

A Student on the Combined Teaching Strategy of Politics Course in High School

【作者】 蒙宇

【导师】 何昭红;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高中思想政治课教学存在着与生活脱节、学生兴趣不浓、教师教学理念和方法落后、过度重视知识而忽视德育效果等问题。为解决高中思想政治课存在的问题,国家推行了新一轮的教学改革。在新推行的《高中思想政治课程标准(实验)》中,提出了新的教学理念、课程目标、课程设计思路、课程内容标准以及实施建议。本文通过对高中思想政治新课程理念及教学目标的理解,提出高中思想政治课组合式教学策略,希望探索出一个有利于高中思想政治课教学改革的策略方法。没有一种教学理论能够解决教学过程中的所有问题。在教学过程中,不存在能实现所教学目标的最佳教学理论和教学方法。当代各种教学理论在某些方面却有着自己独到的优点。高中思想政治课教学策略的根本思想是:用开放、包容的态度去对待这些既相互指责、相互矛盾,却又各有优势的现代教学理论,用优化组合的方法,充分发挥这些不同门派的教学理论的优点,避免单一教学理论的局限和不足,更好地实现教学目标。在课堂教学改革中,建构主义、人本主义、认知主义和行为主义等教学理论是现代比较流行的教学理论,符合新课程的基本理念。在教学策略上,必须充分运用这些现代教学理论的优点,合理、有效地安排教学。课堂教学是由各种复杂要素组成的有机统一整体。要使课堂教学紧凑、连贯、高效,必须运用系统论的原则对各种要素进行精心安排和组织。此外,课堂教学是为了达成教学目标。不同的教学内容、教学阶段会有不同的教学目标。在高中思想政治新课程中,提出了知识、能力、情感、态度和价值观的综合性教学目标。这就需要根据实际目标,运用有效的教学理论和教学方式去实现,而不去纠缠于各种不同理论观点的恩怨冲突。这与实用主义的核心思想“把获得实际效果当作最高目的”是一致的,所以应当把“实用主义”的思想作为组合式教学策略的灵魂。因此,高中思想政治课组合式教学策略从组合原则层面上,以系统论和实用主义理论指导;从完成具体教学任务层面上,主要以现代较流行的建构主义、行为主义、认知主义、人本主义等学习理论为具体教学操作指导理论,形成了在组合理论指导下,为达到一定教育教学目标,选择不同的教学理论为具体指导的教学策略。所以,本文的主线是:以《新课程的标准》理念落实和目标达成为宗旨,以实用主义和系统论为统领,从高中思想政治课堂教学的实际出发,以探究式教学、合作学习、自主学习、活动课教学等教学方式为手段,通过教学活动的实践来验证,把自我评价、同行评价和学生评价相结合,力图形成既能承接到历史问题,又符合现实条件,能符合教学改革发展方向的组合式的教学策略,为高中思想政治课教学提供一条有实用价值的教学改进思路。这是本文的核心,也是主要的创新点。高中思想政治课组合式教学策略是指,为完成高中思想政治课程目标,依据教学的主客观条件,特别是学生的实际,对所选用的教学顺序、教学活动程序、教学组织形式、教学方法、教学媒体和教学资源的利用开发等进行总体考虑,对各种教学要素(特别是教学方法)进行优化组合,以形成当前具体条件下最有效可行的教学安排。在实践运用方面,高中思想政治课组合式策略针对理论性较强的课、强调实践技能的课、偏重于识记和理解的课、学法指导课等四种类型,分别提出了实施模式,并用具体实践的教学案例加以说明,突出组合式教学策略的操作指导。最后根据教学实践的成果和感受,以及学生、同行和专家的评价,对思想政治课组合式教学策略的探索加以反思和评价,指出高中思想政治课组合式教学策略的推广前景与努力方向。

【Abstract】 Classroom instruction is the organic unified whole which is composed by each kind of complex factors. Using the principle of system theory to arrange and organize carefully each kind of factors can cause the classroom instruction to be compact, coherent, and highly effective. In addition, the function of classroom instruction is to achieve the teaching goal. The different course contents and stages can have different teaching goals. New curriculum of high school Politics course has proposed a comprehensive teaching goal included knowledge, ability, emotion, manner and values. The teaching goal needs to utilize effective teaching theory and teaching method to realize according to the actual target, but not to pester in the conflicts of each kind of different theory viewpoints. The thought of pragmatism is inevitably used as the soul of teaching strategy. Therefore, the combined type teaching strategy of Politics teaching in high school is guided by system theory and pragmatism theory from the stratification of combined principle. It’s also mainly guided by principle of constructs, behaviorism, and the principle of cognition, humanism and other study theories as its concrete teaching theory from the stratification of complex concrete teaching duty. According to these two theories, the combined type teaching strategy of Politics teaching in high school has formed a teaching strategy which chooses different teaching theories as the concrete instruction to achieve certain education and teaching goal under the guidance of the combinatorial theory.The definition of“the Combinable teaching strategy of politics course”in high school is that for the purpose of accomplishing the politics course by using the conditions both in subjective and objective, especially for the consideration of our students. We should take the full consideration to the order of teaching, the process of teaching methods, the teaching media and the usage of the teaching resource to perfect different kinds of teaching factors(especially the teaching methods) and combine them together, and then to form a teaching arrangement which is very effective under the specific condition of the present.In practical application, the high school classes of ideological and political strategy, for the main four types of more modular courses, the courses emphasize practical skills, and emphasis on remembering and understanding the lessons, Direction of Learning Methods courses, namely proposed implementation modalities, and with the concrete practice of teaching cases that highlight the combination of teaching strategies specific guidance.Finally, according the experience of practice, as well as the feelings of students and the evaluations of peers, the paper will rethink the strategy of exploration and evaluation of combined classes of ideological and political education.

【关键词】 教学目标教学策略组合
【Key words】 teaching goalsteaching strategycombination
  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】442