

Study on the Mode of Cultivating Young Teacher in Newly-established Universities in the Local Areas

【作者】 路华清

【导师】 欧阳光华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高校教师是高等教育事业的第一资源,新教师是这一资源的重要储备。随着高校教育规模的扩大,充实到高校教学科研岗位的新教师逐渐增多,如何帮助新教师尽快适应高校教学科研岗位,提高新教师的素质与能力,促进新教师的专业发展,是一项重大而紧迫的任务。绝大多数青年教师都有自我发展的迫切需求,但囿于种种原因,这种需求得不到很好的满足,严重制约了青年教师的专业发展。本人先通过调查访谈,分析新建地方本科院校青年教师的发展状况及制约因素。再通过文献资料法,对我国现有的高校新教师培养模式进行研究。最后在已有的研究成果基础上,提出高校新教师培养模式的优化方案,鉴于教师评价体系对青年教师培养的重要性,本文最后对教师评价体系也进行了探讨。本文将实地调查、访谈、文献研究有机地结合起来,多层面、多方位地对地方新建本科院校青年教师专业成长问题进行了探讨。本文共分四个部分:第一部分导论,阐述本研究的缘起、目的与意义,文献综述,研究内容与方法,并对本文的几个核心概念进行界定。第二部分高校青年教师培养模式的理论基础,介绍了终身教育理论、教师专业发展理论、教师社会化理论的主要内涵及其在教师培养模式构建中的指导意义。以终生教育理论为基础,确定了本文的关于教师发展阶段的划分为职前、入职、在职三个阶段。第三部分我国高校青年教师培养模式现实状况,通过对高校青年教师培养模式现状的分析,找出现有模式存在专业课教师职前教育空白、教师入职教育流于形式、在职教育缺乏保障等问题,并分析了产生问题的根源。第四部分新建地方本科院校青年教师培养模式的优化,在终身教育理论指导下,从创新职前教育体系、落实入职教育、加强在职教育三方面对青年教师培养模式进行优化,并就其运行机制、评价体系进行探讨。

【Abstract】 College teachers are the primary resource of higher education. However, the new teachers are the basic storage for this resource. With the scale enlargement of higher education, the number of the new teachers is dramatically increasing. How to facilitate the teachers to adapt to the position on higher education teaching and research, enhance those teachers quality and competence and upgrade their professional development is an urgent mission. Most of the teachers have demanding requirement in terms of self-professional development, but for some reasons, this requirement can’t be met. Consequently, the professional development is seriously delayed and negatively restricted.On the basis of personally interview and questionaire, the authors probes into the new teachers development condition and factors of restriction in newly-established universities in the local areas, In addition, the author discusses the models of cultivating new teachers and put forward optimization project on teacher cultivation on the basis of current findings. In view of significance of teacher assessment system, comments and views of it are put forward to in the rest of the paper.With the diverse methods of investigation, interview and documentary literature, the paper discusses the issue from 4 sections.Section 1 is about introduction and is related to its origin, the purpose and the significance coupled with content and methodology. Some core concepts are defined.Section 2 is discussing the foundumental theory of medol of teacher cultivation such as life long education, professional development, teacher socialization and significance of constructing teacher cultivation. The paper divided the development into 3 stages, pre-job training, beginning of job training and on-job training.Section 3 is about the current situation of new teacher cultivation model. It is concluded that pre-job training is blank and neglected, beginning of job training is just on the surface and on job training has’t been deeply carried out due to lack of systematic and practical education support, which are the root of the embarrassing problem.Section 4 is on the optimization of teacher cultivation model of newly established universities,especially in the local areas. The paper focuses on the mechanism of assessment system of the cultivation on the basis of life long education from 3 aspects: innovation of pre-job training , carrying out of beginning job training,and reinforcement of on job training.

  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】855