

The Research about Chinese Governmental Control on On-line Games Industry (1996-2007)

【作者】 彭桂芳

【导师】 王玉德;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 网络游戏就像一把“双刃剑”,在给社会带来巨大经济利益的同时,也带来了一系列社会负效应,使其发展面临着巨大的争议。近些年来,随着网络游戏产业的发展,网络游戏的政府规制问题日益受到人们的关注。但是根据笔者对近千篇文章和资料的研究发现,目前对于网络游戏产业发展的研究,理论界已经蔚然成风,但具体到政府在网络游戏发展道路上的规制问题,国内研究可谓是凤毛麟角。因此,回顾政府规制在十年来网络游戏发展道路上的所作所为,总结其得与失,并对未来的规制做些许思考,就显得非常必要了。笔者正是基于这种考虑,通过实地调查采访,在掌握了大量第一手资料的基础上,做了尝试性的研究,希望对网络游戏政府规制的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。本文的主体分为四个部分:第一部分介绍和分析了网络游戏政府规制的背景,即一是网络游戏呈现出了“双面性”,二是政府规制是产业界、家长的迫切希望,也是政府履行职能的需要。第二部分以网络游戏的发展脉络为线索,分三个阶段回顾了1996—2007年我国网络游戏产业政府规制的主要表现及其特点。第三部分对十年来网络游戏的政府规制做了一个总体的评价,包括规制效果的分析和存在的主要问题的分析。其中,规制效果的分析主要从网络游戏内容监管、民族网络游戏开发、产品类型以及网吧管理等四个方面进行;在分析存在的问题时,主要从扶持力度、监管对象、监管手段、体制框架等方面着手。第四部分对未来的网络游戏政府规制进行了一定的思考。主要从宏观和微观两方面进行,其中在进行宏观思考时,主要以第三部分的问题入手提出相应的解决办法;而进行微观思考时,主要是结合当前的规制热点措施进行探讨,以期为政府今后的规制提供些许参考。同时,为了给中国的网络游戏政府规制提供更好的参考,本文大量应用了比较研究法,把我国网络游戏产业的政府规制和动漫产业的政府规制进行比较,把中国的网络游戏政府规制和韩国的网络游戏政府规制进行比较。

【Abstract】 On-line game seems like a double-edged sword, which creates great economic value, at the mean time causes a series of society issues .So there exist many different arguments about on line games development nowadays. In recent years ,with the on line game’s rapid development, more and more people focus on the governmental control on this industry .However, by means of looking into thousands of passages and papers related, the author finds there have been much analysis about network game industry development in theory, but little research as to how does government manage this industry. Therefore, it is very necessary to retrospect what actions China government has taken to on-line game industry in recent decade, and to draw some conclusion to the management experience and failures, also to point out how to implement government control to this field in the future. Based on above considerations, the author is writing this paper by on-site investigation and much first-hand data analysis, in order to raise quality suggestions for governmental control on on-line game field.The body of this paper is divided into 4 parts: Part 1 shows the background of government control to on-line game, one factor is both good and bad society effects have exposed, the other one is trigged by game boys’ parents and government management function. Part 2 goes through on-line game development, also retrospect 3 milestones with characters of China governmental control in this field from 1996-2007.Part 3 summarizes the evaluation about the government control effect and main issues existed. The effect results from 4 factors, including on-line game content control, new game research and development, game type and internet bar management .The issues are focused on government support, controlling object, method and framework. Part 4 points out what’s the author’s thought about this topic .it is viewed both in micro and macro sides: the long term solution is in macro view of the main issues pointed in Part 3 ,and also discussing the hot problem which occurs in governmental control to on-line game in micro view ,which is hopefully taken reference by government. Comparison methodology is widely used in this paper ,the comparison is not only between China governmental control to on-line game industry and comics industry, but also between China and Korea.

  • 【分类号】F49
  • 【被引频次】12
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