

【作者】 谢旭光

【导师】 吴光敏;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 物理电子学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机的发展已经进入“后PC时代”,主角便是嵌入式系统。嵌入式系统是以应用为中心,以计算机技术为基础、软硬件均可裁剪、适应应用系统对功能、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗严格要求的专用计算机系统。WinCE.net是众多嵌入式操作系统中的一员,不仅与非微软的嵌入式操作系统,如VXWorks,Linux,QNX和pSOS等并驾齐驱,而且也是微软嵌入式操作系统平台战略的一部分。嵌入式操作系统的主要特点就是可以运行在多种处理器平台上,WinCE.net目前就支持主流的处理器体系。PXA255处理器是Intel推出的高性能处理器,特别使用于消费电子设备中。以PXA255处理器为核心的硬件平台,是WinCE.net运行的良好硬件环境。本文的工作,便是在这样的硬件平台上实现对WinCE.net系统的移植,为实现系统应用建立基础。鉴于WinCE.net系统的分层特性,移植的重点放在BSP(Board Support Package)的编写和集成上。其中包括根据硬件平台修改Eboot代码,编写硬件相关的OAL代码,流接口驱动的编写等。BSP从某种角度来说,已经可以算做是一个小型的嵌入式软件系统了,所以,实现BSP的集成也是本文的工作之一。基于BSP,合理的配置操作系统,也是本文的研究内容之一。配置内核时,需要对系统特性进行适当的修改,才能配置出可以成功启动运行的系统。应用程序是操作系统应用的目标,WinCE.net下的应用程序设计不同于windows的应用程序设计,本文通过实现在目标硬件平台上运行自己编写的应用程序,来验证平台功能正常。

【Abstract】 Computer is in the era of "post-PC" , the main role is embedded computer system. Embedded system is the special computer system whose center is application, basic is computer technology, and software and hardware is cuttable, and which is suitable for the request of function, credibility , cost, volume, power by application.WinCE. net is one of the embedded RTOS, which not only develops as much as VXworks, Linux, QNX and pSOS, but also is one of the microsoft’s stratagem for embedded OS platform.The main special of Embedded OS is that it can run on different platform, WinCE.net has supported the mainstream processor until now. PXA255 is especially suitable for consumer electrics, which is posted by Intel. The platform whose centre is PXA255 is a good environment for wince.net. The main work of the thesis is to port wince. net to such a platform, build a foundation for application.According to the level model of WinCE. net, the writing and integration of BSP (Board Support Package) is the stress of porting WinCE. net. Modifying eboot by hardware, writing the OAL which is connected with hardware, and writing drivers are included. From some point of view, BSP can be treated as a mini-OS, the integration is also one part of the thesis.Building a proper OS based on BSP is also one part of the thesis. To get a system that can run well needs to rectify the configuration of custom OS. Applications are the aim of porting EOS. The program in WinCE.net is different with the one in windows. The thesis implements some practical application on the custom platform , which validates the all-right of the porting work.

【关键词】 嵌入式系统PXA255wince.net移植BSP
【Key words】 Embedded systemPXA255WinCE.netportingBSP
  • 【分类号】TP311.54
  • 【被引频次】2
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