

The Experiment Research of Interactive Teaching Method in Junior Physics Class

【作者】 黄列东

【导师】 周东明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前中国的教育体制正由应试教育向素质教育转变,以知识结果为中心的填鸭式教学己不能适应现代知识更新的步伐。传统的教师台上讲演,学生台下听的一成不变的教育模式已不能适应时代的发展。师生互动教育以学生为主体,师生共同参与教学必定成为将来的趋势。本文就是从互动教育模式的理论基础出发,分析了互动教育与初中物理课堂结合的可行性,研究了初中物理课堂互动教育模式的基本方式,并联系到初中物理课堂教学的实际,从实验研究的角度探讨了初中物理课堂互动教育模式的一些基本策略,包括良好师生关系策略、激发学生兴趣策略、主体互动探究策略、学生参与面广策略等,为实现物理课堂的互动提出了自己的一些见解。文章最后就如何评价一堂物理课是否渗透、落实“互动教育模式”写出了一些评价表格,以供参考。

【Abstract】 With the transformation of Chinese education system from examination-oriented one to all-round development, the teaching method in junior physics class focusing only on knowledge can’t keep pace with society. Traditionally, teachers talk while students listen, which is quite out of date. As a result, the interactive teaching method is surly becoming a trend in future in which students should be the centre of learning. In this essay, the author analyzes the possibility and the basic operation procedures of using the above method in teaching physics basing on its relative theory. Besides, some basic strategies are discussed including how to build a good relationship between teachers and students, how to inspire the interest of learning, how to interact and how to encourage most of the students to get involved in class teaching. In the end, the author also provides some evaluation forms as a reference to judge whether the interactive teaching method is well used in class.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】330