

Study on Catholicism in Mountainous Yao Ethnic of Guangxi Since the Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 曾志辉

【导师】 张坚;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本文从区域社会文化史角度,以长期积累的中外文文献史料和多次田野调查获得的大量非文本史料为基础,对清末以来位于广西北部毗邻金秀大瑶山的土养槽山区教会的发展进行了系统研究。作者希望通过本研究能够弥补西南民族地区天主教传播史体系中,作为唯一少数民族自治区的“广西板块”,以便让学界更加关注与东部乡村教会和都市教会发展特点有所不同的西部少数民族山区教会。作者认为,清末以来,天主教在土养槽瑶族山区的百年传播与发展,对当地瑶族教民的信仰和生活带来了深刻影响。他们放弃传统宗教信仰而皈依天主的原因复杂而多元,天主教文化与瑶族传统文化之间的内部某些相适性是不可忽视的重要原因。土养槽山区教会的发展是瑶族教徒与外国传教士之间内外互动的结果。天主教在广西瑶族山区本土化历程在于,通过瑶族所特有的迁徙频繁和婚姻形式等形成的“差序格局”式发展模式,具有明显的“瑶族文化特质依附性”,完全不同于东部乡村教会的“宗族依附性”,也无都市教会的官府和绅士势力的强力介入,从而使得天主教成为广西北部瑶族山区保存至今的一种区域性主流宗教。论文分为绪论、正文和结尾三部分。绪论部分即第一章,主要是从中国—区域—广西三个递进角度,对天主教史研究的学术史进行了概括性的回顾,并对选题的缘由、主要概念的界定以及史料的来源进行了说明。正文部分按照天主教在桂北土养槽瑶族山区的传播过程、传播原因和传播特点分为三章,即文中的第二、三、四章。第二章系统梳理清末以来天主教在土养槽瑶山的传播与发展历史,分析土养槽山区教会的历史与现状,展现出当地瑶族教徒在信仰和生活上所经历的“百年变迁”。第三章是运用上世纪八十年代以来以格拉克(Glock)为首的美国宗教学界提出的“短缺与皈依”理论来分析瑶族教徒外力因素的“短缺”,再从传教士与道士之间较量的人为因素,瑶族文化与天主教文化之间相适性的内部因素,以及作为催化剂效应的个人因素和偶然因素等四个方面来深入探讨土养槽瑶民皈依天主之原因。第四章共三节,以土养槽山区教会嬗变规律为关注点,着重探讨天主教在西部少数民族山区本土化历程中所表现出来的特点,即:山区教会的发展是少数民族教徒与外国传教士之间内外互动的结果。前两节讲瑶族教徒内在动力,最后一节讲外国传教士的外力支持。第一节通过瑶族教民村开教史个案考察来论证瑶族教徒频繁迁徙导致各瑶寨开教。第二节通过对瑶族教徒普遍存在的“入赘上门”等婚姻形式所构建起的“婚姻圈”、“信仰圈”和“族群圈”重合的婚姻网络的论述,来说明这种婚姻网络对山区教会发展的关键作用。迁徙频繁体现出教徒之间地缘远近和宗亲血缘关系,婚姻网络体现教徒之间婚姻亲属关系,以这两种血亲关系为标准形成的“差序格局”式发展模式,成为瑶族山区教会发展的独特的内在驱动力,带有明显的“瑶族文化特质依附性”,完全不同于东部地区乡村教会和都市教会发展规律,第三节则是通过外国传教士笔下的瑶族教徒和山区教会来说明外国传教士对少数民族山区教会的特别“关照”。结尾部分包括结余、后记和参考文献。第五章即为结余部分,对本文的观点进行简单的回顾和总结,在此基础上,提出几个未成熟的想法为笔者未来研究取向提供相应的思考。

【Abstract】 The thesis aims to analyze, from the perspective of regional cultural history, the development of the Church of the mountainous area in Tuyangsao Yao County, Northern Guangxi Autonomous Region, since the late Qing Dynasty. The author wishes to add this research on development of Catholicism in this mountainous area of the minority autonomous region to the studies on Catholic transmission in South West China ethnic groups,so as to draw some attention from the academia which usually concentrates more on the eastern rural and urban Church. The author supposes that the dissemination and development of the Catholicism in Tuyangsao Yao mountainous area has a profound impact on the local Yao Catholics’faith and life during more than one hundred years. The reason why the local Yao people abandon their traditional religious beliefs and convert to God is complex. The internal adaptability between Yao culture and Catholicism is an important element which cannot be ignored. The development of mountainous area Church in Tuyangsao is the the result of internal and external interactions between Yao Catholics and foreign missionaries. The“Yao cultural characteristic dependency”is the inner key to the development of mountainous area Church in Tuyangsao,which is demonstrated by Yao people’s frequent migration and unique form of marriage. It is very crucial, especially when foreign missionaries cannot reside in the Church. Subsequently, the Catholic faith has become one of the main local religions even today.The thesis is composed of three parts: the introduction, the body and the conclusion.The introduction is chapter one. In this part the author gives a review of the Catholicism history research and the background from China - Region - Guangxi three progressive angles,which is followed by a brief explanantion of the choice of subject, definition of the main concepts and basic sources.Based on the spreading process, the reasons for dissemination and transmission features in the mountainous area Church in Tuyangsao, the main body is divided into three chapters. Chapter two examines systematically the historical development of the Catholicism in Tuyangsao Yao mountainous area since the late Qing Dynasty, analyzing the past and the present of the mountainous area Church in Tuyangsao and demonstrating the whole picture of the "century change”of the local Yao Catholics’faith and life. Chapter three discusses the reasons for the Yao Catholics’conversion to God from four aspects: the external“shortage”of Yao Catholics and "shortage and conversion" theory, proposed by the American scholar ,Glock, in the 1980s; the contest between the Taoists and missionaries;the internal adaptability between the traditional culture of Yao people and Catholicism; the individual and casual elements.Chapter four includes three sections,focusing on the evolution of mountainous area Church in Tuyangsao, especially the localization features in the spreading history of Catholicism in the western mountainous areas. The author points out that the development of the mountainous area Church in Tuyangsao is the the result of internal and external interaction between Yao Catholics and foreign missionaries. The first two sections refer to internal force from Yao Catholics, and the last section is about outside support from foreign missionaries. The first section is to illustrate the beginning of Catholicism caused by the frequent movement of Yao people through some examples of the early history of the Catholicism’s transmission in the Yao villages. The second section explains the marriage network of Yao Catholics, which is established by the "marriage circle" and "belief circle" and "ethnic circle" , which is a key role in the development of the Church. Frequent movement reflects the relationship of blood and the distance among local Yao Catholics. Network of marriage reflects family ties among them. The establishment of the above two constructs the mode of "differential pattern”. It is a unique internal driving force to the development of the mountainous area Church, with a clear characteristic of " minority cultural dependency ". This characteristic is completely different from the village Church or urban Church, without "religious dependency" or strong intervention from officials and squires. The third section refers to the foreign missionaries’special attention to the development of the mountainous area Church in minority of Guangxi, by the missionaries’works which record their strategy shift from Han-people-centered urban regions to the minority-centered rural regions.The last part consists of three sections : a conclusion, a postscript and references. Chapter five, the conclusion, sums up the view of the thesis and puts forward a few immature ideas for future research.

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