

The Research of the Development of Women Sports in Our Tang Dynasty

【作者】 程秋娟

【导师】 梁柱平;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 唐代是我国封建社会的鼎盛时期,也是古代文化的辉煌时期。作为唐文化组成部分之一的体育,在这一时期得到了前所未有的发展,呈现出气势磅礴、绚丽多彩的繁荣景象。此时的女子体育在继承前代各项运动的基础上有了很大的发展,出现了蓬勃发展的盛况,是中国古代体育史上所罕见的,开创了妇女参加体育活动的先声。盛唐时期的妇女体育活动生动活泼,丰富多彩,为唐代体育的发展注入了新鲜血液,是唐代体育发展的重要组成部分,也为我国妇女体育发展史谱写了光辉的篇章。鉴于此,本文从唐代妇女所处的时代背景出发,以特定的妇女体育活动为研究对象,运用社会学、史学、妇女学、文学等多学科的相关理论,全面爬梳唐代妇女体育发展的过程,并透视寓于其背后深层次原由,以期为唐代妇女问题的研究尽微薄之力。论文共由七部分组成。第一、“引言”,主要对研究的缘起及目的做了说明,并对本课题的研究现状进行了简要述评。第二、在对唐代以前女子参与体育的状况概述的基础上,剖析出唐前妇女差不多丧失了同体育应有的缘分。第三、对唐代女子体育兴盛的表现及特点进行了分析。盛唐时期蓬勃发展的女子体育表现在三个方面:出现了丰富多彩的体育活动内容;出现了较高水平的体育项目;出现了体育竞赛活动。进而总结出盛唐女子体育的特点:参与主体的广泛性和内容的多样性;开展的活动具有鲜明的娱乐色彩;具有明显的节令性特征;参与主体的不平衡性与活动内容的差异性。第四、对盛唐时期女子体育蓬勃发展的原因进行了多方位、多角度的分析,唐代社会政治、经济、文化的发展为其广泛参与体育奠定了基础,社会风气开放、封建礼教束缚较少,女子地位相对较高,为其参与体育提供了有利条件。第五、唐代后期政治的不稳定导致了社会风气由开放转向保守,封建制度下“男尊女卑”的格局限制了女子体育的发展,古代的等级制度限制了女子体育的普及,使唐朝后期的女子体育出现了渐衰趋势。第六、通过纵向和横向比较,可以看出不论是在中国古代体育史上,还是在世界中世纪体育史上,唐代女子体育都拥有较高的历史地位。并简单分析了对当时文学、雕刻绘画艺术和后世体育产生的影响。第七、结语部分对全文进行了概括,并引伸出对当今女子体育的发展值得借鉴的东西。

【Abstract】 China’s Tang Dynasty is the heyday of feudal society, but also the glorious period of ancient culture. Tang as an integral part of the culture of sports, which in this period has got an unprecedented development, presenting a magnificent, gorgeous picture of prosperity. Meanwhile the woman sports based on the development of the former generation has made great progress, and the growing success in the history of sports in ancient China is rare, and it has set up the precursor to the participation of women in sports. Women’s sports activities during the Tang Dynasty are lively, colorful, and have inject new blood into the development of the Tang Dynasty sports.The women sports is an important component of the Tang Dynasty as well as writes a brilliant chapter of the development history of China’s sports. In this point of view, this text begins with the background of women in the Tang Dynasty, and based on the study of specific women sports, using the knowledge of sociology, history, women’s studies, literature and some other relevant theories to give a comprehensive analysis of the process of women sports in the Tang Dynasty .And it also will reveal the deep-seated reasons behind,hoping to do some contribution to the study of women in the Tang Dynasty.The writing is composed of seven parts. First, the "Introduction",which made a mainly statement on the orign and the purpose of the study, and gave a brief review of the present study about this subject. Second, based on the analyses of the women’s participation in sports before the Tang Dynasty, we can see that the women almost lost their chances to enjoy the sports. Third, the prosperous performance and characteristics are analyzed in this part. The vigorous development of women sports in the Tang Dynasty shows in three aspects. There are a variety of sports contents, some higher level sports, and the competitive athletics also appear in this time. Then summed up the characteristics of the Tang Dynasty women’s sports:such as the wide participation in the main content, the diversity of sports content, the obvious color of entertainment,the imbalance of the main participition and the differences of the sports contents. Fourth, there are some multi-directional, multi-angle analyses about the flourish of women sports during the Tang Dynasty. The social, political, economic and cultural development of in this period has laid a foundation for women to take part in sports extensively. The open society, few feudal ethics restraints, and relatively high status of women have provided favorable conditions for their participation in sports. Fifth, the political instability of the late period of the Tang Dynasty resulted in the transform of the society from open to conservative. The "patriarchal"of the feudal system blocked the development of the women sports, making the women sports in the late part of the Tang Dynasty show a gradual decline. Sixth, by the vertical and horizontal comparison, we can see that both in the history of sports in ancient China, and in the world sportshistory of the Middle Ages, the Tang Dynasty women sports have a higher historical position. And then put forward some influences on literature, painting, sculpture and the late sports. Seventh, the ending part give a summary to the full text, and then point out some valuable things that can be used in present study of women sports.

【关键词】 唐代女子体育发展演变原因
【Key words】 Tang Dynastywomen sportsdevelopment and evolutionreasons
  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】7
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