

Research on Plants Landscape of Huai’an-Yancheng Highway Exchanges

【作者】 桂玲玲

【导师】 芦建国;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 植物景观是现代园林景观空间的重要组成部分,也是高速公路园林景观空间的构成要素。互通是高速公路整体结构中的节点,其植物景观是景观构成的重要区域,直接影响着道路景观的总体印象。本文选择了江苏省苏北地区淮盐高速公路(淮安至盐城)的五个互通:车桥互通、秦南互通、盐城南互通、盐城西互通、盐城东互通的十二个样方作为调查研究对象,运用植物群落学的方法,对这些样方内的植物配置现状进行了调查分析。主要包括植物群落的种类组成、数量特征、物种多样性和相似性等内容,进而从植物群落中乔、灌木的种类、比例方面评价其植物群落配置的特点和合理性。在对互通植物群落进行调查研究的基础上,分析其植物景观的营建原则,归纳其中植物配置的五种模式,并选取定性和定量指标,如:物种适应性、植物景观层次、多样性、绿量等,运用隶属函数法和层次分析法相结合的方法建立综合评价模型,从生态学和美学两方面对各互通样地的植物群落进行综合评价,并对评价结果划分等级。评价结果表明:车桥互通最好,植物景观质量归于第Ⅱ类;其次分别为盐城东互通、秦南互通、盐城南互通,植物景观质量归于第Ⅲ类;最后盐城西互通,植物景观质量归于第Ⅳ类。评价结果也表明:一个综合价值较高的植物景观是生态性和美学性协调发展的结合体。最后,在调查研究和综合评价的基础上,总结了淮盐高速公路互通植物景观的不足之处,并针对这些问题提出了相对应的建议。

【Abstract】 Plants landscape plays an important role in modern gardens, and also the inscape of space construction in highway exchanges. The exchanges are the highway’s nodes,whose plants landscape is an important part in highway’s landscape.12 samples were chosen as the researching objects in Huai’an-Yancheng highway exchanges. Using the community methods, paper analyzes the current plant disposition status of these samples. Community analysis, including the community species composition, quantitative features, species diversity and similarity coefficient etc,gave an evaluation of the characteristics of the plants community and rationality about the communities of trees, shrubs, deciduous trees in the quantity and type.On the basis of investigation of five exchanges in Huai’an-Yancheng highway, this paper analized the plants landscape construction principles, summarized the five plant configuration modes.And choosing the quantitative indicators and qualitative indicators,such as the plant adaptability,the diversity of plant,the green amount,then this paper presents the integrated conclusion of the plants landscape, through building up the integrated evaluation model from ecology and aesthetics aspects with the subordinate function analysis and AHP,and divides the evaluation conclusion into different grades.The evaluation result indicates:The best is Cheqiao exchange,whose plants landscape quality could be classified asⅡ;the following are Yanchengdong exchange,Qannan exchange, Yanchengnan exchange,whose plants landscape quality could be classified asⅢ;the last one is Yanchengdong exchange,whose plants landscape quality could be classified asⅣ.The evaluation also shows that the integrated high evaluation is a harmony developing combine of ecology and aesthetics.By the analysis of researching and evaluation of the 12 samples, this paper summed up the inadequacies of plants landscape in Huai’an-Yancheng highway and concluded some suggestions on plants landscape improvement, and give corresponding suggestions.

【关键词】 高速公路植物群落植物景观评价
【Key words】 HighwayPlants communityPlants landscapeEvaluation
  • 【分类号】S731
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】210