

Harmony in Nature, Society and Man: An Ecological Reading of George Eliot’s Three Early Novels

【作者】 解琳

【导师】 朱卫红;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 《亚当·比德》、《织工马南》和《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》是乔治·爱略特的早期作品,其中包含了丰富的自然描写以及人类活动的描写。在其早期小说中,爱略特一方面描写了纯净的乡村美景,另一方面又揭示了工业化对自然环境的破坏,对人与人之间的正常关系及人本性的扭曲。生态批评考察在文学作品中自然是如何被感知被反映的。生态批评关注人与自然的关系,反思人在整个生态系统中应有的位置。在生态批评中,自然被延伸为整个生态圈。生态学者坚持生态整体的观念和平等的思想。他们认为,自然是一个生物体,有其内在价值,所有自然界的物体都有存在的权利。此外,对人类中心主义的批判也使生态学者们质疑工业化对整个生态系统所带来的负面影响。论文第一章简要介绍了爱略特的生平和她的三部早期小说《亚当·比德》、《织工马南》和《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》,并且回顾国外有关爱略特研究的不同方面,同时对国内近几年关于爱略特的研究进行数据分析,最后介绍了生态批评的相关理论及本论文的关注点。第二、三章是论文主体部分。该部分从自然生态、社会生态、精神生态三个维度对爱略特的作品进行解读。第二章分析爱略特作品中展示的人与自然、人与人、以及人与自我这三种关系的失衡现象。在爱略特的笔下,一幅幅传统的田园风光和生活场景展现在我们面前,但是工业革命的进程破坏了美丽的自然环境,扭曲了人性及人与人之间的正常关系。工业化带来了传统价值的失落,社会上利己主义盛行,商业价值观冷却了亲情,和睦友爱的人际关系被金钱关系所取代。自然生态和社会生态的恶化必然对个人的精神世界产生影响。工业革命的进程使人们失去了一直生活的家园,与过去生活相联系的精神纽带被割断;而工业化带来了人们欲望的膨胀,机械化又压抑着人的本性。第三章探讨小说中表现的通过哪些方式来解决上述三种关系的失衡现象,以达到这三种关系的平衡与和谐。爱略特的小说表达了对这些生态失衡现象的担忧,并试图找到解决这些问题的方法。她通过小说表现了“回归自然”的渴望。人是自然的一部分,只有回归自然,人们才能清楚地认识自己,才能消除工业进程带来的消极影响;而且,自然的人际关系具有治愈精神创伤的作用。爱略特的小说表明希望人们建立和谐的人与自然的关系以及人际关系以解决精神失衡现象。第四章即论文的结论部分指出,《亚当·比德》、《织工马南》和《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》体现了关于自然生态、社会生态和精神生态三方面的生态思想。这些小说真实的反映了人与自然关系的失衡,人际关系的扭曲以及人内在精神生态的失衡,同时也提出了通过回归自然和恢复自然的人际关系来解决这些生态失衡现象,以构建一个和谐的生态系统,建造和谐的生态家园。人与自然、人与人、人与其内心精神世界的关系是相互依存,相互作用的。只有建立这三种关系的和谐统一,才能实现人与自然、与他人的和谐发展。因此,从生态批评的视角来解读乔治·爱略特的早期三部小说有助于我们全新的理解其作品;而且,在生态危机日趋严重的今天,这种解读也具有极大的现实意义。

【Abstract】 There are a lot of descriptions about the,relations between human beings and nature in Adam Bede, Silas Marner, and The Mill on the Floss. In the novels, Eliot not only described the beautiful rural scenes, but also exposed the destruction of natural scenes, the distortion of human relationships and the loss of self brought about by industrialization. They are the very problems that ecocriticism is concerned about.Generally, ecocriticism is concerned about the ways that nature is reflected in literary texts. It pays much attention to the relationship between man and nature and introspect the position of man in the whole ecosystem. In ecocriticism nature is expanded to refer to the whole ecological circle on the earth and the interrelations in between. Ecocritics stick to ecological equality and holism, arguing that nature is a living entity that has its intrinsic value and all natural objects have their right to exist. Reacting against anthropocentrism, ecocritics also question the logic of industrial civilization which has produced negative impact on the whole ecosystem.Chapter One, the introductory part of the thesis, summarizes Eliot’s life and her three early novels, and makes a general survey of George Eliot study both at home and abroad. Meanwhile, an overview of ecocriticism and the focus of this dissertation are also presented in this chapter.The main body of this thesis, Chapters Two and Three, offers a reading of Eliot’s three early novels from three aspects: natural ecology, social ecology and spiritual ecology.Chapter Two focuses on the revelation of the imbalance of the three aforementioned relationships in Eliot’s three novels. In her novels, nature has been spoiled by the invasion of industrialization, which also leads to the disharmonious human relationships and the alienation of humanity. The comparisons between natural beauty and industrial contamination may guide readers to compare the two different lifestyles before and after industrialization. Industrialization also produces commercial-minded people who neglect precious emotions among family members, lovers and friends. The materialized kin relationship and that between lovers reflect the reality of the industrial society where human relationship becomes very cold and has been distorted seriously. The loss of nature results in the loss of self. The novels also show that the mechanization oppresses human nature, which leads to the loss of the true self.Chapter Three discusses the construction of the balance of the three relationships so as to restore the harmony of the whole ecosystem. To counteract the destructive effect of industrialization, the novels offer a solution of returning to nature. The return to nature leads to the recovery of self and save people from negative impact of the mechanical progress and industrialization. The novels also illustrate the healing forces of pure natural human relations.The fourth chapter is the conclusion. Adam Bede, Silas Marner, and The Mill on the Floss embody the basic ecological ideas on the relationship between man and nature, between man and man, and between man and self. These novels not only expose the disharmony of nature, society and man by realistically revealing the degradation of nature, the ruin of human relationships and the loss of self, but also offer the possibility of solutions to these problems by returning to nature and the healing forces of pure natural human relations so as to construct a harmonious ecosystem. These three relationships are interdependent and interactional in the whole ecosystem, so to read Adam Bede, Silas Marner, and The Mill on the Floss from the perspective of ecocriticism helps us get a new understanding of the relationship between nature, society and man with the ecological consciousness, and it also has a realistic meaning in the 21st century.

  • 【分类号】I561
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