

Analysis on Harbor Economy of North Gulf of Guangxi

【作者】 谢童伟

【导师】 宾长初;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 经济史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化的趋势越来越突显,港口成为了带动区域经济发展的核心战略资源,成为带动区域经济发展的重要增长点。如美国以纽约为中心的东海岸经济圈,以洛杉矶为中心的西海岸经济圈,日本太平洋沿岸经济带的形成,都是依托具有不同功能作用的港口或港口群形成的。改革开放以来,我国沿海的“珠三角”、“长三角”、“环渤海地区”相继崛起,成为带动我国经济腾飞的重要增长极,其中港口经济对各个经济增长极的形成与发展均发挥了重要的作用。因此,发展广西北部湾港口经济,促进该区域的全面开放开发,对于广西乃至对于整个泛珠三角经济圈和大西南经济圈都具有重要的地位和作用。但是纵观我国的海岸线,“珠三角”、“长三角”、“环渤海地区”都成为国家重要的经济增长带,港口经济已经逐渐成熟,福建省建设“海峡西岸”经济区也被纳入国家“十一五”规划纲要中;而环北部湾(北部)地区是我国唯一没有列入国家发展规划的沿海地区。可以说,沿海区域经济的竞争,实际上就是港口经济的竞争。当前广西北部湾港口经济发展正进入一个重要的机遇期。因此,加强广西北部湾港口经济的研究是相当重要的,也是十分必要性的。但是,就笔者了解的情况,对于广西北部湾港口经济的研究仍较少,仍需要深入。本文运用历史学、经济学、计量经济学等相关学科的知识,在“中国-东盟自由贸易区”、“泛珠三角合作”、“泛北部湾经济圈”、“两廊一圈”、“一轴两翼”等背景和多重机遇下,立足于其发展的实际,借鉴世界著名港口以及“珠三角”、“长三角”、“环渤海地区”的港口经济发展经验,从广西北部湾港口经济发展史的纵向角度与当代广西北部湾港口经济发展战略、临港产业发展、港城经济互动、腹地经济分析、广西北部湾港口经济与周边港口经济良性互动发展及区域合作等横向角度相结合进行论证,探索广西北部湾港口经济发展的道路和模式,为广西港口经济发展和构建国际化港口大都市提供理论依据,为思考、分析和解决港口经济发展中的诸多现实经济问题提供参考。

【Abstract】 As the trend of economic globalization and regional economies unifying have been more and more obvious , harbors has become the core strategy resources and the important growth point which drive regional economies to develop. For example, the formation of east-coast economy circle centering on New York and west coast economy circle centering on Los Angeles in USA, and the formation of the Pacific Ocean economic belt in Japan are basing on the harbor or harbor group which have different function and effect. Since the reforming and opening in our country , the consecutive rising of“Triangle Region of Zhujiang River”,“Triangle Region of Changjiang River”and the“Ring Region of Bohai Bay”, have become the important increasing pole which drive the economy of our country take-off; among this progress harbor economy have brought the important effect on the formation and development of each pole of economic growth . Therefore, developing of harbor economy North Gulf in Guangxi and promoting being this area to open all-round have the important position and effect to Guangxi, even to the entire general Zhujiang River triangle economy circle and the big southwest economy circles. But make a general observation of coastline of our country,“triangle region of Zhujiang River”,“Triangle Region of Changjiang River”and the“Ring Region of Bohai Bay”are all become important economic growth belt of country ; harbor economy is already gradually mature; and the construction of economic zone“West Strait Bank”in Fujian Province has also been brought into country“11st five-years’plans”; But, being encircled by Ring area of North Gulf (north part) is the only coastal area which is not listing in the country developing plan. We can say that, competition of littoral region economies is the competition of harbour economy in fact. Currently, harbour economic growth of North Gulf in Guangxi is entering an important opportunity scheduled time. Therefore, reinforcing the research of harbor economy about North Gulf in Guangxi is pretty important, and also very necessary.But, as far as the author concerned, the research of harbor economy about North Gulf in Guangxi is still much less and needs research thorough. This article use the relevant discipline knowledge such as history, economics, econometrics, with the many backgrounds and multiple opportunities such as:“China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone”,“Cooperation of Triangle Zone of General Zhujiang River”,“Economic Circle of General North Gulf”,“Two Corridors and One Circle”,“One Scrolls and Two Wings”working together , base on the development fact and draw harbor economic growth experience from the world-famous harbors of and“Zhujiang River Triangle”,“Zhujiang River Triangle”,“the Rim of Bohai Bay”, From phylogeny direction of harbor economy about North Gulf of Guangxi and the transverse direction of current harbor economic development strategy North Gulf of Guangxi, development of harbor industries, interactiveness of harbor economy and city economy , analysis of hinderland’s economy, interactive development and regional cooperation of harbor economy about North Gulf of Guangxi and periphery harbor economy ,probe the road and pattern of harbor economic growth about North Gulf of Guangxi, provide the theory basis for harbor economic growth of North Gulf of Guangxi and construction of the internationalization harbor metropolis, and also provide a reference to a lot of reality’s economic problems on deeply thinking, analyzing , resolving the harbor economic growth.

【关键词】 港口城市腹地产业
【Key words】 HarborsCitiesHinderlandsIndustries
  • 【分类号】F127;F552.7
  • 【下载频次】1269