

The Vicissitude and Development of National Minority Villages in Social Transitional Period

【作者】 邓括

【导师】 卢平林;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国的社会转型已进入关键时期,这是一场从计划经济走向市场经济,从封闭社会走向开放社会,从传统社会走向现代社会的伟大变革。在新的形势和任务面前,无论是进行决策的党政部门,还是进行理论研究的学术界,要深入进行少数民族调查的愿望超过了以往的任何时候。各级党委、政府迫切需要系统地了解少数民族发展变化的现状,深入探讨少数民族地区社会发展中面临的新情况、新问题,科学地把握少数民族社会发展的趋势,以制定出适合各少数民族在新的历史条件下符合客观实际情况的民族政策和发展规划。转型时期的社会,政治、经济和文化的发展不是独立的,而是相互联系,即使只是其中的一方面发生变革,都会影响其他方面。在这场触及社会生活各个领域的巨大变革中,少数民族农村体育受地理条件、社会经济条件、学校教育、国家政策等多重因素的交织影响,也随之产生了巨大变化。而要深入展现少数民族农民的体育活动场景,就必须将着眼点放在他们“生于斯,长于斯”的村落生态空间,这就需要从微观角度研究作为少数民族农村体育主要组成部分的少数民族村落体育。本论文试图以桂北苗族村落个案,通过理论分析和实证研究,探究少数民族村落体育在社会转型的大背景下的发展和变迁。根据课题研究需要和实际条件,本文主要围绕以下内容展开研究:桂北苗族村落体育的历史起源;社会转型时期桂北苗族村落体育的现状;社会转型时期桂北苗族村落体育变迁的动因分析;社会转型时期发展桂北苗族村落体育的对策等。通过调查研究发现:现阶段桂北苗族村落体育活动正处于苗族传统体育活动逐渐消退而现代体育活动的主导地位还未确立的历史转折点;植根于自然经济的桂北苗族村落体育,在整体上适应农业经济形态居主体的社会;随着村落物质文明、精神文明与政治文明建设的发展,人们的生活方式、生活质量与文化水平不断提高,发生变迁是必然的结果;苗族传统体育项目从田间劳作、宗教祭祀、节日仪式中淡化出来,向着娱人、健身、养生的现代化体育方向发展;随着传统村落走向现代化,现代体育的村落推行已是一种必要和发展趋势。基本结论是:少数民族村落体育的发展必需注意结合村落的实际情况,合理利用民俗风情、地理环境、民族政策等优势;依托农村的传统节日和风俗活动,为村落体育注入新活力;挖掘、整理和推广苗族传统体育项目,丰富村落体育活动内容;把握好苗族传统体育与现代体育的相互协同,把继承民族传统与时代精神相结合,使苗族传统体育和现代体育交融于村民的生活中;桂北苗族村落体育发展形式应该与当地经济发展水平相适应;加强村级体育组织(团队)建设,培养有文化内涵的体育工作者;强化政府职能,提高体育管理水平。单个的研究者进入农村社区经常采用田野调查法。本研究主要选择了田野调查法。由于“村落”是一个地理的,同时也是一个文化的概念,“村落体育”研究涉及到体育、社会、民俗、经济等多个领域,在掌握大量第一手资料的基础上,本文综合运用体育学、社会学、民俗学、地理学等多种学科的理论知识。作者多次进入桂北苗族村落,通过亲身体验,深入感知那里的社会现象,了解苗族村落体育的存在方式和意义解释,并在原始资料的基础上建立了相关理论。本论文的创新之处在于:在桂北苗族村落体育发展对策的构建方面,跳出现代体育的束缚,把目光投向更为自在的苗族传统体育,根据苗族村落体育的历史发展规律,在桂北苗族村落体育发展的思路以及相关的政策措施方面寻求突破。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up, the social transition of our country has enter a key period. which is a great revolution from planned economy to market economy, from conservative society to opening up society, from traditional society and to modern society. In front of a new situation and task, the desire for investigating minority has surpassed any time whether to a party and government administrations which make a strategic decision or acdemic circles which make theoretical research. Party commitee and government at all levels need to systematically understand the present situation of development and vicissitude of minority, to deeply explore new problems in social development of minority regions and to scientifically grasp the social development tendency of minority regions in order to formulate ethnic policy and development plannin.The social, political, economic and cultural development in transitional period are not seperated, but interrelated. In the tremendous revolution involving each field of social life, minority village sports influenced by multiple factors, social and economic condition, school education, state policy, etc., has made a great change. To deeply present sports scene of minority farmers, we must focus on the ecological space of villages where farmers are borned and brought up so that it needs to investigate minority village sports, a main part of minority countryside sports. Through theoretical analysis and emperical study, the dissertation taking Miao villages of the North-Guangxi as a subject, attempts to probe into the vicissitude and development of minority villages sports in social transition.According to necessity of task study and realistic condition, the paper mainly study the issues as follows: the historical origin of Miao villages sport in the North-Guangxi; the current situation fo Miao villages sports of the North-Guangxi in social transitional period; the countermeasures of developing miao villages sports of the North-Guangxi in social transitional period. By investigating, the thesis finds that Miao villages sports activity are in a turning point of decreased Miao traditional sports and unestablished dominant place of modern sports activity in current stage; Miao villages sports of the North-Guangxi rooted in natural economy adapt to society dominanted by agricultural economic form; with the development of material, ideological and political civilization construction and the increasing improvement of people’s living style, quality and cultural level, Miao traditional sports’vicissitude is evitable; parts of Miao traditional sports activities develop from field work, religious sacrifice and festival ritual towards modern sports of recreation, body-building and preservation of health; with the tendency of traditional villages towards modernization, it is a necessity and developing tendency to carry out modern sports of villages.The thesis concludes that sports development of minority villages should pay attention to comibining realistic situation and reasonably utilize the advantages of folk custom, geographical environment and ethnic policy, etc.; rely on traditional festivals and customs of countryside to pour new energy in villages sports; dig and popularize Miao traditional sports activities to enrich sports activity in village; grasp the cooperation of Miao traditional sports with modern sports, combining the inherit of ethnic tradition and time spirit to integrate Miao traditional sports and modern sports with the lives of villager; make the development form of Miao villages sports in the North-Guangxi accord with local economic development level; strengthen government functions and improve sports administrative level.The research mainly chooses the method of field investigation for a single investigator entering rural community often adopts the field investigation. The research of“villages sports”involves in multiple fields of sports, society, customs, economy, etc for the fact that“villages”is a concept of geography as well as culture. Based on the considerable first-handed data, the thesis integratly applies P.E.,sociology, ethnography economics and theoretical knowledge of various subjects. The author has entered Miao villages of Guangxi to deeply apperceive the social phenomenon, understand the existent way and meaning of Miao villages sports via my experience and establish related theory based on original data.The innovation of the thesis lies in that in the respect of constructing the countermeasures of Miao villages sports development in the North-Guangxi, freed from the bondage of modern sports, it focuses on Miao traditional sports and quests for a breakthrough in the aspect of developing Miao villages sports of the North-Guangxi and related policy measures according to the rule of historical development of Miao villages sports.

【关键词】 社会转型苗族村落体育变迁发展
【Key words】 Social transitionMiaoVillage sportsvicissitudedevelopment
  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】630