

The Early News Policy of NanJing National Government

【作者】 钱乐制

【导师】 谭肇毅;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新闻政策是意识形态的重要内容,属于国家的上层建筑,建立在经济基础之上,反映浓厚的阶级意识、阶级利益和阶级内容。与国家政治、经济、军事、文化、外交、思想意识等联系密切。南京国民政府虽然打着孙中山三民主义的旗帜,但本质上已经背叛了孙中山的三民主义,孙中山的三民主义这时已经变成专制独裁的工具。清党反共,屠杀工农,反苏亲帝,围剿红军根据地,对日妥协,新闻政策为此新闻内容服务。南京国民政府推行“以党治国”的新闻指导方针,并将其贯彻到新闻实际中,实行“党化新闻”。新闻工作要以宣传三民主义为中心,把三民主义作为最高准绳,是新闻宣传中的灵魂与核心。一切是非曲直都以三民主义为尺度和标准。不允许反对三民主义,三民主义神圣不可侵犯,三民主义坚定不可动摇。实施“新闻一元主义”,实行“新闻统制”。只允许三民主义在新闻领域里一己独存,不允许其他主义在新闻领域里存在。“党化新闻界”、“党化全国新闻界”、“以党治报”。国民党在整个新闻事业上有垄断的发展趋势,对国民党党营新闻事业进行设计管理,控制人事任用,并有纪律约束,享受党部津贴。对民营新闻事业多方刁难给予限制,从新闻业务和新闻人员方面进行管理和控制。限制非“党化新闻”,对民办的报纸、杂志、通讯社、广播电台等新闻宣传,对反对三民主义及偏离三民主义和国民党政纲政策的新闻宣传进行限制,取缔反国民党的新闻。制定新闻法规政策,强化“党化新闻”。国民党党政军各部门制定和出台多项有关新闻管理、新闻报道、新闻检查、新闻违法处罚等法规条例。这些法规条例体现了“党化新闻”的思想,贯彻了“以党治国”的方针,使其新闻指导方针法规化和制度化,保障其在新闻宣传实际中的贯彻落实。新闻刊物的创办实行注册登记制度。手续复杂,关卡繁多,审批机关日益上层,资格限制,政治色彩愈加浓厚。对军事新闻限制严格,规定有种种限制。对记者的采访报道,对民营电台的广播内容,作了具体苛刻限制和规定。把违反三民主义放在首位,新闻检查法规有全国性的,有地方性的,有专门性的。新闻法规基本上多是惩罚性的,缺乏扶持和奖励。新闻违法处罚力度重,制定多种违法处罚措施。党政军多个部门都有违法处罚权力,并制定出与新闻违法处罚相关的非常法。创办“党化新闻”机构,实行新闻垄断。国民党创办了党营的中央通讯社、中央日报、中央广播电台,及其在各地所设立的分支机构,从中央到地方形成了三位一体的新闻宣传通讯网络。南京国民政府对“党化新闻”机构投入多,规模广,特权大,享有多种特权。从地域上看,分布广,从中央到地方,从城市到乡村,从沿海到内陆,从中国到国外,从地上到空中。从时间上看,二十世纪三十年代初期经过改制,“党化新闻”发展较快。“党化新闻”事业得到政府大力扶持,资金雄厚,以国家财政作为后盾,多次大批投入资金,党政军各部门大力支持,使“党化新闻”事业在短期内得到了较快的发展,“党化新闻”势力延伸到中国的大部分地区。“党化新闻”机构特权多,利用国民党的执政地位,垄断了国内外新闻。但“党化新闻”事业在全国所占比例和影响却相对较小,还没有几个民营的大报影响大。