

A Study on the Disadvantaged Position of Rural Left-behind Girls

【作者】 叶庆娜

【导师】 雷万鹏;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,伴随农民工流动而出现的“留守儿童”现象日益普遍,其中,留守女童问题尤为突出。本文以质化研究方法对河南某村庄留守女童进行田野考察和分析。通过对留守女童生存状况的描述和分析,探讨了农村留守女童健康发展的有效途径。论文共分七个部分展开论述。第一部分是导论。主要陈述研究意义和研究方法。第二部分是对调查村庄的介绍。包括调研区域选择、进入现场的方法及村庄基本情。况介绍。第三部分对留守女童基本情况进行描述,并分析了她们留守的原因。第四部分探讨了留守女童劳动负担。第五部分分析了留守女童的心理状况。分别从安全感和孤独感两个维度对留守女童的心理问题进行阐述。第六部分分析了留守女童的教育状况。分别对留守女童的受教育机会、学习状况进行描述和分析。第七部分是小结和讨论。对留守女童的特征进行归纳;对造成留守女童生存状态的原因进行分析;从发展农村经济、改造农村文化以及从家庭、学校、政府等多维视角探讨了有助于留守女童健康成长的对策建议。

【Abstract】 More and more left-behind children problems appeared with rural labor force shift to cities massively since the 1980s,among them, left-behind girl problems are more serious. The paper reviews and analys the left-lehind girls in a village Henan province with qualitive reaserch methods. The paper discusses effective ways for the healthy development of left-behind girls from the discription of the quo of them.The paper is divided into seven parts. The first part is an introduction of the paper mainly stating reaserch meaning and methods . The second part discripts the survay village including the choice of survay area, the ways how to enter into the scene and the discription of basic status of the village. The third part has an discription of fundamental state of left-behind girls and and it analys the reasons why the girls become left-behind children . The forth part has a discussion on labor burden of left-behind girls. The fifth part analys the phycologycal state of left-behind girls from the sence of security and lonliness. The sixth part analys the education state of left-behind girls from the discription and analisis on educational opportunities and learning state .The seventh part is an summary and disscusion of the paper including the conclusion of charactoristics of left -behind girls, the analysis of reasons on how come into being of the quo of them , at last ,the paper proposes Countermeasures for healthy development of left-behind girls on the development of rural economy,the reconstruction of rural culture and the endevor of family ,school and government

  • 【分类号】G521
  • 【被引频次】6
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