

Conflict and Coordination between the Universities’ Power in Managing Students and the Rights of Students

【作者】 张晶

【导师】 孙大雄;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国法治建设的深入,高校学生的权利意识逐渐提高,高校与学生之间的法律纠纷也随着司法程序的介入而受到社会各界广泛的关注和热烈的讨论。这些纠纷很大一部分是由于高校对学生行使管理权而引起的,在一定程度上反映了我国高校在学生管理中存在的问题。但就本质而言,这其实是高校学生权利与高校的管理权力之间的冲突。这种冲突既表现在高校管理者与学生的观念之中,也表现在高校对学生的各项具体管理制度中,并最终归结于权力本位还是权利本位之争。不同的指导思想导致学生在合法权利受到侵害时寻求的救济途径及救济结果也大相径庭。因此,在我国法治社会、和谐社会的建设过程中,以学生权利为本位,加强对学生权利的保障及救济,并达到与高校学生管理权的和谐发展,已成为当前高等教育事业健康稳定发展的必然。本文在充分吸收国内外相关理论研究成果的基础上,以行政法、教育法律法规、规章以及相关案例为主要研究素材,对我国高校与学生之间的法律关系、高校学生管理权及高校学生权利等方面及法律所规定的具体内容、高校与学生之间权力与权利的冲突及协调途径等进行了探讨。具体而言,本文从分析高校与高校学生的法律关系入手,对高校的学生管理权与学生权利的具体内容进行细化,并着重分析了这种权力与权利之间从观念层面到制度层面的产生冲突的原因,进而结合权力与权利、权利与权利的冲突理论指出在当前形势下应以学生权利为本位,充分尊重和保障学生的合法权利,改变传统的以管理为本位的观念,从而顺应现代行政法发展的趋势,并在权利保障理念的基础之上,对现行高校学生管理中的一些具体制度的制定和执行从高校和学生两个角度进行了微观上的分析,以期通过本文的研究能够为寻求高校学生管理权与学生权利的平衡点,构建完整而有效的协调体系而做出微薄贡献。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the deepening of China’s rule of law, college students’ awareness of right is gradually raised. The legal dispute between college students and universities gets social concern and is heatedly discussed, with the involvement of judicial process. These disputes are in large measure due to the exercise of the right of management on college students by universities, and, to some extent, reflect the existing problems in the management of students in China’s universities. However, in essence, this is the conflict between the executive power of universities and the students’ right. This conflict is manifested in that between the concept of administrators and students, and also in their specific management system, ultimately attributed to the power-based or rights-based dispute. In a different standard, students resort to different relief channels when they meet the erosion of their legal rights and divergent results appear. Therefore, in the course of building the rule of law in our society and a harmonious society, strengthening the protection of students’ rights and relief based on the students’ right and achieving the harmonious management development of higher education, have been the necessity of healthy and stable development of current higher education cause.This thesis, by absorbing the research findings of domestic and foreign related theories, based on the cases concerned with administrative law, the education laws and regulations, discusses the legal relationship between the universities or colleges and their students, conflicts between their power and rights, and how to coordinate those conflicts. To be more specific, the thesis begins with the legal relationship between the university/college and the students, and then clarifies the content of the administrative power of the school and the rights of the students. It focuses on the causes of conflicts by examining through the idea aspect to the institutional aspects. Consequently, guided by the theory dealing with the conflicts between power and rights, and between the rights of the school and rights of the students, the thesis points out that under the present conditions, students rights should be taken as the standard, and get full respect and guarantee. The traditional idea that management is the standard should be replaced to comply with the trend of the developing administrative law. Then, on the basis of the concept of protection of rights, this paper made a microscopic analysis on specific systems of the existing management of colleges and universities from two angles, schools and students. With a view to adopting this research, it could make a modest contribution to the eventual establishment of a relatively complete and effective management of colleges and universities, and the coordination system of the rights of students.

  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】433