

The Comparative Study on Compilation and Composition of the High School History Textbooks in the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits

【作者】 佘怡颖

【导师】 杜芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 历史课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在新课程改革的背景下,中国大陆和中国台湾的中学历史教科书都经历着一场深刻的变革。其中,台湾的教科书变革以“能力取代知识,学生学习中心取代学科本位传授”为核心;而大陆的教科书变革则围绕着如何实现教科书从“教本”向“学本”转化展开。本文选取中国大陆人民出版社和中国台湾南一书局出版社出版的高中历史教科书作为比较的蓝本,通过两岸教科书内容选择、插图设计和栏目设计三方面的对比,彼此借鉴,以期从对比中寻求新课程理念下高中历史教科书编写与设计的最优化方案。本文分为三部分。第一部分,两岸高中历史教科书内容选择的比较——以“中国古代史”为例。本部分选取“秦汉”“隋唐宋元”“明清”三个时段,从政治史、经济史、文化史三个面进行内容选择的统计,以此为基础比较两岸教科书知识点选取的异同点,分析异同背后的教育因素;第二部分,两岸高中历史教科书课文插图设计的比较。主要从历史插图的种类和功能入手,以“抗日战争”课文的插图统计为基础,对两岸的插图设计的特色进行分别的阐述,并且提出笔者对于教科书插图设计的反思。第三部分,两岸高中历史教科书课文栏目设计的比较。笔者将教科书的栏目设计分为导学栏目、建构栏目和巩固提升栏目三大部分,通过两岸教科书栏目设计的比较,分析各自的栏目设计特色,并且对于教科书从教本向学本转化过程中的“生活性”“探究性”“问题性”提出本人的看法。本文的旨趣在于通过两岸教科书的编写内容、编写呈现形式的对比,寻求更加符合于新课程理念的学本化教科书,以期为新课程改革背景下的高中历史教科书的发展与完善贡献自己的一份绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 On the background of the new reformation of curriculum, both of Chinese mainland and Chinese Taiwan have witnessed a deep revolution on the history textbooks. The textbook reformation of Taiwan focuses on the capabilities and students’ study, instead of knowledge and course teaching, while the mainland concentrates on how to transform " textbooks for teaching"to "textbooks for learning" .The dissertation compares two different high school editions, which are published by Chinese Renmin publishing house and Taiwan Nanyi publishing house separately. By comparing their content choice, illustration and column design, the author tries to find the best way to improve the high school history textbook under the ideology of new curriculum.There are three parts of the dissertation as follows:Firstly, taking the Chinese ancient history as a case, the author compares the content choice of the high school history textbook of both sides of Taiwan Strait, from three periods -Qin and Han dynasty, Sui Tang Song Yuan dynasty and Ming Qing dynasty. According to the statistical date of the political history, economical history and cultural history, the dissertation is expected to find similarities and differences of the two textbooks and the propounding educational factors behind.Secondly, the author compares the illustration of the textbook. Based on the date of "the anti-Japanese war" illustration, the dissertation explains the category and functions of the historical illustration, and then concludes the different characteristics of the two textbooks. What’s more, how to design the illustration of the textbook is also rethought by the author.Thirdly, the author compares the columns of the two different textbooks. All the textbook columns are divided into three categories—guiding, organizing and consolidating. The author gives her own ideas on the characteristics during the transition from teaching to learning, by analyzing differences of the column design.This thesis aims to find ways improving "textbooks for learning" under the ideology of new curriculum, by comparing the content and form of the two different textbooks. Thus the auther hopes to contribute her own efforts to the development and improvement of the high school history textbook on the background of new curriculum reformation.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】785