

The Whole Construction for Public Association Space of the Urban Residential Districts

【作者】 彭琳

【导师】 施维琳;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国城市化的进程,增进现代城市住区的邻里亲和,维系传统居住共同体的亲密、互助,已经成为近些年来我国建筑规划理论界所关注的重点。论文在对城市居住区公共交往空间现状存在问题反思的基础上,立足于当今中国的社会经济文化背景下,采用理论分析和实践考察的双重视角进行研究的。文章力求对现实存在的问题进行全面剖析并讨究其深层次的人文价值,结合建筑学及其他多学科的最新理论成果,对以人为本的城市居住区公共交往空间的整体营建理论与方法进行综合的研究。论文首先对近些年来建筑规划理论界关于城市居住区公共交往空间的营建理论进行了细致地梳理。进而,论文通过历时的方法将城市居住区公共交往空间放在人类历史的发展进程中以及国家城市、社会结构演变的历史背景下,以此来切实把握城市居住区公共交往空间发展的内在根源和历史脉络,为论文的理论研究与实践提供依据。与此同时,论文对在当代城市社会结构变迁下的城市居住区人的交往现状与趋势进行剖析,以期较全面地把控城市居住区公共交往空间发展的内在机制。最后,论文得出结论,认为需要从人与自然的关系、人与人现实交往的现状与趋势以及人与人之间的社会关系的角度去探索城市居住区公共交往空间的整体营建。

【Abstract】 Along with the the pace of urbanization process in China has been much faster, promoting the close neighborhood of urban residential districts to support the intimate relation and mutual aid of traditional residential common body, which have become into a weight-bearing point on the theories field of architecture and urban planning. The thesis based on the analysis of the present problems of the public association space in the urban residential districts, and on the Chinese social, economic and cultural background, adopt the dual angle of theories analysis and practice investigation to carry on research. I try myself to make overall analysis of the present problems and its deep humanities value, and combine the latest theories resul of architecture and much other courses, in order to carry on comprehensive, thorough research of theory and method which base on the construction of the humanitarian public association space in the urban residential districts.At first the thesis sum up the recent theories of architecture and urban planning which is the construction of the public association space in the urban residential districts. It will build a solid basis of theories for the research. Then the thesis put the development of the public association space in the history background of the change of the historical development progress and national city, social structures in order to know the inside source and the history grain, make some solid confidence for following research and practice. At the same time the thesis analyse the person’s association condition and trends under the social structure change in order to understand the inside decelopment mechanism of the public association space in the urban residential districts. The thesis thinks it need to explore the whole construction of the public association space, which is come from the relationship of human and nature, and present condition and trends of association.

  • 【分类号】TU984.12
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】588