

Study on Career Management of Knowledge Workers in High-Star Hotels

【作者】 黄琴超

【导师】 任冠文;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高星级饭店数量的快速增长和质量的稳步提高,需要越来越多的知识型员工加入其中,而现状却是许多高星级饭店都陷入了“招不来、用不好、留不住”的人才怪圈,知识型员工俨然成为制约高星级饭店更上一层楼的瓶颈。职业生涯管理作为现代人力资源管理的一项重要课题,提倡以满足员工发展需求为前提,在此基础上寻求个人、组织、社会的共赢。通过职业生涯阶段管理来构建完整、持续的职业生涯管理体系,不但能帮助知识型员工获得个人职业发展,同时也能使饭店获得巨大的人力资本增值,无论是对饭店还是对饭店知识型员工都有着积极的意义。本文分为三大部分:第一部分为前言。该部分明确了研究对象、背景、目的、意义以及理论基础。第二部分为现状的调查分析。该部分首先对饭店知识型员工的定义和范围做了明确界定,概括了其特点与心理需求;其次,介绍了问卷与访谈的调查设计,从获得的信息中对高星级饭店知识型员工职业生涯管理现状做了详细分析,找出存在的问题。第三部分为对策。首先,针对现状存在的问题,就加强观念培养、统一发展目标、落实基础工作、强化阶段管理、正确评估反馈等方面,提出了几点建议;其次,结合饭店知识型员工的特点与心理需求,尝试构建职业生涯管理模式,探讨职前管理、职中管理、职后管理的实用方法;最后,强调了开展高星级饭店知识型员工职业生涯管理的四个注意事项。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of quantity and stable improvement of quality, high-star hotels need more and more knowledge workers to bring out their potential, but actuality was not optimistic. Many high-star hotels cannot collect enough knowledge workers and make use of their ability, and also cannot preserve core employees. Knowledge workers have been the most important factor to restrict the development of high-star hotels. As a new issue of modern Human Resource Management, Career Management advocates co-development of employees, enterprises and the whole society on the basis of the development of employees. Introducing Career Management into HRM of high-star hotels, can provide an ideal method for hotels’talent crisis, and also promote hotels to develop HRM.The paper can be divided into three major parts:The first part includes research object, background, aim and significance. It selects some interrelated theories as research basis.The second part includes the research and analysis of actuality. At the beginning of this part, it explains the definition of knowledge workers in hotels, generalizes their characteristics and psychological need. Then it introduces the research design and analyzes the actuality through research information. It summarized three problems of the actuality of career management of knowledge workers in high-star hotels.The third part includes countermeasure. Aimed at three problems of the actuality, it puts forward five suggestions. Considering the characteristics of knowledge workers, it constructs a model of career management of knowledge workers in high-star hotels. At the end of this paper, it emphasizes four points to ensure the career management can be put into practice in high-star hotels.

  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】670