

College Physical Education Department Sports Education Specialty Volleyball Curriculum System Reform Present Situation Investigation and Analysis

【作者】 刘晓辉

【导师】 刘伟春;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,我国社会经济的变革推动着体育改革在多方面的渗透:竞技体育向多元化方向发展,大众体育发展势态迅猛;学校体育作为素质教育的一个重要部分,其教育思想、观念的转变已在我国学校体育教育中开花结果;我国高校体育院系人才培养的模式向综合性、开放性方向发展;我国高校体育教学与中小学体育教学如何衔接、使以重竞技体育为主导的体育院系的课程结构受到严峻挑战。如何改革办学目标与现实不相适应的专业结构和课程设置,培养适应社会发展的复合型体育人才成为目前亟待解决的问题。本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法、比较分析法,以我国北京体育大学、上海体育学院、武汉体育学院、成都体育学院、山东体育学院、广州体育学院、扬州大学、湖南师范大学、华南师范大学、福建师范大学、河北师范大学、广西师范大学12所高校体育院系的44位专家;北京、上海、扬州、镇江、广州、济南、厦门、南宁、柳州、桂林300名厂矿、机关的社区体育管理者及1000名体育爱好者;广东省、湖南省、湖北省、河北省、福建省、江苏省、山东省、广西壮族自治区26所中学、150名中学体育教师;广西师范大学体育学院、北体、山东体院、广体、武体、湖南师大2003、2004级体育教育专业800名学生为调查对象,针对高校体育院系体育教育专业排球课程体系改革现状,对现行的培养目标、课程设置、教学内容、教材、考评系统等进行深入调查、访谈和综合分析。研究结果表明:体育教育专业的毕业生去向,社区、厂矿、机关、单位的需求和“体育生活化”等因素对体育教育专业排球课程培养目标产生重要影响;社区、厂矿、机关、单位对娱乐性排球的需求、中学基础教育的需求和大众健身的社会需求及体育教育专业培养目标对排球课程设置产生重要影响;我国大部分体育院系目前单一的、以竞技性排球为主的课程设置已经落后于社会发展的需求,从排球教学内容的选择看出:教学内容单调,符合素质教育、突出健康第一、加强健身娱乐的内容没有体现在教学过程中,与新时期的教学目标有很大差距.目前的排球教学内容条块分割严重,所选课程内容安排缺乏层次,不符合新课程方案要求的整体优化原则;现有教材结构较为固定、呆板,内容陈旧,新编教材更新速度缓慢,严重地阻碍了教学改革的发展;高校体育院系排球课程的考评体系不能淡化考核学业证明而加强考核服务于教学目的实现的功能的认识;考核服务于教学的反馈和诊断两个重要功能没有在当前排球课程考核中得以充分体现,缺乏对学生的形成期评价;各体育教育专业排球考核缺乏统一的学生结业成绩评分权重体系,缺乏理念动态化、内容多元化、方式多维化,影响了排球课程改革的发展。建议根据教育教学改革的需要,努力使排球课程设置竞技和娱乐性共存,即硬式排球、软式排球、沙排和气排球的多元化共存的格局,各体育院系应根据区域特点,将适合中小学开展的软式排球、沙滩排球、气排球和排球运动的其它形式等课程纳入课程设置、教学内容体系中突出课程体系的全面化、素质化,使健康第一的教学理念真正落到实处,教材要体现出先进性、扩展性的特点,尽快编写与新课程体系相配套的教材及符合当前形势发展的多元化教材.如气排球教材、软式排球教材和沙滩排球教材;进一步完善排球教学考评体系,使考评内容多元化、方式多维化、评价体系更具科学性。

【Abstract】 Our country social economy transformation promotes the sports reform in all kinds of infiltration since the beginning of the 21st century. Competitive sports develops to the multiplex direction and the populace sports development potential state is swift and violent.Physical education takes the education for all-around development an important part,its educational idea and the concept of change became forming in physical education of our country. The personnel training pattern of College Physical Education Department in our country to the comprehensive nature and the open direction development . How to connect with Convergence University and middle school physical education teaching? It makes athletics sports primarily curriculum structure Received the stern challenge.How reforms the specialized structure and the curriculum which the school goal and the reality do not adapt, Raise adaptation social development multi-skill sports talented person becomes question which at present urgently awaits to be solved. This text is used the method of literature , Interview,questionnaire,mathematical statistics, logical analysis and comparati- ve analysis.The Surveies :the 44 College Physical Education Department experts of Beijing University of Physical Education,Shanghai University of Physical Education,Wuhan Sport University,Chengdu Sport University,Shandong Sport Univ- ersity,Guangzhou Sport University, Yangzhou University,Hunan Normal University Yangzhow University,Hunan Normal University,Fujian Normal University,Hebei Normal University,Guangxi Normal University;300 factories and mines of insti- tution’s community sports superintendents and 1000 Sports amateurs about Beijing, Shanghai,Yangzhou,Zhenjiang,Guangzhou,Jinan,Xiamen,Nanning,Liuzhou and Guilin; 26 Middle Schools and 150 PE teachers of Middle School about Guangdong Province, Hunan Province, Hubei Province, Hebei Province, Fujian Province, Jiangsu Province, Shandong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region; Guangxi normal university sports institute 2003, 2004 level of sports education specialized 800 students. Regarding question which studies, to the present raise goal, the curriculum, the course content, the teaching material, the performance review system and so on carry on the thorough investigation, the interview and the generalized analysis. The findings indicating: Sports education specialized graduate whereabouts, the need of communities, factory and mines, agencies, unites and“sports life”play an important role for volleyball curriculum training goals of sports education specialized graduate; communities, factories and mines, agencies, unites on the needs of recreational volleyball, on the needs of middle school basic education, social needs of public fitness and training goals of sports education specialized graduate play an important role for volleyball curriculum; at present, most of physical education department in our country is cut apart and mainly for athletic volleyball curriculum has lagged behind the needs of society; through the choice of volleyball teaching contents: teaching contents monotonous, according with quality education, contents of outstanding health first and strengthening fitness entertainment don’t embody in the teaching process, far away from the teaching goals of new period; current teaching contents of volleyball fragmentation, chosen course contents arrangement lack of level, not according with the request of new courses program overall optimization principle; structure of present textbooks is fixed ,inflexible, outdated contents,the speed of new materials’update is too slow; from the compilation of the outline, dedicated professional, knowledge structure and quality education is not according with the needs of society; physical education department of college Volleyball Assessment System monotonous, lacks scientific evaluation methods, values absolute evaluation and neglects self- evaluation, lacks of dynamic concept, content diversification ,a way of multidi- mensional.Tt’s advisable to connect athletics with entertainment,that is the pattern of diversification coexistence for hard volleyball,soft volleyball, beach voll- eyball and gas volleyball. Each college physical deucation department should add soft volleyball, beach volleyball, gas volleyball courses etc, in line with regional characteristics; curriculum should be all-sided and of quality; according to social needs, gas and soft volleyball and the other adapted forms of volleyball shaud be added into the primary and secondary schools into the curriculum and teaching content system, embody the advanced nature, scalability characteristics; compile teaching materials content with new curriculum system as soon as possible and curricula, teaching materials of gas volleyball, soft volleyball, and beach volleyball with the current development of the situation; further improving the evaluation system to enable evaluation multiplex, with a wide range of multidi- mensional way, a more scientific evaluation system, in order to establish a more reasonable volleyball courses system providing assistance and basis for the future.

  • 【分类号】G842-4
  • 【被引频次】12
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