

The Research on the Governmental Administrative Responsibility of the Farmer Workers’ Rights Gurantee

【作者】 刘钢

【导师】 孙大雄;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 农民工是我国城市化和社会转型过程中产生的一个特殊弱势群体,亿万农民工为城市和社会的发展做出了巨大贡献,却享受不到城市发展的成果,长期处于城市的边缘状态。作为公民,宪法和法律赋予他们的经济、政治和社会权利等各项权利,却时常得不到保障和救济。农民工目前所面临的尴尬局面,其形成原因是多方面的,但与政府责任的越位、缺位和不到位有相当大的关系。因此,解决农民工的权利保障问题,政府具有不可推卸的责任。与政府的立法、司法保护手段相比较而言,政府行政权在社会生活中的主导性以及现代政府肩负的公共行政服务职能的不可替代性,决定了行政保障是最具实效的保护手段。行政权的正确行使与否对相对人影响重大,一方面要强调对行政权的控制,防止行政权的滥用、乱作为;另一方面我们更要强调行政权在保护公民权益方面的积极作用,尽力发挥行政权在保护农民工方面的作用。唯有政府真正履行其对农民工应该承担的行政职责,农民工问题方能得到最终解决。正是基于这样的认识,笔者将政府在农民工权利保障中的行政责任作为本文研究的重点。围绕农民工权利保障中的政府行政责任,本文主要从四个方面进行探讨。第一部分,通过对“农民工”、“农民工权利保障的范围”、“政府行政责任”等概念的分析和比较,界定农民工权利保障中“政府行政责任”的具体含义,包括政府在农民工的权利保障方面的积极责任和政府未履行法定职责而承担的消极责任两个方面;第二部分,通过实证材料分析农民工权利保障的现状,考察农民工权利救济之主要特点,认为农民工无论是在与资方的博弈中处于下风,还是在维权过程中举步维艰,都与政府的滥作为和不作为有关;第三部分,主要论证政府在农民工权利保障中承担行政责任的理论依据、规范依据和现实依据,认为无论从政府的目的、行政法治等形而上考察,还是从我国现有的法律框架和政府行政职责履行现状等形而下方面考量,政府都有为农民工权利保障而作为的必要性和迫切性;文章最后一部分主要探讨农民工权益保障视角下的行政责任的完善,包括政府行政责任应然状态之宏观定位、政府在农民工权益保障中的积极责任以及消极责任之制度构建。认为在保障农民工权益方面,政府在宏观上要处理好“经济发展与弱势群体保护”、“行政权运用中的公平与效率”之间的关系,打造服务政府、责任政府的形象;在积极责任方面,政府要通过行政立法,完善政府责任内容、为农民工提供人性化的服务、给农民工群体特殊保护,完善事前监督机制;在消极责任方面主要是针对农民工的权利保障的实际,完善政府履责的绩效考核制度、事后问责制度,同时完善行政责任承担形式和各类行政行为的具体责任承担方式。

【Abstract】 Rising in the social transformation process,Farmer workers are the special disadvantaged and hundreds of millions of them make huge contribution to cities and social developments.However,they are placed on the edge of the economic realm,political realm and the law realm over a long period of time.They leave the countryside but can’t be in the harmony with the cities and also hardly enjoy the fruits of the city development.It is serious that their economic rights,political rights,social rights and other important rights which regulated by the Constitution Law and other laws get general infraction without effective remedy.The textual writing carries on under this background that the present situation of farmer workers’ rights is disregarded,for which the reasons are very huge miscellaneous.Among them,Finding out the key factor,the ultimate reason and suiting the remedy to the case are the way to take the temporary solution and affect the permanent cure.A barrier is set up that the Government continuously enhances the guaranteeing rights from legislation,administration and judicature for Farmer workers’ rights guarantee.Comparing to other kinds of protective means,the dominant characteristic of the governmental administrative power and the irreplaceability of public administrative service function which held by modern government determines that the administrative guarantee is the most effective and important protective means.Administrative power is the strong power.We emphasize the control and charging legal liability on the abuse and maltreating of administrative power.Meanwhile the positive function of administrative power should be noticed and play an important role in the Farmer workers’ rights guarantee.When it comes to the insurance the guarantee for Farmer workers’ rights, nothing is none of the business of the government.Certainly the function should exert within the frame of the law.That is to achieve the systematization,legalization and the governmental insurance the guarantee for Farmer workers’ rights with administrative power.Only the government faithfully perform its administrative liability to the Farmer workers,the Farmer workers’ problems can be settled finally.This issue is the main body of this essay.The research on this issue has affirmative meanings in both theory and reality during the key process of initiating the scientific outlook on development and establishing harmonious society.To be specific,this essay includes four parts.In the first part,the concepts,such as the farmer workers,the scope of the Farmer workers’ rights guarantee,and the government administrative responsibility,are analyzed and defined and the writer’s own definition is generalized.Then,it is the second part that making an analysis of the predicament of the farmer workers’ rights guarantee,summarizing the present situation of farmer workers’ important rights based on the practical materials,generalizing the primary features of the Farmer workers’ rights redress and getting the conclusion of the predicament.Then,the theoretical,standard and realistic basis that the government should hold the responsibility in the farmer workers’ rights guarantee will be covered in third part.In the last part,setting up the responsible government that is under the angle of farmer workers’ rights guarantee,includes that the government should fix its position macroscopically from the Evaluative aspect and the government should set up with its positive responsibility and negative one in the system of the farmer workers’ rights guarantee.

  • 【分类号】D412.6;D922.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】319