

The Reseach on Trust between Teachers and Students and Variables of Orgnization Relative to the Trust in Middle School

【作者】 左晓荣

【导师】 邓健;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中学师生信任是中学组织信任的一个核心组成部分,学校教育的成功很大程度上取决于师生之间能否在相互信任基础上展开良性的互动与对话,因此,它是中学组织内部运作的重要机制,是中学组织事业发展的重要基础与保证,在学校组织中发挥着凝聚人心、激励士气、调谐关系等多方面的重要功能。目前教育界对中学师生信任的关注与研究都很不够,且已有研究在研究视角、研究方法等方面还存在不足。因此,本研究在借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,采用实证方法对中学师生信任及相关组织变量进行了研究,期望对该领域的研究起到一点点推动作用。笔者采用自编师生信任问卷、师生关系问卷和学校满意度问卷,对广西桂林市、福建福清市和福建莆田市等地7所中学的222名中学教师和341名中学生进行了问卷调查,得出以下研究结论:(1)自编师生信任问卷、师生关系问卷和学校满意度问卷有较好的信度和效度。师生信任问卷包含四个因子,即人品信任、知识信任、能力信任和情感信任;师生关系问卷包含三个因子,即主动性、深入性和亲密性;学校满意度问卷包含四个因子,即学校整体满意度、工作(学习)满意度、学生(教师)满意度和学校整体满意度。(2)中学教师的师生信任、师生关系和学校满意度总体上均处于中等水平。对学生的人品信任在中学教师师生信任中起着主导作用,而情感信任作用最弱;中学教师认为中学生与自己的关系以亲密性为主,而缺乏深入性。中学教师对自己工作的满意度最高,在其学校满意度中起着主导作用,而对学校管理的满意度最低。(3)中学教师的师生信任受所教科目、是否担任班主任、初高中、教龄和学校所在地区等背景因素的影响,主要表现为:文科教师对学生的人品信任、能力信任、情感信任和总体信任上均显著或极显著高于理科教师;初中教师对学生的能力信任显著高于高中教师;乡镇中学教师对学生的总体信任显著高于城市和农村中学教师。(4)中学教师的师生关系受所教科目、是否担任班主任、初高中、教龄和学校所在地区等背景因素的影响,主要表现为:文科教师的师生关系极显著好于理科教师;班主任教师的师生关系极显著好于非班主任教师;初中教师的师生关系极显著好于高中教师; 5-10年教龄教师的师生关系显著好于10年以上教龄的教师;乡镇中学教师的师生关系极显著好于城市和农村中学教师。(5)中学教师的学校满意度受性别、所教科目、是否担任班主任、初高中、学校所在地区等背景因素的影响。主要表现为:女教师的学校满意度极显著高于男教师;文科教师的学校满意度极显著高于理科教师;班主任教师的学校满意度极显著高于非班主任教师;初中教师的学校满意度极显著高于高中教师;城市和乡镇中学教师的学校满意度显著或极显著高于农村教师。(6)中学教师师生信任及其四个因子与师生关系、学校满意度之间都有极显著的正相关,且相关程度较高。表明中学教师的师生信任、师生关系和学校满意度三者之间关系密切。(7)中学教师对中学生的知识信任、能力信任、情感信任对其与学生的关系有极显著的预测作用;中学生与教师关系的主动性,深入性,亲密性对其师生信任也有极显著的预测作用。表明中学教师的师生信任与师生关系之间存在正向的相互促进作用。(8)中学教师对中学生人品信任、知识信任、能力信任和情感信任对其学校满意度有着极显著的预测作用;中学教师的学校整体满意度、工作满意度、学生满意度和学校管理满意度对其师生信任也有极显著的预测作用。表明中学教师的学校满意度与师生信任之间存在正向的相互促进作用。(9)中学教师与学生关系的深入性对其学校满意度有极显著的预测作用;中学教师的学校整体满意度、学生满意度和学校管理满意度对其师生关系也有极显著的预测作用。表明中学教师的师生关系深入性与其学校满意度之间存在正向的相互促进作用。(10)中学生的师生信任、师生关系和学校满意度总体上均处于中等水平。对教师的人品信任在中学生师生信任中起着主导作用,而能力信任作用最弱;中学生认为教师与自己的关系以主动性为主要,而缺乏深入性;中学生对教师的满意度最高,在其学校满意度中起着主导作用,而对学习满意度最低。(11)中学生的师生信任水平受年级和学校所在地区等背景因素的影响。主要表现为:初二、高三中学生在对教师的情感信任和总体教师信任上显著高于高二学生;城市中学生对教师的情感信任显著高于乡镇中学生。(12)中学生的师生关系受到年级的影响,主要表现为:初一、初二、初三、高一和高三学生的师生关系显著好于高二学生。(13)中学生的学校满意度受到年级的影响,主要表现为:初二学生对学校的满意度显著或极显著高于其他各年级学生。(14)中学生的师生信任及其四个因子与其师生关系、学校满意度之间都有极显著的正相关,且相关程度较高。表明中学生的师生信任、师生关系和学校满意度三者之间的关系密切。(15)中学生对教师的人品信任、能力信任和情感信任对其师生关系有极显著的预测作用;中学生与教师关系的亲密性、主动性和深入性三个因子对其师生信任有极显著的预测作用。表明中学生的师生信任与师生关系之间存在正向的相互促进作用。(16)中学生对教师的能力信任对其学校满意度有极显著的预测作用;中学生的学习满意度、教师满意度和学校管理满意度对其师生信任有显著或极显著的预测作用。表明中学生的师生信任与学校满意度之间存在正向的相互促进作用。(17)中学教师与学生关系的主动性、深入性对中学生的学校满意度有极显著的预测作用;中学生的学校管理满意度和教师满意度对其师生关系也有显著或极显著预测作用。表明中学生的师生关系与学校满意度之间存在正向的相互促进作用。(18)中学生对教师的总体信任程度极显著高于中学教师对学生的总体信任程度;中学教师与中学生对相互的人品与知识的信任程度较高,但对相互的能力与情感的信任程度比较低;中学教师对师生关系的感受极显著好于中学生对师生关系的感受;中学教师对学校的满意度极显著高于中学生对学校的满意度。(19)总体上看,中学教师和中学生的师生信任与师生关系之间,师生信任与学校满意度之间,以及师生关系与学校满意度之间均有显著或极显著的相互预测作用。表明师生信任、师生关系和学校满意度是三个联系密切,互为因果的组织变量,本研究对它们之间关系的理解与推测基本上得到了证实。