但“党化新闻”机构在数量上占绝对优势,基本上垄断了国内新闻事业,垄断了国际新闻的发布权,垄断了国内新闻向国际转发权。由于国民党利己主义的阶级本性,“党化新闻”事业表面上蓬勃兴旺,但精神上却早已枯萎了。乏味党义的灌输,“党化”色彩过于浓厚,经常编造新闻,无中生有,空穴来风。经常篡改新闻,违背新闻的客观性与真实性,不择手段,为己所用,谋取一党私利。叫嚣法西斯主义,歌颂独裁,美化领袖,剥夺人民权利,倡导和宣传无条件服从,进行欺骗性地宣传,对民众和社会进行愚弄。固步自封,僵化保守,画地为牢,作茧自缚,缺乏创新与活力,落伍于时代,落后于历史潮流,自己把自己抛弃了。严格新闻检查,监控非“党化新闻”。国民党党政军各部门,设立了名目繁多的新闻检查机关,拥有广泛的新闻检查权力,并规定具体职能、工作范围、任务、特权等。国民党使用多种手段和运用多种手法,检查各种新闻和新闻报道。新闻检查官对新闻检查法规条例,自由理解,随意执行。时间上,从最初的出版后检查到出版前检查。地域上,从最初的东南几省扩展到全国大部分地区。特别是封杀进步新闻报道,对批评国民党的新闻,对呼吁抗日的新闻,对要求开放民主的新闻,实行严格检查。打击迫害进步新闻,实行法西斯的新闻专制。国民党对进步的新闻机构打击迫害,利用特务进行公开或秘密的镇压,无理取缔,野蛮查封,暴力捣毁。迫害进步新闻人士。进步新闻人士受迫害的人数多,面积广,程度深而且残酷。从知名新闻人士到一般新闻人士。手段多种多样,从监视、殴打、政治迫害、收买、通缉、逮捕、绑架、暗杀等等,手段不一而足,暴露出国民党法西斯的新闻专制实质。进步新闻人士包括国民党内的民主派,进步的地方势力,共产党,自由主义者,中间派,正直进步的无党派人士等。进步新闻人士对国民党的法西斯新闻专制进行了不屈不挠的斗争。“党化新闻”是南京国民政府新闻政策的集中表现。是国民党一党专政在新闻领域里的具体实施。“党化新闻”是国民党对整个新闻事业的垄断,代表的是蒋宋孔陈四大家族的经济利益和政治特权,反映出他们的阶级利益和政治诉求,体现出大地主大资产阶级的思想意识和阶级本性并忠实地为其服务。“党化新闻”是对民众所进行的已经歪曲的党义的灌输和违背时代潮流政纲政策的传达,对异己的进步新闻进行打击和迫害。“党化新闻”根本违背现代新闻自由的原则,钳制了舆论,禁锢了思想,束缚了人对真理的认识与探求,摧残了人的创造力,窒息了人的聪明才智,是国民党“党化”专制在思想和文化里的重要表现。“党化新闻”严重阻碍了中国新闻事业的进步与现代化,进步新闻事业受到阻碍与扼杀,整个新闻事业徘徊不前。“党化新闻”阻碍中国新闻事业的发展与壮大。“党化新闻”阻碍了中国社会的进步。“党化新闻”阻挡了民主自由思想传播,妨碍了近代中国对西方民主制度的正确认知。“党化新闻”过分宣传和推崇法西斯主义,三四十年代法西斯主义特别盛行,法西斯主义毒害人民的思想和灵魂。法西斯暴力充斥着新闻界,尤其对进步新闻,新闻界阴霾恐怖,血雨腥风。“党化新闻”使民主法制受到打击和破坏,法如虚设,有法不依,执法不严,违法不纠,纲纪毁坏,民无死所。“党化新闻”戳穿了国民党所宣称法制的烟幕,暴露出其人治的内核。“党化新闻”使国内抗日新闻宣传和运动及民主自由的新闻舆论呼声受到压制和打击。国民党的新闻政策是失败的,不能够担当起历史与时代所赋予的使命,逆历史与时代的潮流而动,最终只能够退出历史舞台,成为匆匆过客。

