

The Theories Research of Criticism on New Curriculum Chinese Education

【作者】 邱福明

【导师】 陈玉秋;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新课程语文教育改革与发展水平同人们的期望和要求之间出现了落差,人们对语文教育的不满意程度也在不断加大,批评新课程语文教育的话语也渐渐多起来。一时间,新课程语文教育成为社会关注和议论的焦点,褒贬毁誉,纷至沓来。仅2001年以来,关于语文的报刊杂志,如《语文建设》、《语文学习》、《中学语文教学参考》、《中学语文教学》、《语文教学与研究》、《语文教学通讯》、《教师报》等刊物的语文教育批评类文章“繁多复杂”。尽管不像1997年前后那样出版了大量的语文教育批评专著或集子,但大量的语文教育批评类言论,除了见于纸质媒介外,还散见于互联网和人们日常的交流中。这些批评多含有“问题透视”、“鸡肋”、“疑惑”、“尴尬”、“失落”、“批判”、“偏颇”、“误读”、“流弊”、“反思”、“缺失”等字眼,鲜明地体现出人们对新课程语文教育的不满和批判,透露出的是人们对母语教育的关爱,同时也反映出社会对母语教育的要求和支持。语文教育批评正是公众对语文教育的种种认识和评价,是对语文教育争论和异化所引起的反思和批判,是对语文教育功能的审视和思考。对语文教育批评这一现象进行研究,有助于进一步深刻挖掘语文教育的不当行为及其成因,探究人们对语文教育的期望,从而找出病因,加快新课程改革,推动语文教育的健康发展。这样的研究旨在探索出一条认识新课程语文教育批评的路径,搭建起一个分析语文教育批评的理论框架。从一定意义上讲,这不仅有助于人们认清新课程改革中纷繁复杂的语文教育批评现象,为语文教育批评建立起一套较合理的准则与规范,更有利于为语文新课程改革营造良好的氛围,其积极的现实意义是不言而喻的。本论文将研究视角放置在新课程改革(时间跨度为2001年-2007年)时期的语文教育批评,从四个部分展开:第一部分为解读部分,是对语文教育批评的初步认定。主要是对语文教育批评的概念进行界定,审视其特点并对其产生及功能进行分析。第二部分是扫描部分,呈现一些原始的新课程语文教育批评文本,对新课程语文教育批评的形态与内容进行大致的分类,简析其成因。第三部分为反思部分,主要是对新课程语文教育批评现状的反思。主要从特点和误区两个方面来分析。第四部分为超越部分,是对语文教育批评的构想。阐述如何回应语文教育批评和如何坚守语文教育批评原则,并探索语文教育批评的一些策略。

【Abstract】 As the drop has appeared between people’s expectation and request and the reform and development level of Chinese new curriculum education, people become more and more unsatisfied with Chinese education, as a result, critics on new curriculum are found increasing gradually. At the same time, Chinese New Curriculum education has become a focal point of the society with various discussions, among which appraises praise or blame comes as thick as hail.Since the year 2001, a great deal of criticism on Chinese education has appeared on various newspapers and magazines such as Chinese Construction, Chinese Learning, Middle School Chinese Teaching References, Middle School Chinese Teaching, Chinese Teaching and Research , Chinese Teaching Communication, The Teacher Reports, etc. Even though the number of the publication of monographs and collections is not as large as the one around the year 1997, considerable criticism on Chinese education can be seen in newspapers and magazines as well as in people’s daily communication and on the Internet. Among all these criticism, such words are employed frequently in it as "perspective ", "chicken ribs", "doubt", "awkward", "lose", "criticize", "biased", "mislead reading", "abuse", "self-examination", "hiatus", etc,. Obviously, they are the reflection of people’s dissatisfaction and criticizing which as a matter of fact, represent people’s concern and support as well as their request for Chinese education.As it is, it is the criticism on Chinese education that realizes and evaluates the Chinese education. It refers to the self-examination and criticism caused by Chinese education argument and dissimilation as well as a kind of survey and speculation of the function of Chinese education. Studying this phenomenon of criticism on Chinese education is helpful to a deeper exploration of the misbehaviors and the causes of it. In addition, it will help to analyze people’s expectation towards Chinese education, to find out the problems of it and finally to accelerate the reform of the new curriculum to improve the development of Chinese education in a healthy direction.This research aims at probing out a route to recognize criticism on the Chinese new curriculum and building up a theoretical frame of analyzing Chinese education critics. To some extent, it is not only helpful for people to clearly understand the complicated phenomenon of critics on criticism Chinese new curriculum reform, but also helpful in setting up a set of reasonable criterion and norm of it. Additionally, it will help to build a fine atmosphere for Chinese reform of new curriculum. All in all, it is of great positive and realistic meaning.The thesis focuses on the critics on Chinese education during the period of new course reform (2001--2007). It consists of four parts. Part I is the explanatory part, which is the elementary recognition of critics on Chinese education. It mainly defines the concepts of the critics on Chinese education, scans the characteristic and analyzes its creation and functions. Part II is the scanning part, in which it presents some original versions of critics on Chinese education, makes a classification of the content as well as the form of it and an analysis of its formation. Part III is the rethink part mainly on the self-examination of the current situation of critics on Chinese education, of which it analyzes from two aspects of characteristic and misleading area. Part IV is the exceed part, which brings some ideas of critics on Chinese education. In this part, it brings the question how to respond to the and how to stick to the principles of the criticism on Chinese education and can some strategies on it may find the answers.

【关键词】 新课程语文教育批评成因回应
【Key words】 new curriculumChinese education criticismcauseresponse
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】416