

A Comparative Study of the Professional Basketball Market between Chinese and the USA

【作者】 夏侠

【导师】 李华生;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 经过近60年的发展,NBA已成为世界上最具影响力的体育运动组织之一,NBA球员高超的球技,精彩的竞赛场面,吸引了世界数以亿计观众和球迷,带动了数以亿计的人参与篮球运动。可见,成功的职业篮球市场运作,不仅可以获取巨大的经济效益,还将对于促进篮球运动水平的提高,推动大众篮球的普及有着积极的促进作用。在NBA的影响和带动下,篮球水平较高的国家相继走上了职业化道路,而篮球职业化、商业化也成为了一种世界性发展趋势。中国的篮球运动在建国以来50多年的历史中,经历了风风雨雨,有波峰也有波谷,但不论怎样,中国篮球还是顽强的成长着。特别是改革开放以来,中国篮球在运动技术水平上有了大幅度的提高,男女篮均在国际篮坛取得了历史性的突破,女篮两度获得世界亚军,男篮进入世界前8名。群众性篮球也初具规模。1995年抓住与国际管理集团(IMG)合作的机会,利用外资推出了以全国男篮甲级联赛赛制改革为突破口的篮球体制改革,从而推动了我国篮球职业化、产业化进程和职业篮球市场的建立。经过10多年的篮球职业化改革实践,“为我国篮球事业注入了新的生机和活力,不仅初步摆脱了困境,而且展现出了更为广阔的发展前景。为了更好的发展我国的篮球产业,提高我国篮球运动的水平,我们有必要对我国和NBA篮球市场的发展现状进行了解,对市场运作的各个因素进行对比研究。通过资料收集和分析,我们针对职业篮球管理体制,职业篮球俱乐部,竞赛管理体制和市场营销策略这4个方面进行研究,探讨影响NBA篮球市场成功发展的一些特殊性规律,从中寻找一些对开发我国职业篮球市场可借鉴的经验。

【Abstract】 After nearly 60 years of development, NBA has become one of the world’s most influential sports organizations. Owing to so many super basketball stars and exciting race scene, NBA is attracting hundreds of millions of viewers and the fans across the world, giving a impetus to a few billions of people involved in basketball. Clearly, the success of professional basketball market does not only mean an access to the huge economicbenefits, but the help with which the level of basketball will be raised and basketball popularized into public. With NBA’s impetus, countries with higher levels of basketball have embarked on a career path, and professional basketball and commercialization have become a worldwide trend.China’s basketball had experienced ups and downs in more than 50 years of history since 1949, but still a growing sport, especially after reforms and opening up, China’s basketball, both men and women’s, has increased significantly on the technical level, making historic breakthroughs .Women’s got NO .2 in international basketball campaign and men’s listed in top-8 .The mass basketball also began to take shape. In 1995 ,cooperating with the International Management Group (IMG), we put forward a reform in basketball system, bringing along the establishment of professional basketball and its industrialization. The 10 years of reform injected new vigor and vitality in China’s basketball, showing a broader prospect for its development. In order to better the development of China’s basketball industry, raise the level of basketball in China, we had to exert a study on the status quo of NBA and china’s basketball and on the comparison between many factors in its operation. Through the data collection, we focused on the analysis in professional basketball management system, professional basketball club, contest Management structure and marketing strategy ,putting forward some special laws effecting the success of NBA basketball market, which merits our reference and study.

【关键词】 NBA与CBA职业篮球市场比较分析
【Key words】 NBA &CBAProfessional basketball marketComparisonAnalysis
  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】6
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