

The Research on Institutions of Rural Cartilage under the Background of Adjust the Layout of Villages and Towns

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 蔡靖方;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 衣、食、住、行是老百姓最基本的四项生活需求,农村宅基地解决了占中国人口总数56%的农民住房用地问题,为他们提供了安身立命之所。农村宅基地制度对于农村乃至整个中国社会稳定都具有重要意义。但是对于农村宅基地问题的研究至今还是很有限,因为农村作为城市的附庸的观念在大多数人的思想中根深蒂固。对宅基地问题研究的缺乏主要体现在两个方面。一方面现行的法律对宅基地规定的过于简单和粗糙,可操作性不强,而且内容不合理,与实践存在严重冲突,另一方面在经济学理论界宅基地也是一个备受冷落的领域,对它的研究,不仅远远落后于农村现实的发展,而且也远远落后于其他土地制度的产权研究。笔者认为宅基地与农业用地对于农民的生产、生活有着同等重要的意义。在新农村建设的大背景下,面对农村经济的大发展,面对广大农民对宅基地的迫切需求,我们应当重视对宅基地问题的研究。本文在总结前人研究的基础上,借鉴土地利用、城乡规划和产权流转等相关领域的研究成果,综合运用经济学、法学和管理学、地理学等学科的基本原理,从河南省内乡县南王村个案着手,对我国现行的农村宅基地制度进行了系统而深入的剖析,并提出了相应的治理策略。全文除导论和结语外,由五个主体部分构成。第一部分,村镇布局调整与农村宅基地制度。该部分界定了村镇布局和农村宅基地制度的相关概念,分析了现行宅基地制度的特点,阐述了村镇布局调整和农村宅基地制度改革的关系。第二部分,我国农村宅基地制度的现状透析。该部分以南王村为对象,指出了现行的农村宅基地制度所导致的住宅分散、面积超标、出现空心化;基础设施不健全、不配套,影响居民日常生活使用;旧宅纠纷多,转让不规范;住宅开发建设模式落后,技术含量低,更新换代频繁等问题。第三部分,宅基地问题的成因分析。这部分从制度、经济、交通条件、农户家庭构成状况和思想观念等五个方面剖析了农村宅基地制度问题的成因。第四部分,介绍了宅基地整治过程中可以借鉴的几种新模式。包括义乌模式和温州模式、收取租金和宅田挂钩模式、城乡置换模式和公开招标、分块承包模式。第五部分,基于村镇布局调整视角下的宅基地治理策略。该部分针对上述问题及成因,从村镇布局调整的视角探讨了改革和加强农村宅基地管理的策略,即法律上要明晰产权:经济上要有偿使用与无偿使用相结合:使用权上要进行适度而合理的流转;行政上要有效调控:农村宅基地配套措施要完善。

【Abstract】 Clothes food shelter and transportation are the four people the most basic needs of life. Chinese peasants, who account for 56% of the population, build their houses according as the system of using the cartilage. It is the system that provides the necessary conditions for the survival and development of Chinese rural population, and for the stability of the rural society. But the research on the cartilage system is still very limited, Because the countryside takes urban the dependency idea in most people’s thought ingrained. Lacks to the cartilage system research mainly manifests in two aspects: On the one hand is the existing legal provisions of the cartilage is too simple and rough, and practice there are serious conflicts, operability is not strong; On the other hand in economic theory sector the cartilage is also a neglected field an of its research, not only far behind the reality of rural development, but also laged far behind the other land on the property rights system.The author believe that the cartilage and agricultural land for the farmers in production and daily life is as important as the significance. In the new building of rural background, the majority of farmers live and work in the face of urgent needs, we should pay attention to the issue of the cartilage. This paper concluded on the basis of the predecessor studies, Profits from the land utilization, the city and countryside plan and the property right circulation and so on related domain research results, Comprehensive use of economics, law and management, geography and other subjects of basic principles, Neixiang County in Henan Province from Nan wang village cases proceed on China’s current system of rural house foundation of the system and in-depth analysis, and proposed the corresponding management strategy.In addition to the full text of Introduction and Conclusion, constitutes by five main body parts.The first part, Adjust the layout of villages and towns and the cartilage system. The defining part of the layout of villages and towns and the cartilage system of related concepts, the analysis of the characteristics of the cartilage system, on the relationship between the adjustment of the layout of villages and towns and reform of the cartilage system.The second part, Depth analysis of China’s artilage system. This part take the Nanwang Village as the object of study, Had pointed out the cartilage system led to spread of residential, Serious area exceeded the standard, to appear hollow, Infrastructure is inadequate and incomplete and the daily lives of affected residents to use, Old residential disputes, the transfer of non-standard, Residential development of the backward mode, low technological contents, frequent updating, and other issues.The third part, Analysis of the causes of the cartilage problem. This part from the system, the economical, the traffic conditions, the peasant household family constitution condition and the ideological concept five aspects has analyzed of cartilage system for the cause of the problem.The fourth part, Introduction of the cartilage can learn from the process of rectification of several new models. Including Yiwu pattern and Wenzhou pattern, and pattern of charging rent and residential linked to land, Urban and rural replacement model, and public tender subregional contract modelThe fifth part, Background of adjust the layout of villages and towns the cartilage of governance the way. Part of the problem and the reasons for the above, Discussion on the reform and strengthening of rural cartilage management strategy, in the context of adjust the layout of villages and towns .That is, to clarify property rights law, Financial compensation for the use and permission to use the combination, On the right to use appropriate and reasonable to carry out the circulation, Administrative order to effectively control, Rural the cartilage system supporting measures to improve.

  • 【分类号】F321.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】601