【Abstract】 News policy is an important part of the ideological,belongs to the state of the superstructure, built on economic basis, reflects the strong sense of class and class interests and class content. Ties close with the country’s political, economic, military, cultural, and diplomatic ,and so on . Although the NanJing National Government under Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People’s banner, but has betrayed the essence of Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People, Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People at this time has become a tool for authoritarian dictatorship. - Anti-communist party, the massacre of workers and peasants, anti-Soviet Union pro-imperialist, suppress the Red Army base, the Japanese compromise, the policy content of this news service. Nanjing National Government "Yidangzhiguo" the news guidelines, and to carry out the actual news, the "party of the news." News to work for the Centre to promote the Three People’s Principles, the Three People’s Principles as the supreme criterion is public information and the core of the soul. Three People’s Principles to have all the rights and wrongs of the scale and standards. Not oppose the Three People’s Principles, the sanctity of the Three People’s Principles. The implementation of "one yuan news", A news hierarchy. Three Principles of the People in the news only allowed to field their own independent of and not allow other areas of the news there. "The party of the press" and "Party of the press all over the country" and "one-party rule on." KMT in the entire journalism monopoly on the development trend of the Kuomintang party’s business journalism, design management, control and personnel appointments, and discipline and enjoy the party of the allowance. The privately-run press to make things difficult for the cause of various restrictions, and business news from the news staff control. Restrictions on non-"the party of news," the civilian-run newspapers, magazines, news agencies, radio and other news and propaganda, anti-Three People’s Principles and departure from the policy platforms of the Three People’s Principles and restrictions, banning anti-KMT’s news.News formulate policies and regulations, strengthen "the party news." KMT government, and military departments on formulating and publishing a number of news management, news reports, press censorship, the press law and other laws and regulations punishment. These laws and regulations reflects the "party news," the idea of implementing the "Yidangzhiguo" approach to news guidelines and regulations and institutionalized to ensure that in its actual implementation. News publications, founder of implementing the registration system. Complex procedures, many barriers, increasing the upper approving authority, restricting eligibility, a strong political overtones. Strict restrictions on military news, provided there are restrictions. The reporter interviewed reported that the privately-run radio station broadcasting content, specifically harsh restrictions. The first violation of the Three People’s Principles, press censorship laws and regulations are national, local and specialized nature. News-punishment law, enacted a variety of punitive measures, the government, and military departments have the right to punish, and to develop and impose penalties on news the very law.Founder of the "party of the press", Gong practice breaking news. KMT founder of the party’s Central News Agency camp, the Central Daily News, the Central Broadcasting Station, and in various places established by the branches, from central to local formed a three-dimensional communications network news and propaganda. "The party news" organizations are large in scale, investment, privileges, and enjoy a variety of privileges. Widely distributed, from central to local, from China to foreign countries, from the ground into the air. We strongly support and well-funded. Privileges, riding out the KMT’s ruling position, monopolized the domestic and international news. But the party business journalism in the country and the proportion has not affected the number of privately-run newspaper impact, but the cause of the party’s business news in the number of absolute superiority, basically monopolized the domestic news business, a monopoly of international news of the release, Monopolized the domestic news to the international power forward. As the KMT stage nature of egoism, "the party’s news" on the face of booming prosperity of the cause, but the spirit has already withered. Boring party indoctrination of justice, "the party" is too strong colors, often tamper with the press and clamoring for fascism, to conduct fraudulent propaganda, solid conservative step, the lack of innovation and vitality, falling behind the times, abandoned their own.Strict press censorship, control of non-"the party news." KMT government, and military departments, the establishment of Mingmufanduo the censorship authorities have broad powers of censorship, and provides for specific functions, scope of work, tasks, and other privileges. KMT inspection by means of various news and news reports. Prosecutor to press censorship laws and regulations, understanding of freedom, arbitrary enforcement. Time, from the initial inspection following the publication of the inspection before publication. Geographically, from the initial several southeastern provinces to most parts of the country. Especially the blocked progress to press reports, the KMT’s criticism of the press, called on the Japanese press, open and democratic demands of the press and a strict check.Progress against persecution of the press and the implementation of fascist dictatorship. KMT on the progress of news agencies to combat persecution, use of open or secret agents of repression, arbitrary ban, the brutal seizure, violence and destroyed. News people persecuted progress. News progress the number of people being persecuted, wide area, the degree of cruelty and deep. Well-known news from general news to those people. Variety of means, from surveillance, beatings, political persecution, and buying, wanted to arrest, kidnapping, assassinations, and other so on. KMT exposed the fascist dictatorship of real news. News people, including progress of the democratic faction within the KMT, the progress of local forces, the Communist Party, liberals, moderates, integrity and progress, and other public figures without party affiliation. Information on the progress of the KMT’s authoritarian fascist news for the indomitable struggle."The party of the news" is Nanjing National Government policy on press performance. KMT one-party dictatorship in the field of information in the specific implementation. "The party of the news" is news to the whole cause of the KMT’s monopoly, is the representative of the Jiang-song- kong-chen family of four class interests, reflecting the big landlords and big bourgeois ideology and class nature of the faithful for their services. "The party of the news" is the people has been distorted by the indoctrination of the party-run counter to the trend of the times and the policy platforms of communication, news of the progress of dissidents against and persecution. "The party news," contrary to fundamental principles of modern freedom of the press, is the KMT’s "party" dictatorship of the important performance, seriously hindered the China News the cause of progress and modernization. "The party news," the China News hinder the development of the cause. "The party news" impede the progress of the Chinese society. "The party of news" to be against democracy and the legal system, rampant fascism in particular, the domestic anti-Japanese propaganda of democracy and freedom of movement and suppression of media voices. KMT’s information policy is a failure, can not take on history and the mission entrusted by the times, and against the historical trend and the times, only to eventually withdraw from the stage of history.

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