

The Implications of Cognitive Metaphor Theories in Senior High School English Vocabulary Teaching

【作者】 高媛

【导师】 何举纯;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 英语词汇是英语教学中不可或缺的部分,它的教学效果直接影响着英语教学的质量。词汇教学法将词汇教学推到了语言教学前沿,认知法又将心理学引入了语言教学,这些教学方法从某种程度上促进了英语词汇教学。然而受到传统教学方法的影响,我国的高中英语词汇教学还不够系统和完善,仍然存在以下问题:学习者普遍词汇量不足,词汇记忆不系统;学习者在学习过程中忽略词汇之间天然的语义联系;学习者对词汇意义及词义变化和对含有多个义项的词理解不透等等。究其原因,笔者认为,词汇教学缺乏有效合理的教学方法是我国高中英语教学不能令人满意的主要原因。用认知隐喻理论来指导词汇教学有其实际意义:一是,由于思维和语言在本质上是隐喻性的,隐喻性思维在词汇构成的过程中起重要作用,所以追溯词源和分析词的构成有利于对词形的学习和掌握;二是,概念域有助于系统地扩展词汇,概念域之间的映射有助于理解词义,如词义的变化和一词多义等;三是,隐喻和词汇的系统性、普遍性和民族性有助于牢固系统地学习词汇,也有助于理解不同语境中词汇的意义。基于对目前高中英语词汇教学现状的调查和分析,以及认知隐喻理论的可行性,本文提出在高中应用认知隐喻指导英语词汇教学的模式,即通过隐喻修辞来提高学生认知英语词汇的能力,重视基本范畴词汇教学,重视词语多义之间的深层含义的讲解,利用隐喻概念进行词汇总结,将语境与隐喻的相似性基础引入教学以及让学习者熟悉英语国家的文化背景等。并且以一个课例作为说明,以期有效地扩大学习者的词汇量和提高学习者对词汇意义的理解,从而满足外语词汇教学的要求。全文共分六部分。引言部分,作者简要介绍了本课题研究的背景、国内外进展情况、明确论述本研究的目的及现实意义,论述本文的研究思路和主要内容。第二章介绍了隐喻理论。作者回顾了历史上对隐喻的研究,隐喻运作的基本方式以及隐喻的功能。第三章探讨认知隐喻与词汇的关系,阐述认知隐喻和词汇的系统性、普遍性和民族性。此外,总结了国内外把隐喻理论应用于外语教学的研究热潮及研究成果。第四章在前两章的基础上提出了隐喻对改进高中英语词汇教学的启示。第五章运用前面的理论及启示对一篇高中英语课文词汇教学进行分析。最后为结论部分。

【Abstract】 Vocabulary teaching and learning is an integral part of foreign language teaching and learning. Its effect is directly related with the quality of foreign language teaching and learning. The Lexical Method puts vocabulary teaching and learning to the front of language teaching and learning; and the Cognitive Method introduces psychology into language teaching. All these methods can be useful to improve vocabulary teaching and learning. However, affected by the traditional teaching methods for a long time, our current foreign language vocabulary teaching and learning in senior high schools is not systematic and perfect. Some problems still exist in practical teaching and learning: the learners’ vocabularies are inadequate and without systematisation; the learners neglect the natural meaning connection between words; the learners are confused about the lexical meanings, meaning changes of words, and the meanings items of polysemous words, etc. The main reason led to the unsatisfactory of the current situation of vocabulary teaching and learning is lack of a new method to effectively improve vocabulary teaching and learning.The application of cognitive metaphor in English vocabulary teaching and learning has its practical meaning: firstly, metaphoric thought plays a role in the original form and construction of vocabulary, so tracing the etymology of vocabulary and analyzing the formation of words are useful for learners to learn and grasp the form of words; secondly, conceptual domain helps the systematisation of vocabulary teaching and learning and domains-mappings are helpful for learners to understand the meaning of vocabulary, such as: the changes of lexical meanings, different meaning items of polysemous words etc.; thirdly, the systematization, universality and nationality of metaphors and vocabulary are helpful for learners to learn vocabulary easily and firmly, and are also helpful for learners to learn vocabulary and understand the meanings of vocabulary in different contexts. In view of the current situation of foreign language vocabulary teaching and learning by applying metaphor in Chinese senior high schools so as to effectively enlarge the learners’ vocabulary and improve the learners’ understanding of lexical meanings.The thesis is made up of six chapters, including the introduction and the conclusion.Introduction briefly introduces the research background, definitely presents the goal, practical significance, and main contents of this thesis. Chapter Two reviews the history of metaphor research, basic working mechanisms and the functions of metaphor.Chapter Three deals with the relationship between vocabulary teaching and metaphor from theoretical consideration, the development of metaphor in foreign language teaching and learning, and the researches of some scholars and linguists in this field.Chapter Four presents a model of English vocabulary teaching and learning by applying metaphor in Chinese senior high schools.Chapter Five sets an example of applying the modle in English vocabulary teaching by analysising an English text.The last part is Conclusion.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
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