【Abstract】 Trust is occupied an important position in our entire social life. Whether the school education can get succeed depends on the relationship between teacher and students on the base of trust. So trust is the important mechanism in the internal school organization,and it’s the foundation in the development of school ,which plays many important roles .At present, the education circle didn’t pay much attention to the level of trust between teachers and students. This thesis carries on researches on the relationship between teachers and students and related variables on the foundation of the existed research results in order to make some progress on this research field .By adopting self-designed Trust Questionnaire between Teachers and Students, self-designed Relation Questionnaire between Teachers and Students,self-designed Satisfaction Questionnaire in the school, it surveys 341students and 222teachers from seven middle schools in Guilin of Guangxi, Fu Qing and Pu Tian of Fujian in the study and eliciting the following conclusions:(1)Self-designed Trust Questionnaire between Teachers and Students, self-designed Relation Questionnaire between Teachers and Students and self-designed Satisfaction Questionnaire in the school had good validity and credibility. It includes four factors, namely, moral quality, knowledge, ability and sensibility in the Self-designed Trust Questionnaire between Teachers and Students; and it contains three factors, namely, go-aheadism, depth, intimacy in self-designed Relation Questionnaire between Teachers and Students; and it contains four factors,that is the satisfaction about the overall school, the work (study) and about the students (teachers).(2)The trust between the teachers and the students is over the middle–level, it plays a leading role for the moral quality of the students in the teachers groups, and it plays a leading role for the trust of teachers’knowledge in the students groups. The level of the teachers and the students in the middle school and the satisfaction about the school is also over the middle-level. (3)The trust between the teachers and the students of the middle school teachers is affected by the subjects they teach, positions (if it is the head–teacher of the class ),the class they teach ,the age they teach and the areas of urban and rural. Mainly as follows: the trust about the normal quality, ability, sensibility, the overall trust between the teachers and the students of the teachers who teach arts is obvious higher than the teacher who teach science. Only in the trust of knowledge level, the score is gotten by the teachers who teach science is higher than the teachers who teach arts; The score of the trust about the ability of the junior middle school teachers is higher than the senior middle school teachers obviously; In the level of the trust for the students, the teacher who teach in the town has the highest level of trust for the students,the degree of the trust that the teachers who teach in the city for the students is a little higher than the teachers who teach in the countryside, the degree of the trust is the lowest about the rural teachers to the students.(4)The level of trust between the teachers and the students of the middle school students is affected by their position ,grade, teaching experience and teaching areas. Mainly as following: the raltionsip between liberal arts teachers and students are extremely well comparing to the relationships beweeen students and science teacher; the realtionship between head teacher and students are better than the realtionship between non-head teacher and students; the realationship between middle school teacher and students is better than the raltionship between senior high school teacher and students; the realtionship is better for the teachers of 5-10 years’teaching experience comparing more than10 years teaching experience; the realationship between teacher and students in urban area is better than rurul area.(5)The satisfactory level of middle school is affected by gender , the teaching subjects, teaching position, grade, and teaching district , which are as following : the female teachers have a higher satisfatcory level comparing to male teachers, the liber art teachers feel more satified than science teachers ; the head teachers are more satisfied to school than non-head teachers; the middle school teachers have a higher satisfactory level than senior middle school teahcers, the teachers in urban or town have a high satisfactory level than rurul teachers.(6)The trust relationship between middle school teachers and students trust and four factors has a remarkable positive correlation with the relationship between teachers and students, school satisfatory level , which indicates that the trust of teachers and students , the relationship between teachers and students, and school satisfatory level have a close correlation.(7)The middle school teachers’s trust of knowledge and trust of ability and trust of feelings to middle school students have a remarkable positive forecast to the relationship between teachers and students; the initiative and in-depth and intimacy of relationship between teachers and students have a positive forecast to the trust between teachers and students ,too. It Shows that there is promote positive role to each other between relationship and trust in middle school teachers and students of teacher-student .