

Study on the Developing Strategy after Guangxi Normal Junior Colleges Transformed to Multiple-Branch Colleges

【作者】 龚剑

【导师】 何茂勋;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年以来,广西已先后有4所高等师范专科学校升本并转型为多科性普通本科院。广西师专升本并转型为多科性普通本科学院是有其现实背景的。从世界发达国家师范教育看,我国高等师范专科学校升本转型是社会和教育发展双重压力下的客观必然结果;从我国高等教育体制改革看,我国高等师范专科院校的升本转型,是高等教育改革与发展的需要,也是教师教育人才培养的需要;从广西的高校布局结构看,广西师专升本转型是优化整个广西高校布局结构的需要;从加快整个广西高等教育大众化看,确实需要把各城市的高等教育做大、做强;从广西城市发展看,提升城市品位,增强城市的综合竞争能力,需要发展本科院校;从学校自身发展看,高校间实力竞争的压力使高等师范专科学校发展的前景堪忧,广西师专升本转型是一种现实的选择。广西师专升本并转型为多科性普通本科学院是有重要意义的。第一,有助于广西高等教育结构的整体优化,缓解了原有高校本科扩招带来的压力,有助于广西高等教育大众化水平的提高,可以更好地满足人民群众不断增长的接受高等教育的需求。第二,广西师专升本探索出了一条扩大高等院校的人才培养规模和供给能力发展的新途径。第三,解决了一些地级市长期以来没有综合性或多科性本科院校的问题,有助于这些地方的社会政治经济和文化发展,从而提升地级城市的品位,增强城市的综合竞争能力。第四,有助于解决长期以来制约这些学校发展的瓶颈问题,使学校的发展跃上新的台阶、新的水平,更好地为当地社会经济和文化建设服务。第五,广西师专升本后,对地级市发展高等教育有良好的示范作用,有可能带动地级城市高等职业教育的发展。广西由师专升本转型的院校具有良好的区域优势和资源优势,遇到了良好的政策机遇、合作机遇和发展机遇,这些都是此类院校更好、更快发展的有利因素。当然其发展也面临着环境的制约和办学条件的制约,同时受到竞争的威胁和毕业生就业形势、地方经济不发达等宏观威胁。作为由师专升本转型的院校,既要面对前所未有的竞争压力,又获得了新的发展机遇,为了在发展中不至于迷失自我,迫切需要制定出自己的发展战略,对学校的长远目标及行动路线作出宏观的、预见性的构想和规划。根据高校发展战略的相关理论和一些高等学校的发展经验,依据广西师专升本转型后所处的地位和担负的历史使命以及这些学校的现实条件,遵循制定发展战略的原则,从宏观的角度考虑,广西师专升本转型后可选择内涵式发展、跨越式发展和错位发展战略,按照分步走的原则,通过发展战略的实施,争取用二十年左右或者更长一些的时间,把学校办成具有较高水平的地方综合性大学。根据确立的发展战略目标和选择的发展战略,以及广西壮族自治区人民政府对这些学校提出的要求,这些学校在今后的发展过程中可实施以下一些战略措施:开展教育思想讨论学习,更新办学理念;科学谋划,着力解决好办学定位问题;推进制度建设,提升管理水平;加强基础建设,转变人才培养模式;强化专业建设,实施品牌教育;实施人才强校战略,提高队伍素质;实施开放办学,提升社会功能。

【Abstract】 Since 2003, there are four normal junior colleges in Guangxi that have transformed to Multiple-Branch Colleges. These colleges’pattern-transferring are based on real background statistics. Compared to the normal education in developed country, the pattern-transferring in our country’s normal junior colleges was the result of development of society and education. From China’s higher education reform, the pattern-transferring in our country’s normal junior colleges was in need of reform and development in higher education, and in need of teacher education reform. From the layout of colleges and universities in Guangxi, it is the need of optimizing the layout in Guangxi’s colleges and universities. The popularization of higher education also needs these colleges in Guangxi to upgrade the city’s grade and comprehensive competitiveness. From these schools own development , the competition pressure between colleges and universities makes us worried about the prospect of the normal junior colleges. The transformation of Guangxi normal junior colleges is a choice we need to make.The normal junior colleges in Guangxi that have transformed to Multi-Branch Undergraduate colleges have benefited significantly. Firstly, it helps to optimize the overall structure of higher education in Guangxi, relieving the pressure brought on by Higher Education Expansion, satisfying the people’s growing demand for higher education. Secondly, the ways of normal junior colleges in Guangxi transformed to Multi-Branch Undergraduate colleges have explored means of expansion through higher education and development of supply capacity.Thirdly, it solves the problems of some prefectural level cities lack of comprehension. It also helps these cities to enhance its social, political, economic and cultural development, so as to enhance the quality of these cities, and enhance the city’s comprehensive competitiveness. Fourthly, it helps solve the long-standing constraints of developing these colleges, so enhancing these colleges’development to a new level, and better to preserve the local socio-economic and cultural bond. Fifthly, after the normal junior colleges in Guangxi transform to Multi-Branch Undergraduate colleges, it will give the model needed to develop higher education and it is possible to promote these prefectural level cities to develop higher vocational education elsewhere.The undergraduate colleges of Guangxi transformed from normal junior colleges possess advantages of regional resources, they have good opportunities of policy, cooperation and development. All of these factors are the key to make more efficient development. Of course, its development is also faced with constraints of environmental and operating conditions, coupled with macro-threats such as competition, employment and a bad economic situation. In order not to stray from the path of development, it is necessary to formulate their own development strategies; to make an achievable step-by-step initiative for their long-term objectives. According to the following factors we can establish the colleges’development strategy. Firstly, knowing the relative theory of colleges and universities and its experience in the development. Secondly, the status and real conditions of these new formed colleges. Thirdly, the principles of formulating a developed strategy. From the macro-point, the Undergraduate colleges of Guangxi transformed from normal junior colleges can option strategies of content development and leapfrog development and dislocation development. Through use of these strategies of development, we hope that the colleges attain higher level local comprehension within 20 years.According to established objectives of development strategy and the chosen development strategy, as well as the requests proposed by People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regional, the researcher proposed the following strategic measures to promote these colleges future development: Discussing and learning the educational ideas so as to update the concept of colleges, scientific plans in order to resolve these colleges’orientation issues, promotion to the system building to upgrade the management level, strengthening infrastructure and changing personnel training modes, strengthening the professional construction and implementing the brand education. Implementing the strategies of talents to strengthen these colleges to improve the quality of the teacher’s team. Implementing liberal education to enhance these colleges’social function.

  • 【分类号】G659.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】405