

An Exploratory Study into the Effect of Key Words on English Listening Comprehension

【作者】 姚育红

【导师】 陈吉棠;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在英语学习中,听力理解是一项至关重要的基本技能,同时也是英语学习者直面的难点之一。关于听力的研究,国内外许多学者已做了大量的工作,取得一定的成果。近些年来,不少英语教师和研究者站在微观策略探讨的层面上,对在听的过程中如何把握关键词,以关键词为激活点来扩展记忆产生兴趣,并进行了探索。在英语听力中要关注关键词的提法,当今已在国内英语教学界得到了广泛的认同,但基本上限于经验之谈,没有进行过系统科学的调查研究。识别关键词的学习策略,多年前国外学者Richards,O’Malley和Chamat都曾提出它是属于认知策略中的一种认知方式。心理语言学家认为,听的过程是一个把知觉与语言相结合的复杂的心理操作过程;而认知心理语言学家则倾向于把言语理解的过程看作一个复杂的心理对意义的构建。听力理解是一个主动的复杂的认知过程,而不是被动的接受技巧。受以上的观点所启迪,本文以认知心理学的注意理论、典型效应理论、语义激活扩散理论作指导,以广西师范大学外国语学院2005级学生为对象,探讨在听力理解这一个动态过程中,关键词是如何对学生听力产生机制作用的,学生又是怎样处理关键词问题的。研究的方法是问卷、访谈和实验测试。通过运用社会科学统计软件包(SPSS,VER12.0)对调查数据的详细分析和反复的比较,我们发现:(1)在有可视材料的情况下,学生能依据练习的内容确定关键词语,高分组学生犹为明显;尽管在回答选择题方面,学生的答对率竟然高达80%以上,但学生整体复述情况不理想。选择题的答题并不一定能反映实际的英语听力理解能力。(2)在没有可视材料的情况下,学生往往将熟悉的词语视为关键词,整体复述情况较差。(3)无论是高分组学生还是低分组学生,尽管他们都想提高英语收听理解能力,但能在实际收听过程中真正从整体上把握好收听内容的却不多。由此我们得出的结论是:(1)大部分学生不能很好地利用关键词或自己熟悉的词来拓展听力理解范围。(2)多项选择题作为一种使用频率最高的题型,有其不可替代的优点,但选择题的答对情况并不能说明对所听材料已经完全理解。(3)英语听力过程中对关键词的界定是因人而异的,是随着人对信息的接受程度而发生变化的,不可能如阅读那样使用一个界定标准。识别关键词是一项要求较高的技能,英语听力理解能力的提高要循序渐进,稳打稳扎,以提高实际收听能力为目标。论文由引言、文献综述、研究方法、研究结果的分析与讨论和结论等五章组成。引言阐述了研究的背景、重要性和论文的结构;文献综述谈及与本研究有关的前人的理论和研究成果及本研究的理论依据;研究方法一章介绍研究的目的、使用的工具和研究过程及调查的具体数据;分析结果与讨论主要呈现和分析本研究的结果;结论部分凸现了本研究对英语听力教学的启示,提出了本研究的局限性。作者的观点、意见均在后两章中得到鲜明的体现。

【Abstract】 Listening comprehension constitutes an important part of a language learner’s language competence, which has long been a main problem for our EFL students, thus it has been a great concern that has haunted Chinese English teachers. Many researchers at home and abroad have made a body of researches and have gained great achievements on listening comprehension studies. In recent years, many English teachers and researchers have shown great interests and have probed into how to identify key words and how to use key words as nodes to activate and spread knowledge during listening process from the viewpoint of micro-listening skills. During the long time of EFL listening comprehension practice, the method of identifying key words during listening or the method of offering listeners pre-listening instructions of key words has been adopted by many language teachers. However, these viewpoints were only derived from their teaching experience, not based on the scientific researches.Decades before, foreign scholars like Richards, O’Malley and Chamat put forward that identifying key words was one kind of cognitive strategies which will enhance foreign language learning greatly. The psycholinguists think that listening is a complex psychological process combining perception with language; while cognitive psycholinguists consider language understanding as the process of meaning construction of a complicate psychology. Listening comprehension has been recognized not as a passive receptive skill but as an active complex cognitive process. The present author, drawing inspiration from the theories of attention, semantic spreading activation model and typicality effect theory, investigated the English majors enrolled in 2005 of the college of foreign studies of Guangxi Normal University , explored how key words work and how learners deal with key words in the dynamic process of listening comprehension. Mainly, three research methods are involved: listening tests, questionnaire and interviews.The statistics packet of the social science software (SPSS,VER12.0 ) was used for statistical analysis. Through detailed analysis and repeated comparison of the research data, we found: 1) when provided with written material, students can recognize key words according to the exercise items, which is much more evident in HL students. The average percentage of correct answers in the part of multiple choices of each listening comprehension test is above 80%. However, rehearsal result of the same listening text is not very good. The answers of multiple choices can not necessarily represent learners’practical listening comprehension ability. 2) When not provided with any written material, students often view their familiar words as key words, the rehearsal results are poor. 3) Although both of HL group and LL group have a strong desire to improve listening comprehension ability, few of them take listening material as a whole to acquire global understanding during listening process. Therefore, we draw conclusions as follows: 1) Most of students are not able to use key words or their familiar words to activate and deepen their listening comprehension. 2) Making right choices in the exercises of multiple choices can not necessarily demonstrate that learners completely understand the listening material. 3) While listening, the key words are not fixed words; they are subject to changes due to the different ability of people’s acquiring information from person to person. There is no criterion for reference to identify key words like we often do during reading.The paper consists of five chapters. Chapter One introduces the background and the origin of the present research, states the research questions and significance. The information presented in Chapter Two is intended to review the literature that addresses the act of listening comprehension. The body of the literature review includes four sections. The first three sections are about the nature of listening comprehension, a historical overview of listening comprehension studies, the relationship between listening and reading. The last section will outline the theoretical bases that guide this study. Chapter Three reports the procedures of the present research, which includes the research purposes (specific research questions), subjects, research methods, and the way of data collection. The analysis of the data collected from one questionnaire and two listening comprehension tests, and from the interviews is also included in this chapter. Chapter Four is devoted to the findings, interpretations, discussions of the research. Chapter Five serves as conclusions of the present study. Also in this chapter, lessons learned in this research and suggestions for pedagogy and the limitations of this research are included.

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