

A Research on the Development Strategy of National Model High Vocational Colleges

【作者】 李春醒

【导师】 何茂勋;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 职业教育在社会经济发展中具有十分重要的地位和作用,它是社会生产力发展到一定阶段后,为适应行业、企业和职业岗位的需要应运而生的一种教育类型。在我国目前经济和社会发展还相对落后的情况下,更应该通过大力发展职业教育来推动社会经济的发展。由于我国的高等职业教育发展历时较短,高职院校办学基础比较薄弱,师资力量不足、人才培养质量不高、办学机制不完善等问题的存在严重阻碍了我国高等职业教育的健康发展。2006年11月国家教育部、财政部联合启动了国家示范性高等职业院校建设计划。这项计划旨在建成一批高水平的高职院校来带动全国高职院校的发展。通过实施国家示范性高等职业院校建设计划,使示范院校在办学实力、教学质量、管理水平、办学效益和辐射能力等方面都能有较大提高,特别是在深化教育教学改革、创新人才培养模式、建设高水平专兼结合专业教学团队、提高社会服务能力和创建办学特色等方面取得明显进展。发挥示范院校的示范作用,带动其他普通高职院校加快改革与发展的步伐,从而能更好地为经济建设和社会发展服务。国家示范性高等职业院校建设是我国高等职业教育改革与发展的一项重大工程,其中涉及到学校建设诸多方面。因此,国家示范性高等职业院校在具体的建设过程中应该制定科学的发展规划和有效的发展战略措施。所以对于国家示范性高等职业院校的发展战略进行研究是非常必要的。国家示范性高等职业院校的发展既面临着良好的机遇,有着独特的发展优势,同时也面临着巨大的外部威胁,自身内部也存在着许多亟待解决的问题。国家示范性高等职业院校必须在充分分析其内外部环境条件的基础之上,遵循一定的原则确立在一定时期之内的全局性的奋斗目标。国家示范性高等职业院校发展的总体战略目标是以改革和发展为动力,以国家示范性高等职业院校建设计划为契机,通过示范性院校建设,使学校在办学实力、教学质量、管理水平、办学效益和辐射能力等方面都获得较大的提升,将学校建设成为国内一流、特色鲜明、社会认可度高,并且在区域高等职业教育发展进程中能起到带动和示范作用的国家示范性高职院校,推动我国高等职业教育的改革和发展。国家示范性高等职业院校在示范建设期内战略重点在于加强内涵建设,提高学校的整体发展水平;在示范建设成果推广期战略重点在于示范辐射能力的建设,进一步发挥学校的示范作用。根据国家示范性高等职业院校发展的战略目标和战略重点,其主要的发展战略措施,一是要加强内涵建设,提高学校教育质量和水平。具体措施是以专业建设为中心,推进学校专业的建设水平;推进学校“双师型”教师队伍建设;营造良好的教育环境;深化内部管理体制的改革。二是要实施开放式办学,以服务建立学校发展的新依托。具体措施是教育与经济结合,找准服务定位;学校与企业结合,推动产学研结合;教学与生产、学习与就业相结合;社会服务与市场结合。三是实施共建工程,以共建促发展。具体措施是学校与所在地方政府的共建;学校与相关地区、校际之间的共建;加强国际之间的交流与合作。

【Abstract】 The development of vocational education plays a pretty important role in the socio-economic. With the development of society, in order to adapt to industry, business and professional position, a new type of education has emerged. In the circumstances that China’s current economic and social development is still relatively backward, we should develop the vocational education rapidly to stimulate and promote social and economic development. There are many problems in high vocational education .The development of high vocational education in China lasts shorter, the sponsoring foundation of high vocational colleges is weak and the teaching staff is inadequate, the training of personal quality and school mechanism is imperfect. All of these situations listed above impediment the healthy development of high vocational education.In November 2006, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance launched a national demonstration of high vocational college education projects. The project aims to build a batch of high-level vocational institutions to promote the development of the National Vocational College. Through implementing the program of the national demonstration of the high vocational college, the school strength, quality of teaching, management, operating efficiency and radiation capability of the model institutions can be improved rapidly, especially in deepening educational reform, innovating talents training model. With the building of high level professionals and professional teaching team, the improvement of the social services capacity, the creation of college characteristics and other aspects of visible progress will be achieved. The leading general vocational college should speed up the pace of reform and development so that they could do a better job in economic construction and social development.The building of high vocational national institution and its development is a major project involving many aspects of the college building. Therefore, the state’s model high vocational institutions should formulate a scientific planning and develop effective development strategy. We can see that the demonstration of national high vocational institutions for the development of strategic research is essential. High national model of the development of vocational schools are facing a great opportunity, a unique advantage for development, but also facing significant external threats within their own such as that there are many issues requiring urgent solution. The national model in high vocational institutions must fully analyze the conditions in the external environment on the basis of certain principles established in a certain period within the overall objectives. The overall development and reform strategy of national model of high vocational institutions is the driving force. With the national demonstration of the high vocational colleges building program, which is a good opportunity for the adoption of the model college construction, national model of high vocational institutions can improve the quality of teaching management level of operating efficiency. The ability to radiate large areas has been upgrading. The college construction will become a first-class and distinctive feature. A high degree of social recognition and the development progress of high vocational education in the Region will have a lead role in the national demonstration model of vocational college and in promoting China’s high vocational education reform and development. The focus of national model of high vocational instructions in the building during the demonstration strategic is to strength the content of construction and to improve the college’s overall development. The results in the model building strategy focusing on the promotion of radiation, capacity-building, will further play the exemplary role of the college. According to the strategic objectives and focus and the main development strategy of the development of model high vocational institutions, it is necessary to strengthen the connotation of construction and to improve the quality and level of college education. Specific measures in a professional construction and promoting the building of college professional level, promoting college“dual-mode”building of the contingent of teachers, can create a good educational environment and deepen the reform of its internal management system. In the second level, we must strengthen regional economic development and integration, the establishment of college to serve the development of new support. The concrete measures are education and economic integration, and the identify service positioning with college and business. In the third level, the implementation of corporate construction is necessary, which can promote the development of model high vocational colleges. Its specific measures are the corporation of colleges and local government, the corporation of colleges and related regions and other colleges as well as international intercourse and cooperation.

  • 【分类号】G718.5
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1156