

The Design and Application Research of Sluice Monitoring System

【作者】 吕念

【导师】 黎洪生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息化在水利行业的大力推广,作为水利信息化的重要组成部分的水闸监控系统也日益受到重视。利用先进的计算机网络技术、自动控制技术、通信技术和传感器技术建立水闸监控系统,实现水闸的集中控制和管理,对防治水害、加强水资源统一管理、降低运行成本、保障水利持续发展具有十分深远的意义。首先对系统总体框架进行了研究与设计。介绍了系统设计原则,分析了系统功能特点,讨论了系统通信方式,分析了分布式闸门控制和集中式闸门控制两种系统结构,在此基础上结合现场监控系统的实际情况提出了以工业以太网为主要通信平台的分层分布式结构的设计方案,并对其硬件组成、软件方案和系统保护措施进行了介绍。对于闸门启闭控制,为了减小启动时对电动机的冲击电流、热冲击负荷及对电网的影响,研究了软启动原理、特性、类型,设计了软启动控制电气原理图,并详细介绍了电机软启动的工作流程,实现了对闸门启闭电机的软启动控制、运行监视和保护。闸门升降控制采用具有体积小、起重量大、负载刚性大、自动化程度高、安全可靠性好等特点的液压启闭机控制闸门升降,介绍了液压控制系统工作原理和控制要求,同时针对液压启闭过程中同步策略进行了研究,给出了一种解决方案,实现了闸门的可靠升降控制。在上述研究的基础上,进行了现控层和集控层控制的软硬件设计,包括现场数据的采集、逻辑控制单元、系统通信网络的构建,监控组态软件的应用和设计等,给出了一个完整的水闸监控系统的设计和实现过程。最后,本文通过将模糊控制与PLC相结合,设计了一种水位模糊控制器,利用PLC实现模糊控制,既提高了系统的自动化水平,又提高了控制系统的智能化程度。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of information technology in water resource industry, Sluice Monitoring System is attracted more and more attention. The establishment of Sluice monitoring system by making use of advanced computer network technology、automatic control technology、communications technology and sensor technology, achieving the centralized control and management of Sluice, has very far-reaching significance of the prevention and treatment of water damage, as well as strengthening the unified management of water resources ,reducing operating costs and protecting the sustainable development of water resources.Firstly, the paper studied and designed the whole framework of the system. Design principles of the system are introduced as well as the function of system was analyzed and the communication method of the system was discussed, two system frameworks were provided, distributed sluice control system and centralized sluice control system, with a comparatively analysis of the both., a design scheme of centralized delamination frame mode was provided according to the actuality of the local monitoring and control system. It also introduced the hardware and software project and a variety of protective measures of system.According to the control of Sluice’s movements, In order to reduce the inrush of the current and the load as well as the impact of power grid ,the paper studied the principle、characteristics and type of soft-start ,designed the electrical schematics of the Soft Starter, and introduced the word progress of the soft starter in detail ,achieved the control surveillance and protection of the motor.According to the control of Sluice’s movements, the paper used hydraulic hoist to control which had characteristics of small volume, big lifting weight and rigid load、a high degree of automation, security, reliability and so on , for liquid Hoist pressure in the course of a synchronized strategy for research, showed a solution to achieve the reliability control of the gate’s movements. and then introduced the realizition of local layer and central layer in detail including the Field data acquisition unit, logic control unit, the system construction of communication networks and the design and application of monitoring and control software, finally showed the design and realization process of the whole sluice-group control system.According to the water level control strategy, this paper designed a water level fuzzy control system, through combining PLC and fuzzy control technology to achieve fuzzy control not only improve the level of automation, but also improve the intelligence of the system.

  • 【分类号】TP273.4;TV66
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】458