rate of about 90% AM fungi inoculation of the high﹑ Amorpha fruticosa stem and root fresh weight than unvaccinated Amorpha fruticosa higher than the average 2 cm﹑ 2 cm and 0.1 g.The flavonoid can also promote the growth of Amorpha fruticosa .Its high﹑roots stem fresh weight and have increased by 4 cm﹑ 4 cm and 0.1 g.And become more and more conspicuous along with the increase of flavonoid so that the flavonoid was take on some ability of signals in the process of infection between AMF to Amorpha fruticosa.In this paper, the technology of mRNA differential display was used for separate the specificity gene-fragment between non-innoculation and mon-innoculation AM fungi. The gene that was refer to the signal was detected by the technology of molecular biology and several specificity gene-fragment separated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】S54;S182
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】138