

Research and Application of License Plate Number Recognition Based on DSP

【作者】 徐锦钢

【导师】 李战明;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国交通事业的迅速发展,越来越多的人拥有了汽车,国内高速公路、城市道路、停车场的建设也日益增多,这些情况催生了智能交通系统ITS(IntelligentTraffic System)的出现。车牌牌照识别(License Plate Recognition,LPR)系统是智能交通系统的一个重要子系统,其本身也是一个整体的智能化解决方案,主要包括图像采集、车牌定位、字符分割、字符识别等模块。近年来,车牌识别系统开始应用于小区的车辆管理,公安系统的车辆跟踪、案件侦破等方面。相比传统的PC机纯软件车牌识别方式,DSP嵌入式车牌识别系统在体积、重量、功耗以及图像处理速度等方面都具有明显的优势,成为众多用户的首选方案。本文从车牌识别算法的研究和硬件平台的构建两个方面对DSP车牌识别技术做了比较深入的研究。论文首先阐述了图像的一些基本知识,其中比较重要的知识点是颜色空间和图像数字化及其存储技术。然后详细论述了车牌识别中的每个步骤的具体实现方法,提出了充分利用车牌及车牌字符的先验知识定位车牌和分割车牌图像的方法,在之后的车牌字符识别中提出了二重模板匹配法,有效提高了车牌字符识别的正确率。接着论述了系统硬件平台的设计,包括视频采集、电源、复位、RAM/FLASH扩展、JTAG仿真和调试等电路模块。最后,介绍了DSP的有关开发技术,包括CCS集成开发环境的使用、DSP/BIOS的配置和使用,代码的优化等。实验表明,本文提出的车牌号识别方法具有比较高的正确识别率和较快的识别速度,具有较高的实用价值。文章最后,总结了本文所做的工作,并给出了未来的研究方向。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of our country’s traffic, more and more persons possess of cars. The speedways, roadways and stopping places are increasing everyday. All the phenomena result in the appearing of Intelligent Traffic System. License Plate Recognition is an important subsystem of the Intelligent Traffic System. It is also an integrated intelligent project. It includes image collection, license plate location, image segmentation, character recognizing. These years, LPR system begins to be used in vehicle management in uptown, vehicle track and base reconnaissance in police department. Compared with PC LPR system, the embedded DSP LPR system has more advantages in size, weight, power consumption and image processing rate. So, it has become the first choose of more users.First of all, this paper introduces some basic knowledge of image. The two important facets is color space, image digit transformation and storage technology. Afterwards, this paper dissertates the realization ways of every process of LPR technology and proposes the ways of license plate location and license plate image segmentation which adequately use license plate’s characteristics to realize. It also proposes the way of template matched twice which used to divide up the character images, it enhanced the character recognizing effect. In succession, this paper dissertates the designs of every hardware module of this DSP LPR system witch include video collection, power, reset, RAM/FLASH expending, JTAG and circuit debugging module. Finally, the paper dissertates DSP exploitation technology which including the CCS integrated exploitation environment, the configuring and using of DSP/BIOS, and the optimization of code.The experimentations indicate that the ways of LPR proposed in this paper achieve a good recognizing effect and recognizing speed.In the end, it summarizes the tasks which accomplish by this paper and proposes some works which should be consummated by the research in the future.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】456