

【作者】 江南

【导师】 张宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医内科, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 糖尿病是由遗传和环境因素相互作用而引起的一组代谢异常综合症.因胰岛B细胞破坏,胰岛B细胞功能缺陷,胰岛素分泌绝对不足或相对不足,胰岛素抵抗等引起碳水化合物,蛋白质,脂肪,水和电解质等的代谢紊乱,临床以慢性高血糖为主要的共同特征.长期糖尿病可引起多个系统器官的慢性并发症,致功能障碍和衰竭,成为致残,病死的主要原因。是内科常见病,由于糖尿病的病因和发病机制尚未完全明了,目前还缺乏有效的病因治疗方法。本课题包括单味中药降糖的研究现状及黄连素治疗2型糖尿病临床观察两部分。在综述中通过对近年来中医药治疗2型糖尿病相关文献的分析、总结与概括,通过临床观察,实验研究分析单味中药降糖作用的效果及机制,确定中医药治疗2型糖尿病的有效性及指导临床用药的选择。临床研究:目的:观察黄连素降低血糖的作用及探讨降糖作用机制。方法:30例2型糖尿病患者均严格执行糖尿病饮食及运动治疗,血糖保持稳定,所有患者均在长期服用原有药物不变的情况下,加服黄连素0.2g tid po,连续观察28天,分别于开始服药的0天,14天,28天记录患者空腹及餐后2小时血糖,血清胰岛素,血清C肽并记录患者中医症状变化。结果:2型糖尿病患者服用黄连素后血糖逐渐稳步下降(P<0.05)。患者口渴,多尿,多食症状得到改善。同时胰岛素和C肽相比无明显变化,28天后患者空腹血糖正常率23.7%,餐后2H血糖正常率30%;结论:观察提示黄连素治疗2型糖尿病降糖疗效肯定且安全、方便,无低血糖反应,与其它降糖药合用有协同作用。

【Abstract】 Diabetes are a group of metabolic anomalies syndrome which causes by the heredity and the environmental factor interaction. Because the island of langerhans B cell is destroyed, the island of langerhans B cell function flaw, the insulin secretion absolutely insufficient or the relative insufficiency, the insulin resistance and so on causes the carbohydrate, the protein, the fat, water and electrolyte, and so on metabolic disorders. Clinical take the chronic hyperglycemia as the main common characteristic.The long-term diabetes may cause the many system organ’s chronic complication, causes the function barrier and the failure, becomes cripples, the primary cause which dies of illness. It is internal medicine department common disease.Because diabetes’ cause of disease and the pathogenes is not yet completely understood, at present also lacks the effective cause of disease method of treatment. This topic including two parts. They are the research the single taste traditional Chinese medicine falls the sugar at present situation and the berberine treat 2 diabetes’ clinical observations. Through analysis the Chinese medicine treats 2 diabetes’ related literature the recent years , through the clinical observation, studies the single taste traditional Chinese medicine to fall the sugar function the effect and the mechanism., definite Chinese medicine treats 2 diabetes’ validity and the instruction clinical medication choice.Clinical researchObjective:To observe sugar the function that berberine reduces the blood and discuss r function mechanism that berberine falls the sugaMethod:30 example 2 diabetics fulfil exactly diabetes diet and the movement treatment,The blood sugar maintains stable.All patients for a long time are the original medicine invariable situation, and taking in berberine 0.2g 3/days,observed continuously for 28 days, records the patient empty stomach and after meal 2 hours blood sugars, the blood insulin, the blood C peptide and record the change of Chinese medicine symptom in the 0th day, the 14th day, the 28th day .Results:after 2 diabetics take the berberine, blood sugar gradually steady decrease, patient’s thirstiness, the polyuria, polyphagia shape is improved. Simultaneously the insulin and the C peptide’s comparison changes not obviously.28 days later the normal rate of patient’s empty stomach blood sugar is 23.7%,the normal rate of blood sugars after meal 2 hours is 30%;Conclusion: The observation prompt effect of berberine treats 2 diabetes to fall the sugar is affirmative, safe, no the non-hypoglycemia responded, has the synergism with other medicine falls the sugar.

【关键词】 黄连素糖尿病血糖
【Key words】 BerberineDiabetesBlood sugar
  • 【分类号】R259
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】441