

Research on the Cultivation of Humanistic Quality of Independent College Students

【作者】 梁业梅

【导师】 唐荣德;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代社会,科学技术的迅猛发展和巨大威力,推进了人类社会的进步和发展,强化了人们对科学教育价值的推崇,人们的价值观也逐渐趋向功利性与实用性。人们在盲目追求物质文明的同时,却忘记了关心自己的灵魂,忘记了追寻人生的意义和理想。基于这样的现实背景,本研究提出了通过对学生进行人文教育来提升学生的人文素养,以促使他们的技术能力与人文素养协调发展,最终达到人的和谐发展。而本文把独立学院的学生做为研究对象,是因为独立学院的培养目标是应用型人才的培养,更多地注重发展学生的科学素养和专业技能,很大程度上忽略了学生人文素养的培养。这与当代教育培养学生全面和谐发展的教育目标相违背。为了能使独立学院学生在技能和人文方面更好地协调发展,本文特地对独立学院学生人文素养的培养进行系统全面的研究。不同时期不同的人对人文素养的理解各有千秋,在分析和借鉴前人理论的基础上,本文中的人文素养是指通过人文学科等知识的习得而形成一种人之为人的稳定的修养和品质。人文素养主要包括三方面的内容:人文知识、人文精神、人文行为。在观察访谈和对大量材料分析的基础上,得出独立学院学生的人文素养的现状主要通过他们的人文知识、人文精神和人文行为等表现出来。在人文知识的积淀情况上,独立学院学生主要表现出他们远离经典人文著作,崇尚潮流作品、偏爱故事性较强的人文学科,冷落哲理性人文学科、理科学生掌握的人文知识“先天不足后天不补”等特点;在人文精神上,独立学院学生呈现出人生理想的务实化、道德观多元化、人生价值观功利化、心理素质脆弱化等特点;在人文行为上,独立学院学生主要表现在他们如何处理人与人、人与社会、人与自然的关系。独立学院学生的人文素养呈现多元化,主要是独立学院营利性的办学机制、不平衡的师资结构、狭窄和功利的人文课程体系、滞后的教学模式、薄弱的人文底蕴等在某个程度上限制了学生人文素养的陶冶。针对独立学院学生人文素养凸显的问题,提出一些可行性措施来提升独立学院学生的人文素养是相当必要的。本研究主要通过保障大学的公益性,完善人才培养目标、强化师资队伍建设,全面提升教师人文素养、构建合理的人文素质课程体系、创设以人为本的教学模式、优化校园人文环境,加强校园文化建设等措施来提升学生的人文素养。

【Abstract】 In modern society,the rapid development and the enormous power of science and technology promote progress and development of the human society,strengthen people’s respect for the value of scientific education as well as utilitarianism and practicalism towards people’s concepts of value.In the blind pursuit of material,the care for the soul and the seach for the meaning and the good of life has been gradually ignored,Basing on that reflective thinking of the background, the research in this dissentation tries to propose a way to lead to the balanced development between technological ability and humanism education in order to achieve harmonious relation between people by improving students quality in literature.The reason that the anthor categonizes the independent college students into research subjects lies in that the goal which the college strive for and the type of person which the college raises cater to the needs of this modern society,which emphasizes more on the trainning of scisentific ability and speciality with the ignorance of humanistic develepment.That goes against the educational goal of rasing the students to be with all-round develeped skills and with high humanistic quality.Taking all these into consideration,this paper made an overal and systematic cultivation so as to get the develepment between skills and humanistic quality balanced.Having overviewed the different ideas of humanistic quality proposed by different scholars in every period of time,the author generates her own understanding toward humanistic quaity,that is,forming a relectively mature and well-educated quality of being a person through the acquisition of extensive literature reading.Three aspects should be comprised in humanistic quality:literary knowledge,humanistic spirit,and humanistic behavior.On the basis of observation,interview and data analysis,the paper points out that the students’ humanistic quality is mainly manifested in the aspects of literary knowledge,humanistic spirit,and humanistic behavior,etc.In tents of literary accumulation,it’s found that popular moods,plotted storives are more favonred by students,while classtic works,philosophic readings and such like that are far less preferred.Students majoring in science tend to be featured“inherent deficienly”and“insufficient diligence”Regarding to humanistic spirit,students are found to be more materialism in the pursuit of life ideals,multiplized in moral values,utilitarianism in looks on life,vulnerable in psychological diatheisy ets.The way that humanistic behavior performance is predicted by the way they deal with the relations between people, people and society, people and nature.The reason for unsatisfied humanistic quality education of independent college is attributed to its operational mechanism,narroow curriculum design,laggde teaching modes,unbalanced ranks of teacher,weak literature basis,which all combine to restrain the develepment of students’ humanistic education.In the circumstances of situation,some feasible approaches to adderss the issues of humanistic edification are necessary.The author puts forward the following measures to enhance and improve the education in humanistic quality,which are guaranteeing the commonweal system of university,developing the training system for talents,perfecting the construction of teacher system,improving the teachers’ quality in literature,constucting rearonable curriculum design,creating humman-centred teaching mode,optimizing humanistic climate and cultural atmosphere of college.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】6
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