

The Study and Design of Electron-Label-Aided Picking System Application in Distribution Center

【作者】 徐强

【导师】 张晓川;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 基于电子标签的配送中心分拣系统以中央计算机为控制上位机,以多组安装在货物储位上的电子标签为下位机。该系统通过中央计算机控制电子标签的指示灯信号、蜂鸣器声音、数码显示等信号,使作业人员正确、快速、轻松地完成补货和出货任务。它具有弹性控制作业时间、即时现场控制、紧急定单处理等功能,从而达到有效降低拣货错误率、加快拣货速度、提高工作效率、合理安排拣货人员行走路线等目的。统计数据表明,配送中心的拣货作业是最繁重、最易出错的工作。电子标签辅助分拣系统是计算机辅助拣货最常用的方式之一。在配送中心出入库作业时,系统通过电子标签显示订单号、订货数量等信息,向拣选作业人员及时、明确地下达补货和出货指示,因此具有加快拣货速度,降低拣货错误率,免除表单作业等优点。首先,本文对配送中心分拣系统的理论基础做了详细的整理与论述,提出并分析了影响分拣系统高效运作的主要因素及分拣系统的效率评估方法。在这一部分,重点研究了各种不同的分拣策略及其实现条件,以及拣选信息的不同处理方法,作为后文引入电子标签辅助分拣系统的铺垫。然后,本文对电子标签辅助分拣系统中的下位机主元件的硬件结构作出科学的解析,包括电子标签中通信部分、人机交互部分、存储部分、声光部分、电源部分的单片机结构的介绍与研究。第三,本文重点研究了电子标签辅助分拣系统的组成结构及工作流程,以及适用于本系统的通信总线方案及通信协议,设计出一套可行的通信格式,经实验证明能使主控PC机与电子标签正常通信。本文在此基础上,设计出一套完整的上位机控制程序,实现了订单数据的分批、分割处理,以及拣货作业中上、下位机之间的信息发送与反馈。最后,本文提出了对拣选作业系统科学评估的各种指标及模型,对电子标签辅助分拣系统所采用的不同订单分批策略进行比较、评价,并研究了对配送中心出货资料进行统计分析的TEIQ方法及其实施应用过程。

【Abstract】 The picking system in distribution center which based on electronic label takes central computer as controller and electrial labels as slave equipment which attach on storage.In the system,the central computer help workers dealing with tasks of replenishment and picking correctly and quickly by showing signals such as digital light and voice of buzzer.The system can perform controlling operation flexibly, realizing real-time feedback,handling emergency order so as to achieve the purpose of avoiding mistake,accelerating operation,improving efficency and arranging path of walking rationally.The statistic data indicate that picking is the most onerous and fallible process in distribution center. Electron-label-aided picking system is the most usual methods in computer-aided picking.It send indications of replenishment or picking to workers promptly and definitely by making electronic labels show the information such as order number and quantity.So it has the advantages of paperless, few mistake and high efficiency.First of all,this article states the theory of picking system and put forward factors which effect picking efficiency and propose evaluation methods. Emphasis is placed on the strategic planning and realizing and the processing method of orders.All these are used to lead us to the following research of electron-label-aided system.Secondly,the article analyzes the hardware’s structure of the slave equipment in the system,such as the singlechips which are used to communication, or the parts of human-computer interaction,memory, acousto-optic and electric power source.Thirdly,it carries out a study on the composition and work flow of the electron-label-aided system, communication bus and protocol that fit this system is also states.A suit of communication format is designed and the experiment result showed that it can be used very well on the process of information exchanging.Finally,it does much research on the index and models which are used for evaluating picking efficiency.It compared different ways of batch operation toward orders.TEIQ,a kind of statistical analysis method which according to the picking system,is used to deal with the history picking data while this analysis can provide quantification reference for planning the system to make it run more effective.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】8
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