

Correlation between Social Support and Mental Health of the Vocational College Students

【作者】 胡飞飞

【导师】 郑晓边;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高职大学生是不同于中专生和普通大学生的新兴群体,近年来的社会转型和变革给这个新兴群体带来困惑和压力。为了分析高职大学生的社会支持与心理健康状况的特点,探讨心理健康与社会支持的内在关系,为高职院校学生心理咨询和管理工作提供科学的理论依据,本研究选取武汉某职业技术学院在校生252名为样本,进行心理健康和社会支持方面的问卷调查,主要结论如下:1、高职大学生的心理健康状况优于全国大学生总体状况,但低于全国成人总体水平,高职院校学生仍是心理问题的高发人群。高职院校女生恐怖因子得分高于男生,有显著差异;城市生源高职大学生焦虑因子得分高于农村生源大学生(P<0.05)。不同年级、不同专业、是否独生子女的心理健康状况没有明显差异。将不同年级高职大学生的恐怖因子和偏执因子进行比较,“3+2”学制学生的恐怖因子和偏执因子得分高于一年级和二年级组。2、高职大学生的社会支持系统总体上良好。家人对大学生的社会支持以父母为主,家人和朋友给予的经济支持最多,朋友和同学给予的安慰关心最多。高职大学生一般并不主动寻求社会支持,只有25.78%的人主动寻求帮助。女生获得的客观支持和主观支持都多于男生(P<0.05),城市生源学生客观支持分高于农村生源学生,普通高职二年级学生客观支持分和社会支持分显著高于“3+2”学制学生。非独生子女主观支持分高于独生子女。不同专业高职大学生社会支持状况没有明显差异。3、高职大学生社会支持与心理健康状况关系密不可分。SCL-90各症状因子与社会支持各分量表呈显著性负相关。

【Abstract】 Vocational college students are different from the university students and technical school students. In recent years, the social transformation brings the confusion and pressure to this new group. The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship of mental health and social support of the vocational college students and provide basic reference data for student psychological consultation. This study selected 252 students from one of Wuhan Vocational and Technical Colleges, who were investigated with SCL-90 and SSRS. The main conclusions are as follows:1. The mental health of the students in vocational colleges is above the average level of adults. But we can see that students of vocational college are the high risk group which is easily infected by mental disease. In the comparison of the mental health of vocational college students, female students are distinct from male students by a higher score in fear factor, and urban students scored higher than rural students in anxiety factor. However, there is no obvious difference when comes to the grade of the students, and their major or whether they are only child in their families. In the comparison of fear factor in different grades by twos, terrorist factor of five-year vocational college students scored higher than the first and the second grade group, and significantly. In the comparison of fear factor in different grades by twos, terrorist factor of five-year vocational college students scored higher than the first and the second grade group aswell, and significantly.2. It tells us social supports of vocational college students are generally good. Family support is mainly from parents. Friends and family members provide them financially while classmates care them mentally. Vocational college students will not take the initiative to seek community support. In this study only 25.78% of the vocational college students initiatively seek help when they meet troubles. In terms of different sex groups, female students gain more objective and subjective social support than male students. In terms of students from different place of birth, rural students gain more objective support than urban students. And In the comparison of students of different grades, there is no significant difference. We could find out that the special five-year vocational college students are unlike the ordinary vocational students who gained a lot of social support such as material assistance from social networks. The non-only-child students gained more subjective support than only-child vocational college students. There is no significant difference in students of different major.3. The mental health and social support of vocational college students are linked closely. Factors of SCL-90 are negatively related to social support lists. Social support plays a positive role on mental health.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】18
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