

Research on Selection of Vehichle for Freight Loading in Distribution Center

【作者】 冉霞

【导师】 张予川; 陈思云;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 物流管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代物流技术在我国物流企业的实践与应用,作为现代物流中七个环节之首的运输业的飞速发展,对于我国物流业的腾飞可以说是功不可没。同时公路基础设施的进一步改善加快我国公路运输物流的发展,因此对货运车辆的需求不断增加,对货运车辆的要求也越来越高。货运车辆作为运输的载体,关系到货运能力、货运质量、货运安全。然而长期以来,人们习惯单纯以运输谈运输就车辆论车辆,仅考虑如何把货物运到,很少把运输、货运车辆及其周边设备作为整体进行研究,也较少涉及将货运车辆与整个物流链联系起来认识运输成本居高不下、运输效率低以及运输质量无法保证等潜在问题。因此,除了要注重运输管理和调度外,还必须高度关注货运车辆与物流的整体性与协调性,根据货物的属性、特点,选择合适的车辆、线路,实现现代物流多赢的目。本文首先从配送中心货物配装问题的构成要素入手,包括货物、车辆、配送中心、客户、约束条件和目标函数等要素的属性进行系统分析,接着根据物流运输系统的特点和要求,分别阐述配送中心的货运车辆种类、作业流程、理货和装车的原则和配送网络四个方面。依据以上理论和实际研究为基础,分析物流运输与货运车辆的关系,货运车辆的发展现状及趋势。从运输经济性、快速性和安全性三个方面对多车型的货物配装中货运车辆的选择进行评价分析。同时根据每个评价指标的不同性质和特点,运用无量纲化的方法对指标数据进行标准化和规范化,并引入统计学中的斯皮尔曼(Spearman)等级相关系数,对不同的无量纲化的方法进行可靠性分析。最后结合M集团和A物流配送有限公司的实例,尝试运用层次分析方法,构建定量分析和定性分析相结合的货运车辆选择评价模型,求解出最优的货物配载方案。进一步验证模型的科学性和实用性。

【Abstract】 As the advantaged logistics technologies applied and practiced in the enterprise of china,as the first link in modern logistics the transportation develops rapidly in china,it contributes a lot to the development of the logistics.And the improvement of the road infrastructure will accelerate the development of ehina’s road transportation industry,the requirement of the road transportation increases ceaselessly,and it also ask a lot to the characteristics of the transport vehicles.Such the vehicles are the carries of the transportation,which relate to the transportation capability,quality and safety,but in a long term,people used to believing that the transportation is the transportation and the vehicles are the vehicles,just thinking about how to transport the goods to the destination,and rarely treated the transportation,vehicles and the related facilities as one whole research object,the idea to connect the transportation vehicles and the supply chain are less referred to the problems which help understand the high cost and the low efficiency and the uncertain quality of the transportation.Therefore,we should not only focus on the transportation management and distribution,but also on the integration and the coordination of vehicles and logistics.According to the characters of the cargo,then to choose the proper vehicles and the route,all of these lead to a win-win situation in logistics.In the first place,the factors of the cargo loading problems are analyzed in the article,including the systemic analysis of the cargo,vehicle distribution center、customer、the constraint conditions and the objective function etc.In the second place,the four aspects of the distribution are explained according to the characters and requirement in the logistic system,such as the kinds of the transportation vehicles、operation process、the principle of the tally and loading、distribution net work.According to such the theories and the average research、the AHP model is applied in the analysis,including three aspects that are transportation economic、transportation speed and transportation safety,such the analysis tends to select the proper cargo vehicle and to design the model for the selection and evaluation of the cargo vehicle,which combines the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. According to the different characters of every evaluation,the dimensionless method is applied to standardize and regulate the evaluation data,and the statistical Spearman rank correlation coefficient is brought in to analyze the reliability of the dimensionless method.In the end,with the example of the M company group and the A distribution company,the model for the cargo vehicle choice and evaluation is proved,it is scientific and practical and the optimum plan could be given by this method.

  • 【分类号】F252
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