

A Study of Impedient Factors of the Construction of Regional Economic Hinterland in Pan-Pearl River Delta

【作者】 张贤勇

【导师】 李闰华;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 当今世界经济发展的主导趋势之一是全球化不断加强,各国各地区之间在经济上互相依赖,并日益成为全球性的空间经济系统的一部分。而作为全球化和世界经济一体化的前奏与序幕的区域经济,正日益引起社会各界的关注。腹地和中心地是区域经济中具有不同意义的两轴,两者互为依存,腹地离不开中心的辐射和带动;而中心地的发展壮大同样也离不开腹地的有效的支撑,腹地的建构情况或者说地域间的整合程度直接关系着区域一体化目标的实现。本文以明清民国时期泛珠三角中的两广经济交往为研究视域,运用历史学、经济学、社会学、地理学等相关理论知识和调查及文献资料,通过对此一时期广西腹地的建构及其所出现问题的分析,力图找出问题存在的原因,探讨走出困境的途径,为今天的泛珠区域经济合作提供借鉴。文章共分为五部分。第一部分是绪言。首先简单介绍了文章的选题缘由、意义,学术史回顾,相关的理论、概念、方法及思路等。第二部分是正文的开始,主要阐述了两广交往的情况。晚清民国时期,随着移民、商人入桂、开埠通商以及广西对外贸易的发展,两广间的经济联系进一步增强,这主要表现在由农业移民的大规模进入、商人入桂的兴盛、商贸互动的加强到最终的商业网络的形成上。第三部分主要论述了两广交往的结果:广西的边缘化。虽然从地域发展的历时上看,中心地的辐射和带动使得腹地广西得到了长足的发展。但是同共时的不同区域对比,广西和中心的经济差距却在不断扩大。并且,由于远离国家服务视线之外,腹地社会风气下降,生态环境恶化,边缘化现象严重。第四部分深入分析了边缘化出现的原因。广西边缘化的出现,既有历史、风俗、地形地貌等方面的客观原因,也和政策、法规、制度等方面的人为因素有关。第五部分是文章的结语及启示。在上述论述泛珠三角经济腹地建构及障碍的基础上,指出历史上泛珠区域经济合作中存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决问题的对策建议,以期对今天的泛珠区域经济合作提供参考。

【Abstract】 In today’s world one of the dominant trend of economic development is that globalization has been strengthened. Various countries and regions depend on each other economically dependence and are increasingly becoming part of the global economic system. As the prelude to the globalization and economic integration in the world, the regional economy is concerned greatly by all the communities of the society.Hinterland and center is the two-axis of the regional economy in a different sense. The two are mutually interdependent and inseparable. The hinterland cannot separate from the radiation and driving of the centre while the development of the centre also can not be separated from the effective support of the hinterland. The situation of the construction of the hinterland or the integration of the geographical extent directly relates to the realization of goals of the regional integration. In this paper, basing on the perspective of the economic exchange of the Ming and Qing Dynasties period of Pan-Pearl River Delta in Guangdong and Guangxi, the author uses the related theoretical knowledge of history, economics, sociology and geography, investigation and the literature review to analyze the construction of the hinterland in Guangxi and the problems existed of this period and try to find out the reasons for the problems and explore the way out of its predicament and provide some suggestions for today’s Pan-PRD regional economic cooperation for reference.The paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. First of all it briefly introduces the origins of the article, meaning, literature review of the academic history, the relevant theories, concepts, methods and ideas and so on.The second part is the beginning of the body. It mainly focuses on the situation of the exchanges between Guangdong and Guangxi. In the late Qing Dynasty period, with the the immigrants, businessmen coming to Guangxi, opening the port and beginning the trade and the development of Guangxi’s foreign trade, the economic ties between Guangdong and Guangxi are further enhanced. And this is mainly manifested in the large-scale farmer migration, the prosperity of businessmen coming to Guangxi, the strengthening of interaction between the trade and finally the formation on the commercial network.The third part mainly discusses the results of exchanges between Guangdong and Guangxi: the marginalization of Guangxi. Although from the diachronic angle, that is from the geographical development, with the help of the radiation and the driving of the center, the hinterland of Guangxi has been making considerable development. However, from the total angle, that is the contrast of the different regions, the economic gap between Guangxi and the center is constantly expanding. And, as far away from the sight of the national service line, theGuangxi Social moral atmosphere declined. Environment deteriorated. Marginalization was becoming serious.The fourth part analyzes comprehensively the reasons for marginalization. The emergence of Guangxi’s marginalization has the objective causes of history, customs, topography and other objective reasons. It also has the human factors of policy, law, system.The fifth part of the paper is the conclusion and enlightenment. On the basis of discussion of the construction in the Pan-Pearl River Delta economic hinterland, it pointes out the existing problems of the economic cooperation of the Pan-PRD region in the history and proposes the corresponding countermeasures to solve the problem and hopes to provide the reference for today’s Pan-PRD regional economic cooperation.

【关键词】 泛珠江三角洲腹地建构边缘化
【Key words】 Pan-Pearl River DeltaHinterlandConstructionMarginalization
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】205