

A Study on English Culture Teaching in Senior High Schools by Advance with English

【作者】 吴佳丽

【导师】 廖美珍;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,跨文化交际的重要性日益突出。提高跨文化交际能力的关键之一就是了解目的语国家文化知识。因此,文化教学是外语教学不可忽视的重要因素。但长期以来,我国高中英语的教学过于注重语言知识的传授而忽视文化教学。随着新课改的实施,新《高中英语课程标准》明确的把“文化意识”作为独立的内容被纳入,并制定了相应的课程目标,对学生的跨文化交际能力提出了一定的要求,这在近几年的高考英语试题中也有所体现。因此,英语教师要深入探究教材中的文化因素,将文化教学融于语言教学中,切实培养学生的文化意识和提高学生的跨文化交际能力。江苏省于2005年起开始使用《牛津高中英语》。此教材是在新《高中英语课程标准》精神的指导下编写的,包含丰富的文化内涵。笔者所在的学校是江苏省镇江市谏壁中学,学校的条件和学生总体的英语水平在镇江市都属于中等水平。那么,针对实际情况,本校英语教师应怎样有效的使用《牛津高中英语》进行文化教学呢?这是本文试图研究的课题。本文首先对高中阶段的文化进行了界定,分析了语言文化的关系,并回顾了中外文化教学的发展历史,然后总结了我国学者对文化教学策略的研究成果,在此基础上提出高中英语教师应把文化教学渗透到语言教学之中,并对高中英语文化教学的常用策略进行总结。接着,本文对本校英语文化教学的现状进行调查和分析。在结合调查结果和相关理论的基础上,设想英语教师可以教材板块为单位,以教材内容为载体介绍文化内容、创设具体情境。在教学中实践这些教学策略并根据实践情况对其进行完善、修正。最后,针对文化教学,分别对本校教师和学校提出建议。本文既为本校的英语文化教学实践提供可行性方案,也给其它情况类似学校的英语教学提供参考。本人期望由此引起相关部门、专家及教师的重视,为高中英语教学的发展尽一份绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 At present, intercultural communication is more and more important. Learning about the target culture is the key to develop the intercultural competence and therefore, the introduction of English culture should not be overlooked. However, for a long time, in our country’s secondary English class, English teachers lay less stress on English culture and overemphasize linguistics knowledge. The new Curriculum Standard in Senior English clearly points out that culture awareness is one of the five components of comprehensive language competence and prescribes cultural goals for each grade. As a result, these years both NMET papers and English textbooks include more information about culture. Hence, English teachers should realize the importance of culture teaching. However, for English teachers, it’s a challenge to effectively integrate culture teaching with language teaching in real teaching contexts.In 2005, senior high schools in Jiangsu Province began to use Advance with English written under the guidance of the new Curriculum Standard in Senior English as English textbooks, which are full of culture information. The author tries to find how to use adequate culture teaching techniques to make the most use of Advance with English.Firstly, this thesis expounds the necessity of culture teaching in senior high schools from different aspects in terms of the close relationship between language and culture. Then the author analyzes the new Curriculum Standard in Senior English and Advance with English from the aspect of culture teaching. Next, by making a survey among senior English teachers and students at Jianbi high school, an average one in Zhenjiang, the author tries to find out the current situation of culture teaching in the same level schools. Besides, the author comes up with some related culture teaching techniques of using Advance with English in Jianbi high school. Meanwhile, the author also carries out a three-month contrast experiment with two Senior 1 parallel classes to prove culture teaching techniques are of great help to improve students’ intercultural communicative competence and culture knowledge. Then, the author proposes how to solve some normal problems senior English teachers meet in the process of teaching culture. At the end of the thesis, the author gives implications for the English culture teaching to Jianbi high school and her senior English teachers, based on the findings of two questionnaires and the experiment.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】594