
弄岗猕猴(Macaca mulatta)的觅食生态学

Feeding Ecology of the Rhese Macaque(Macaca Mulatta) at Nonggang National Nature Reserve, China

【作者】 唐华兴

【导师】 黄乘明; 周岐海;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 猕猴(Macaca mulatta)是世界上地理和生态地位分布最广泛的非人灵长类。我国是唯一的地跨热带、亚热带和暖温都有猕猴分布的国家。与其它动物一样,猕猴的生长、繁殖、种群结构及其动态都直接受食物的影响。生活在喀斯特石山生境中的猕猴,在长期的适应过程中,形成了独特的行为机制,以最大限度地利用资源。2006年9月至2007年9月,我们用瞬时扫描法(Instantaneous Scan Sampling)对弄岗国家级自然保护区(106°42′28″-107°4′54″E,22°13′56″-22°33′9″N)内的一群野生猕猴进行连续的跟踪观察,收集了有关食性、活动节律和活动时间分配等数据,以探讨喀斯特石山食物资源的时间和空间分布对其行为生态的影响。主要研究结果如下:1.猕猴共采食77种植物(包括未能鉴定出来的4种),隶属38个科。其中乔木35种,灌木9种,藤本27种,草本4种,附生植物2种。在猕猴的食物组成中,树叶占总觅食记录的50.20%,包括43.91%嫩叶和6.29%的成熟叶;花占0.73%;果实占44.31%,包括39.36%的成熟果、3.24%未成熟果和1.71%未确定果实的成熟度;种子占1.26%;其它(包括叶柄、树皮、茎和未知部位)占3.49%。猕猴的食物组成表现出季节性变化。在果实丰富的季节,它们采食更多的果实;当果实短期时,它们采食更多的嫩叶,同时采食的食物种类和食物多样性也相应的减少。猕猴对嫩叶和果实的采食比例分别与各自的可利用性有显著的正相关。2.猕猴在采食时还表现出选择性,65.66%的食物仅来自于10种植物,它们是鱼尾葵,石山蓬叶竹,野葛,人面子,假刺藤,榕树,小果微花藤,黄皮,歪叶榕,围涎树。而且,这10种植物中,仅有3种植物属于栖息地中最常见的种类。植被样带中的乔木的相对密度与它们在食物中占的百分比没有显著相关性,说明猕猴并不是严格依据环境中的植物生物量来选择食物的。3.猕猴群体平均每天活动时间699分钟,旱季平均是640分钟,雨季是749分钟,活动时间表现出显著的季节性变化。日活动节律表现为上午和下午的觅食高峰,中午进入长时间的休息期。这可能与白天的温度和日照强度的变化有关。其日活动节律还表现出明显的季节性差异。4.弄岗猕猴共有6种行为类型,它们在日活动时间分配所占比例分别为:觅食占37.43%,休息占29.48%,移动占25.95%,玩耍占5.59%,理毛占2.10%,其它行为(包括打斗、交配等)仅占0.20%。它们的活动时间分配表现出季节性变化。与雨季相比,旱季用于休息和理毛的时间更多,而相应的减少了其觅食和玩耍的时间。因此,它们可能采取的是能量的消耗最小化的行为策略以应对喜食食物的短缺。5.不同性别年龄组个体的活动时间分配也表现出显著性差异,主要表现为成年个体花更多的时间来休息,未成年个体则把大部分的时间用于觅食和玩耍;成年雄性比成年雌性个体花更多的时间用于移动,成年雌性个体则花更多的时间用于理毛。

【Abstract】 The rhese macaque (Macaca mulatta) is the most widely distributed of all non-human primates. China is the exclusive country where the distribution of this species coverstropic, subtropic and temperate zones. Like other animals, The food resource is one of important factors which influence growth, reproduction, and population structure of this species. For the rhese macaque inhabiting in the karst habitat , they have evolved an particular behavioral mechanism to adapt to their environment so as to utilize the resource furthest.From September 2006 to September 2007, we observed one group of the rhese macaque at Nonggang National Nature Reserve (106°42′28″-107°4′54″E,22°13′56″-22°33′9″N). Data on diet, activity pattern and time budget were collected via instantaneous scan sampling. The main subject of this thesis is to explore the influence of the temporal and spatial distribution of food resources in the karst habitat on the behavioral ecology of this species. The results were as following:1. A total of 77 plant species (including 4 unidertified species) ate by macaques, of which including 35 tree species , 9 shrub species, 27 vines species , 4 herb species and 2 epiphyte species . Leaves accounted for 50.20% of the diet (including 43.91% young leaves and 6.29% mature leaves), 44.91% for fruits (including 39.36% mature fruits, 3.24% unmature fruits and 1.71% unidentified the degree of mature), 1.26% for seeds, 0.73% for flowers, other parts (including petioles, barks, stems and unidentified parts of plants) contributed to 3.49% of the diet. There were seasonal variations in macaques’diet. They ate more fruits when fruits were abundant in the rainy season. When fruits were scarce in the dry season they ate more young leaves. This diet shift corresponded to more food species and higher dietary diversity during fruit- lean period. Comparing the consumption of different plant parts with their availabilities, the percentage of feeding records for young leaves and fruits significantly correlated positively with their availabilities.2. The rhese macaque showed food preference. 10 plant species, Carvota ochlandra, Indocalamus calcicolus, Pueraria thunbergiana, Dracontomelon duperreranum Pierre, Embelia scandens, Ficus microcarpa, Iondes ovalis, Clausena anisum(lour.)skeels, Ficus obscura, Pithecellobium clypearia, contributed to 65.66% of the diet of which only 3 belonged to the 10 most dominant tree species in vegetation transects, and no significantly correlation was found between the percentage of feeding records for plant species and their relative density in vegetation transects. This result indicated that the rhese macaque fed selectively, but not depending simply on the abundance of the plant species in habitat.3. The daily time for maintenance activities was 699 minutes in average. There was significant difference in the daily time for maintenance activities. Macaques spent more time for maintenance activities in the rainy season (749 minutes in average) than in the dry season (640 in average). The diurnal activity pattern of rhese macaques showed morning and afternoon feeding peaks, with a midday resting peak, which represented an adaptation to the daily changes in temperature and sunlight. There were significant seasonal variations in diurnal activity pattern.4. For time allocation, macaques spent in average 37.43% of time on feeding, 29.48% on resting, 25.95% on moving. Little time was spent on social activities, averaging 5.95% on playing, 2.10% on grooming, and 0.21% on others respectively. There were markedly seasonal variations in the percentage of time spent on various activities. Macaques spent more time resting and grooming in the dry season than in the rainy season. More time was spent on feeding and playing in the rainy season, This indicates the rhese macaque may adopt an dissipative energy- minimizing strategy to cope with preferred foods are scarce in the dry season.5. The percentage of time devoted to different activities differed significantly among different sex-age classes. Adult individuals spent more time on resting than immature individuals. In contrast, immature individuals spent more time on feeding and playing. Adult males devoted more time to moving than adult females. Adult females spent more time on grooming.

  • 【分类号】Q958.1
  • 【被引频次】3
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