(8)The middle school’s trust of Character and trust of Knowledge and trust of ability and trust of feelings to students have a remarkable positive forecast to the school satisfaction level of teacher. The satisfaction of overall school and satisfaction of job and satisfaction of student and satisfaction of school management have a positive forecast to the trust between teachers and students too.It shows there is promote positive role to each other between satisfaction level of school and trust in teachers and students.(9)The depth of relationship between teachers and students of middle school teachers has a remarkable positive forecast to the school satisfaction level of teacher. The satisfaction of overall school and satisfaction of student and satisfaction of school management have a positive forecast to the relationship between teachers and students too.It shows there is promote positive role to each other between the Depth of relationship and the school satisfaction level of teacher.(10) The trust between the teachers and the students is over the middle–level in the middle students, it plays a leading role for the moral quality of the teachers in the students groups, and it plays the weakest role in the ability of teachers in the student groups; the students groups consider the Initiative plays a leading role in relationship between teachers and students,and the depth of relationship is lack too. Middle school students are most satisfied in their teachers, and teachers satisfaction plays a leading role in the satisfaction of middle students, students have the lowest satisfaction in their study.(11)The trust level between teachers and students in middle school of student is affected by grade, study position, which are as following:the students in grade 2 in middle school and grade 3 in senior middle school have a higher feeling trust level and Overall trust comparing to students of grade 2 in senior middle school;the students of city have a higher feeling trust to teachers comparing to the students of township.(12)The relationship between teachers and students of students is affected by grade,which is following:the students in grade 1 in middle school and in grade 2 in middle school and grade 3 in middle school and grade 1 in senior middle school and grade 3 in senior middle school have a higher relationship comparing to students in grade 2 in senior middle school.(13)The school satisfaction level of middle students is affected by grade,which is following: the students in grade 2 in middle school have a higher satisfaction level comparing to other grades.(14)The trust relationship between middle school teachers and students trust of middle students and four factors has a remarkable positive correlation with the relationship between teachers and students, school satisfatory level , which indicates that the trust of teachers and students , the relationship between teachers and students of students, and school satisfatory level have a close correlation.(15)The middle school student’s trust of moral quality and trust of ability and trust of feelings to middle school teachers have a remarkable positive forecast to the relationship between teachers and students; Intimate, initiative and the depth of relationship have a remarkable positive forecast to trust between teachers and students.It shows there is promote positive role to each other between relationship and trust of teachers and students.(16)The middle school student’s trust of ability has a remarkable positive forecast to the school satisfatory level of students.The satisfatory level of study and teachers and management have a a remarkable positive forecast to trust between teachers and students.It shows there is promote positive role to each other between trust and school satisfatory level of student.(17)Initiative and depth of relationship between students and teachers have a remarkable positive forecast to the school satisfatory level of students.The satisfatory level of management and satisfatory level of teachers have a remarkable positive forecast to relationship between tanchers and students.It shows there is promote positive role to each other between relationship in teachers and students and school satisfatory level.(18)The middle school student’s trust to teacher is remarkable higher comparing to the middle teacher’s trust to student. Middle school teachers and middle school students have higer trust on each other’s moral quality and knowledge, but have lower trust on each other’s ablity and feelings .(19)Above all, there are remarkable positive forecast between trust and relationship between middle school teachers and students,trust and school satisfatory level,relationship and school satisfatory level. The results show that trust between teachers and students, teacher-student relationship and school satisfaction are three close contacts with each other and they are reciprocal causation organizations causal variables. This study on the relationship between their understanding and speculation has been basically confirmed.

  • 【分类号】G635.6
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