

【作者】 周健

【导师】 和炳全;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 从20世纪70年代美国管理学家Aubrey Daniels提出“绩效管理”这一概念后,绩效管理越来越成为企业关注的焦点,是企业实现其经营战略,提升核心竞争力的关键。进入21世纪,企业战略管理被提升到一个前所未有的高度。作为实现企业战略目标的有效手段和方法,绩效管理正在被越来越多企业接受并采用。怎样采用行之有效的绩效管理方法开展工作,怎样通过绩效管理促进实现企业战略目标是每一个企业不得不面临的现实问题。根据调查显示,不少中国企业在经历加入WTO的进程中,为迎接全球经济一体化的挑战,迫切需要一套完整而又切实可行的绩效管理体系来保证企业战略目标的实现。针对现代生产制造型企业在绩效管理中遇到的问题,本文运用人力资源管理学、组织行为学、管理科学等理论,采用系统分析方法,剖析绩效管理在制造型企业中的运用。以期对其它企业在绩效管理工作中加以借鉴。无论从组织的角度,还是从管理者和员工的角度,绩效管理都能给我们带来益处。首先绩效管理能为物质激励、人员调配和日常精神激励提供依据与评判标准,有效地激励员工。其次,通过绩效计划的设定、绩效考核和反馈工作,改进和提高管理者的管理能力和成效,促进被考核者工作绩效的改进,最终实现组织整体绩效的提升,使绩效管理成为管理者有效的管理手段。再次,通过层层目标分解,绩效管理成为保证组织战略目标实现的重要手段。本文首先对绩效管理及其相关理论进行阐述。然后,以日资企业MK公司为实例,结合MK公司情况,着重分析了目标管理在MK公司运行状况。通过图、表等具体讲解了目标管理在一个企业中从目标计划设定到控制,直至最终反馈与改善的各个环节的实际应用。最后,根据作者在MK公司工作中碰到的问题及对绩效管理工作的体会,对公司绩效管理提出了自己的看法和建议。作为一家新成立不久的大型制造型企业,面对如何在一年内完成组建工作并开始生产,如何在短短几个月内形成一定生产规模,如何将刚走出校门的学生培养成为掌握复杂工艺技术的熟练工人等诸多难题,如何激励员工不断改进绩效,目标绩效管理发挥了不可替代的作用。目标绩效管理在MK公司的成功运用,为我国企业如何选择一条适合本企业实际情况的绩效管理体系做出了很好的范例。

【Abstract】 Since the American managerial expert Aubrey Daniels proposed the idea of "Performance Management" in the seventies of twenty century, more and more enterprises put the point on it .The Concept becomes the key for enterprises to put their strategies into reality and improve the ability of competition.After entering the 21th century, enterprises strategic management has been raised to a height that never gets before. As an efficient method for enterprises to put their strategies into reality, the "Performance Management" has been accepted and adopted by more and more companies. How to use an efficient performance management method on work and how to push the strategic targets into reality are a realistic problem for each enterprise. Many Chinese enterprises have to face the situation during the process of entering the WTO and urgently need a complete and feasible set of performance management system to insure making the strategic targets into reality. Performance Management would bring us many benefits as seen from organization, managers and staffs. The first, it provides evaluation standard of object promotion, allocation of employees and daily spirit promotion which can encourage employees. The second, through defining the performance plan, evaluating the performance and feedback, it can improve and enhance manager’s ability and result on management, and it can push to improve the employees’ working performance, hence the whole improvement of an organization, then performance management becomes the efficient method for managers. The last, through division level by level, performance management would become an important way to insure making the strategic targets into reality.This article firstly makes an interpretation on performance management and related theory, then analyses the status of target management operating in MK which is a Japanese company as an example in this article. It interprets through charts and sheets the use of target management in each procedure from target planning to controlling till final feedback and improvement. At last, it represents some view and advice on the performance management according to the problems and experience the author met in MK.The MBO was successfully used in MK which was newly established. It help the company solve many difficulties, such as how to be a production scale in very short months, how to train the students to be a skillful workers, etc. So MK is a good example for Chinese enterprises to choose a suitable performance management system.

  • 【分类号】F272
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