

Researching on the Pattern of Running School of China’s Independent College

【作者】 周琨武

【导师】 贺祖斌;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代中期以来,在我国浙江、江苏、辽宁等经济发达的省区相继出现了一批新型的二级学院,人们称之为国有民办二级学院、也有的称为国有民助二级学院、公有民办二级学院。经过几年的蓬勃发展,2003年教育部下文《关于规范并加强普通高校以新的机制和模式试办独立学院管理的若干意见》统一称之为独立学院。独立学院这种崭新的办学模式,因其投资主体的多元性、办学理念的市场化以及办学机制的灵活性而显示出与普通高校截然不同的特征,它充分融合了公办高校与社会资本的双重优势,给我国高等教育的发展带来了积极的影响。本文通过大量文献资料的总结和研究,运用了问卷调查和访谈法,并以定性分析和定量分析,宏观分析与微观分析相结合的方法,系统性地分析了独立学院办学模式存在问题的内部和外部因素;最后有针对性的提出了解决问题的策略,为独立学院的持续发展提供有价值的参考。首先,对独立学院办学模式的相关内容进行阐述。本文通过文献研究法对独立学院办学模式产生的背景、主要理论研究、特征和历史演变过程等内容进行了梳理。并对独立学院办学模式各组成要素进行了论述。独立学院除了具备普通公办高校办学模式的一般特征之外,还有其特殊之处。通过对比研究,发现独立学院办学模式呈现如下特点:董事会领导体制、应用型人才培养、专兼职结合的师资队伍、灵活多样的课程教学。其次,对独立学院办学模式构建进行现实性分析。全国独立学院办学水平参差不齐,通过了解我国独立学院办学模式的整体情况,以广西区独立学院为调查对象,选取发达地区部分办学较为成熟的独立学院为代表,以问卷调查和访谈的方式,研究独立学院办学模式的现状和问题,从办学主体、办学目标定位、管理制度、教师队伍、投资渠道和办学质量监控等六个方面展开讨论。再次,分析独立学院办学模式问题的成因。问题形成的原因是多种多样的,本文从办学主体、办学理念、办学制度、办学目标、办学环境等五方面因素来进行分析,为进一步提出独立学院办学模式的构建打好基础。最后,提出独立学院办学模式建构的策略。针对以上存在的问题,从高等教育可持续发展的角度对独立学院办学模式的建构提出相应的建议和对策,包括:转变办学观念,树立科学发展观;突出应用性,科学定位人才培养目标;加强宏观管理,规范“董事会”管理模式;追求办学质量,正确处理规模和效益的关系;坚持独立性,建设有效的监督机制;坚持内涵发展,创造有利的经济和政策环境。

【Abstract】 Since the middle of 1990s,some kinds of second-level colleges appeared in advanced province in China,just as Zhejiang、Jiangsu and Liaoning province. We called these colleges as modes of running non-governmental second-level colleges by state universities. Several years later,in 2003,Ministry of education also published“On The Administration of Independent college Set up By Ordinary Institution of Higher Learning Adopting New Mechanism&New Pattern”. In this document,we called the independent college unitely. It is totally different from ordinary higher school,because of its multivariate subject of investment , marketization logos and flexibility mechanism of running school. It shows us the double vantages of fusing higher education resources and social capital.This paper through a great amount of documents, to use questionnaire survey and interview survey , combined with qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, macroscopic analysis and micro-analysis methods to analysis internal factor and external factor of pattern of running school of independent college. At last, to propose policy decision strategy, and to supply some reference for development of pattern of running school of independent college.Firstly, this paper through a great amount of documents to tease the cause background,pattern of running school and characteristic of pattern of running school of independent college. And then,it discoursed the element factors of pattern of running school of independent college. In comparison with the state universities, the pattern of running school of independent college has some characteristics like that: board of directors system, inter-disciplinary talent, full time and part-time teachers, flexible and variety courses.Secondly, to construct the pattern of running school of independent college,We find that the independent colleges developed irregularity,and understand the whole situation of our country. To get through questionnaire survey and interview survey of the independent colleges in Guangxi province,and choose some representatively from other province. From the current situation and problems,to discuss the subject,logos, location,quality, teachers and funds source of pattern of running school of independent college.Thirdly,to analyze the influencing reasons of pattern of running school of independent college. Analyzing the pattern of running school of independent college’s six factors:the subject,the location of target,management system,teachers’construction and quality monitor of teaching,in order to find out the reason,to laid the foundation of constructing pattern of running school of independent college.Finally,to raise the strategy of constructing of pattern of running school of independent college. Mentioning the questions above,the paper raises the strategy through the angle of sustainable development, includes changing the ideas of running school,establish scientific development notion;to insist on scientific objective of training talent;to reinforce managerial system,standard the board of directors model;to increase quality of teaching,treat the scale and benefit scientifly;to insist independence,and build effective supervisory machine;to persist model development,and create the beneficial economy and politics circumstances.

  • 【分类号】G648
  • 【被引频次】10
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